Who Are The Real Classical Conservative Republicans?

In the political world everything is “subjective” that politicos wish to make subjective. Doesn’t mean all subjectivity is rational.

You can of course interpret “Human Rights” however you like and contrary to your accusation, I never even came close to having “my shorts in a bunch” about your interpretation, (you’re making way too much about any interest I may have in you). I’m a libertarian, (small l), I believe in everybody’s right to think and do as they please as long as no right of anybody else is violated. Your opinion of Human Rights violates nobody’s rights that I know of.

You’re taking the conversation way to personal Don. I don’t have a dog in the fight of what your personal political struggles are. I’ve simply questioned your responses to particular issues and for some reason that seems to offend you.

I simply find it odd that people can’t seem to see the folly, incredible stupidity, willful government perpetrated violence and especially the violence to our Constitution of BIG government programs, laws and regulations like the Drug War and still have a problem with “mixed feelings” about it.

I think it’s a “no-brainer.” You’re opinion of it belongs to you, whatever.

If “labels” are the calling of ”spades as spades” I find much importance in them as long as they’re accurate. Besides, they can nicely add infuses to particulars.

You are actually almost as boring as Desh and your reading comprehension is almost as bad