That doesn't change one word of what I stated:


The tunnels:

1. Are almost entirely for drug smuggling
2. Expensive, time consuming, and difficult to construct
3. Almost entirely in urban areas

That means building and patrolling a border wall works because those that would seek to cross illegally have to invest lots of time, money, and resources into constructing things like tunnels rather than simply walk or drive across.
:oops: Stop and THINK! The MAGA/teabagger/neocon/alt-right wonks have been screaming for years that all the illegal drugs were being smuggled ACROSS (NOT under) the border by illegal aliens .

Cheeto Jeezus (kudos to who came up with that!) claimed his wall would stop all that and Mexico would pay for it.

Neither happened, as demonstrated by yourself here.

Instead, CJ pardons a fellow grifter convicted of taking money intended for wall construction and using it for personal gain.

But it's all good according to you, right? :rolleyes:
:oops: Stop and THINK! The MAGA/teabagger/neocon/alt-right wonks have been screaming for years that all the illegal drugs were being smuggled ACROSS (NOT under) the border by illegal aliens .

Cheeto Jeezus (kudos to who came up with that!) claimed his wall would stop all that and Mexico would pay for it.

Neither happened, as demonstrated by yourself here.

Instead, CJ pardons a fellow grifter convicted of taking money intended for wall construction and using it for personal gain.

But it's all good according to you, right? :rolleyes:
Trump had the right idea. Build a wall, patrol it, and reduce substantially crossings.

You, and the other Leftist retards here, want to use trivial objections in a reductio ad absurdum argument to try and say walls don't work. But they do work. Well prior to Trump, walls along the border had been built in urban areas like San Diego and Nogales.


That's a section of border wall near San Diego that predates Trump back to about the Clinton administration.


That's a section in Nogales AZ that dates back to before Clinton.

The reason the tunnels got built is because smugglers couldn't simply cross the border undetected with such walls in place. It meant they had to go to the expense and difficulty of building smuggling tunnels. That they built tunnels proves the walls were effective because without them, the smugglers would just walk or drive across instead.
Trump had the right idea. Build a wall, patrol it, and reduce substantially crossings.

You, and the other Leftist retards here, want to use trivial objections in a reductio ad absurdum argument to try and say walls don't work. But they do work. Well prior to Trump, walls along the border had been built in urban areas like San Diego and Nogales.


That's a section of border wall near San Diego that predates Trump back to about the Clinton administration.


That's a section in Nogales AZ that dates back to before Clinton.

The reason the tunnels got built is because smugglers couldn't simply cross the border undetected with such walls in place. It meant they had to go to the expense and difficulty of building smuggling tunnels. That they built tunnels proves the walls were effective because without them, the smugglers would just walk or drive across instead.
Are you drunk again? Jeezus man, HISTORY SHOWS THAT CHEETO JEEZUS' PLAN DIDN'T WORK ON ALL LEVELS. PERIOD. Would've, could've, should've, might have, but-but-but Clinton doesn't change that.

You need to GTFU and just deal with reality. But you and I both know that you'll eat shit and call it ice cream before conceding to a CJ failure on an anonymous discussion format such as this. Then you go vote for a guy who builds hotels you can't afford to stay in, but says he's "for you".
How can there possibly be a problem? Trump built that high, beautiful wall all across the southern border when he was in office. And he got Mexico to pay for it.
You have zero honesty. You were meant to be a leftist.

You leftists opposed Trump at every turn, even impeaching him and ultimately, even stealing the election, just to prevent him from completing the wall. Now you pretend to mock him for having completed the wall.

You are a totally dishonest moron. You always have been.
Trump had the right idea. Build a wall, patrol it, and reduce substantially crossings.
Do you have any idea why inmates have such a difficult time escaping from prison? Do prison guards say with great resignation that walls cannot stop a determined inmate from escaping?

What if the United States were to make illegal entry as difficult as prison inmate escape? Would that have any impact on illegal immigration?

But they do work.
The technical term for why walls work so well is "physics".
Are you drunk again? Jeezus man, HISTORY SHOWS THAT CHEETO JEEZUS' PLAN DIDN'T WORK ON ALL LEVELS. PERIOD. Would've, could've, should've, might have, but-but-but Clinton doesn't change that. You need to GTFU and just deal with reality. But you and I both know that you'll eat shit and call it ice cream before conceding to a CJ failure on an anonymous discussion format such as this. Then you go vote for a guy who builds hotels you can't afford to stay in, but says he's "for you". Pathetic.
So, you have no objections whatsoever that you can articulate, right?
Are you drunk again? Jeezus man, HISTORY SHOWS THAT CHEETO JEEZUS' PLAN DIDN'T WORK ON ALL LEVELS. PERIOD. Would've, could've, should've, might have, but-but-but Clinton doesn't change that.

You need to GTFU and just deal with reality. But you and I both know that you'll eat shit and call it ice cream before conceding to a CJ failure on an anonymous discussion format such as this. Then you go vote for a guy who builds hotels you can't afford to stay in, but says he's "for you".

Walls work you tard. They make things much harder for those trying to get across where the wall was put. By your idiot logic, people shouldn't bother fencing in their yards, and prisons shouldn't bother with fences or walls either.
Walls work you tard. They make things much harder for those trying to get across where the wall was put. By your idiot logic, people shouldn't bother fencing in their yards, and prisons shouldn't bother with fences or walls either.
Again, the Cheeto Jeezus wall FAILED. A matter of fact, a matter of history. THAT is the point you just can't deal with. Sober up or GTFU or both, will ya please?
Again, the Cheeto Jeezus wall FAILED. A matter of fact, a matter of history. THAT is the point you just can't deal with. Sober up or GTFU or both, will ya please?
Just because you hate Trump doesn't mean his attempt at building a wall failed. You'll note, with Biden in office, the majority of crossings not at official ports of entry are in areas where there is no wall...

You just can't accept that Trump tried to do something that would have worked if completed. No, it wouldn't eliminate illegal border crossings, but it would have put a serious dent in them.
Just because you hate Trump doesn't mean his attempt at building a wall failed. You'll note, with Biden in office, the majority of crossings not at official ports of entry are in areas where there is no wall...

You just can't accept that Trump tried to do something that would have worked if completed. No, it wouldn't eliminate illegal border crossings, but it would have put a serious dent in them.
The Revolution was never going to allow it to be completed.
Some of it, fought every step of the way by Democrats.

No, but I can blow that off as campaign rhetoric, like every politician uses. Or, are you going to hold Trump, singularly, to doing 100% of everything he says and promises?

No, because it is incomplete and with Biden, often unguarded.

Trump built 27 miles of his wall. He had all the power he needed to get it done. He suckered the rightys and will treat them like the pull toys they are.
Mike Johnson and the Republican Party have assumed COMPLETE REPONSIBILITY for the undocumented immigrant problem
by tabling a bill that would have addressed it. Even if they didn't like it, they could have put in on the floor to debate amendments.

They PURPOSELY decided to not address the problem, so now they OWN it 100%.
Just because you hate Trump doesn't mean his attempt at building a wall failed. You'll note, with Biden in office, the majority of crossings not at official ports of entry are in areas where there is no wall...

You just can't accept that Trump tried to do something that would have worked if completed. No, it wouldn't eliminate illegal border crossings, but it would have put a serious dent in them.
The ports of entry have always been the choice of people bringing truckloads of illegals over the border. Flying in is another way people come in. Many with temp Visas simply stay after it expires. They come by boat too. The wall is just an inconvenience. We will need another wall across Canada. How will the Atlantic and Pacific walls be built? Will they be near the shore or go deeper?
Trump built 27 miles of his wall. He had all the power he needed to get it done. He suckered the rightys and will treat them like the pull toys they are.
Wrong. Trump built about 350 miles of wall. Much of that replaced previous vehicle barriers that weren't "walls."

For example:


That was the vehicle barrier from roughly Gringo Pass / Lukeville Arizona stretching west of that town for about 10 miles. That is not a "wall" or much of a barrier to anything other than a vehicle. See the white posts and telephone poles in the far background? That's Mexico's national highway 2 making vehicle access to cross the border simple.


That's the end of 63 miles of wall Trump had built replacing the vehicle barriers. You can see the in place connection to the original vehicle barriers at the end of the wall that was built.


More Trump border wall over between Naco and Nogales.
Just because you hate Trump doesn't mean his attempt at building a wall failed. You'll note, with Biden in office, the majority of crossings not at official ports of entry are in areas where there is no wall...

You just can't accept that Trump tried to do something that would have worked if completed. No, it wouldn't eliminate illegal border crossings, but it would have put a serious dent in them.
Is Cheeto's Jeezus' wall complete as he promised?


Did Mexico pay for any of what did get constructed as Cheeto Jeezus proclaimed?


No matter how you slice it, it was a FAILURE!

Now, if you want to someone to support your insipidly stubborn clap trap, give Steve Bannon a call. Your Orange God pardoned him after he was convicted in taking "WALL" money from suckers like you and using it for personal gain. Carry on.
Is Cheeto's Jeezus' wall complete as he promised?


Did Mexico pay for any of what did get constructed as Cheeto Jeezus proclaimed?


No matter how you slice it, it was a FAILURE!

Now, if you want to someone to support your insipidly stubborn clap trap, give Steve Bannon a call. Your Orange God pardoned him after he was convicted in taking "WALL" money from suckers like you and using it for personal gain. Carry on.
Wrong. It was a partial success. Trump did manage to complete some of the wall and that did have the desired impact of forcing illegals and smugglers to other portions of the border that didn't have a wall.

A failure would be California's high speed rail program that has cost nearly five times what it was projected to, to date, and hasn't had any impact because what has been finished cannot be utilized for the final product--a working passenger rail system.
Wrong. It was a partial success. Trump did manage to complete some of the wall and that did have the desired impact of forcing illegals and smugglers to other portions of the border that didn't have a wall.

A failure would be California's high speed rail program that has cost nearly five times what it was projected to, to date, and hasn't had any impact because what has been finished cannot be utilized for the final product--a working passenger rail system.
"partial success"?!??!! Please post the valid, documented FACTS that the INCOMPLETE, half assed wall had any effect on illegal crossings? If I remember correctly, you MAGA mooks and your counterparts in Congress have been screaming that illegals a streaming like lemmings into the country.

Get it together, T.A. You're coming off like a drunk parrot (with apologies to real parrots everywhere).

You're done. I'll pick this up tomorrow or so. Later.
"partial success"?!??!! Please post the valid, documented FACTS that the INCOMPLETE, half assed wall had any effect on illegal crossings? If I remember correctly, you MAGA mooks and your counterparts in Congress have been screaming that illegals a streaming like lemmings into the country.

Get it together, T.A. You're coming off like a drunk parrot (with apologies to real parrots everywhere).

You're done. I'll pick this up tomorrow or so. Later.
You Trumpys are crazy and do not know it. There are tunnels under the wall, big beautiful tunnels as Trump would say. The drug cartels tunneled into prison to get El Chapio out of jail. It was a couple of miles long and came up tight in his cell. They go on with drugs like there is no wall.
Immigrants go under the wall, over the wall, or around it. They come over by boat. Most arrive right through the over 30 points of entry, They also fly in. They come in through Canadian borders.
Trump should send in the army after he's re-elected and back in office, and direct them them to wipe out every single drug-smuggler or cartel member they find in any tunnels under the border. Shoot first, ask questions later.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Hmm, closer inspection is needed here. From 2020:

Building border walls and barriers: What the research says​

Are border walls effective at deterring migrants? Do they harm wildlife? How are indigenous groups in the area impacted? We explain the research.
