Who cares about the national debt?


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When Obama leaves office, the national debt will be 20 trillion $.

Which duopoly candidate has even mentioned the national debt?

Who among the Presidential candidates has a plan to balance the federal budget, stop adding to the national debt and begin paying down the national debt?:dunno:
When Obama leaves office, the national debt will be 20 trillion $.

Which duopoly candidate has even mentioned the national debt?

Who among the Presidential candidates has a plan to balance the federal budget, stop adding to the national debt and begin paying down the national debt?:dunno:

Kasich. Talks about it, and how he was part of the finance committee the last time the budget was nearly balanced...
Here's his plan: http://www.wsj.com/articles/kasich-tax-plan-aims-to-balance-u-s-budget-in-8-years-1444937757 (has been talking about balanced budget amendment as well)

Rubio's plan: https://marcorubio.com/issues/debt/ (includes a balanced budget amendment)

Cruz's plan: http://www.ontheissues.org/Economic/Ted_Cruz_Budget_+_Economy.htm (includes a balanced budget amendment)

Do you see a pattern yet?
When Obama leaves office, the national debt will be 20 trillion $.

Which duopoly candidate has even mentioned the national debt?

Who among the Presidential candidates has a plan to balance the federal budget, stop adding to the national debt and begin paying down the national debt?:dunno:

Well, as a matter of fact, John Kasich is the only candidate who made any mention of balancing the budget. Mostly he was bragging about how he single-handedly balanced the budget during the Clinton regime. Thing is, the Clinton budget never was really balanced and there never was a surplus. The government continued to borrow for the entire time, and you don't do that with a balanced budget or a surplus. The capital gains tax cut flooded the Treasury with so much money that the Congress couldn't spend it fast enough, but it was never balanced or in surplus. So Kasich was basically repeating a LIE.

Donald Trump DID warn us that reaching about $25 trillion in the national debt would pretty much put us where Greece is.

Now in case you are wondering how bad it could get, just imagine no more welfare checks. Imagine no more food stamps. Imagine taxes going through the roof.

Now we get to the bad stuff. The money in your bank accounts would no longer be safe. Those dollars would be looted by the federal government just like it happened in Greece.

Think hoarding paper money is a good idea? The ensuing inflation from the American dollar taking a nose dive will make those hundred dollar bills you have buried in the back yard worth less than toilet paper.

Politicians in Washington are unable to process this because they are sitting on top of the printing press.

Donald Trump is the only candidate in this race who has actually had to run a business and respond to a bottom line. He has had to face and fight REAL bankruptcy. He didn't have a printing press to churn out dollar bills to bail his ass out. He had to work the problem.

We know (and I think every liberal and conservative at this forum can agree on this) that BOTH parties have spent us into a $19 TRILLION national debt. Obama wanted it, and the Republicans gave it to him. He passed Obamacare with a Democrat controlled Congress. In 2010, the country gave the House to the Republicans solely so they could overturn OBAMACARE. It's still the law of the land. Then in 2014, the country gave the Senate to the Republicans solely so they would stop Obama. Check out the last budget deal. Paul Ryan couldn't wait to bend over and take it up the ass for the country.

It's going to take someone more powerful than all that.

My money's on Trump. He's smarter than all of them combined.
What would your plan be Robo?

Return the power to the States to decide social and corporate welfare, healthcare, government retirement plans and every act that the federal government is doing now that's not authorized by the Constitution along with the tax money the feds rape from the States that the feds use to bribe votes and campaign contributions.
Kasich. Talks about it, and how he was part of the finance committee the last time the budget was nearly balanced...
Here's his plan: http://www.wsj.com/articles/kasich-tax-plan-aims-to-balance-u-s-budget-in-8-years-1444937757 (has been talking about balanced budget amendment as well)

Rubio's plan: https://marcorubio.com/issues/debt/ (includes a balanced budget amendment)

Cruz's plan: http://www.ontheissues.org/Economic/Ted_Cruz_Budget_+_Economy.htm (includes a balanced budget amendment)

Do you see a pattern yet?

Do any of the candidates talk about how the federal government's so-called entitlements, corporate and social welfare and thousands of other acts of the feds are actually unconstitutional and offer a plan to return those powers and money to the States to use for that kind of stuff if they choose in accordance with amendment 10?

Who's the real constitutionalist among the duopoly candidates? I submit there are none! Who votes for anti-constitutionalist?
Freeze federal spending, and I mean a true freeze not one dollar more for 10 years. Roll back spending to n say 2008 levels and it's even faster.
We have a spending problem. The first step is acknowledging this fact.
Freeze federal spending, and I mean a true freeze not one dollar more for 10 years. Roll back spending to n say 2008 levels and it's even faster.
We have a spending problem. The first step is acknowledging this fact.

Retired Republican Senator Tom Colburn once calculated that the federal budget not only needs to be balanced, but America's feds need to run a surplus of 40 billion dollars per-year every year and use it all to pay down the national debt and at that rate it would still take 100 years to pay the debt off.
debt is a financial tool

why break the tools

You are joking right?

So do you think we should even attempt to pay the money back? Do you buy government bonds? Do you realize what a scam they are? Fuck government bonds. I would never waste my money on that ponzi scheme
how many corporations NEVER use the tool of debt?

so you are saying corporations and governments should act the same?

Do you understand the difference between corporations and governments?

Are you saying our debt is irrelevant? Are you saying deficits are irrelevant and don't matter?