Who do you fear more? The 1%ers or the Federal Gov.?


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
Most will say "Fed" without thinking. But most corruption in the Fed is because of the rich. Let me discuss some of my perspective using the "the 1%er top 10 jobs"

#10)Business Operations. In business, only the cut throat liars make it. The suck ups. If they were working, they would be working and not moving their way up. Generally, they are in the office talking bad about other people to promote themselves when the other people are the ones WORKING.

#9)Real Estate.

#8)Blue Collar or Misc. services. This is the catagory of workers who provide things for the rich. Lawn mowing, landscaping, cleaning.......the traditional day to day activities most humans do themselves.

#7)Skilled Sales. Convincing people that the product you have will make the buyer the biggest status symbol in "all the land"

#6)Unemployed or dead. So, our #8 top 1%er is unemployed or dead? Our normal discussions are about how to survive and the #8 are dead or not working? I get it though. Invest your money and it makes you money. Only because the people without money pay you more money since you were blessed to have it.

#5)Computer, Engineering, Technical.

#4)Lawyers. The biggest flaw in society. NEARLY everything that is high dollar is only high dollar because Lawyers can sue. Hospital cost are high because of Lawyers, look at the $15 tweezers they trash every case. Look at physical therapy object prices. A simple bench is $200+ because if a kid that needs PT falls, the Lawyer can sue and say it was the benches fault. Wal-Mart has a wall full of recalls all the time. Read about them. "Bumbo seats can fall off of a table if a parent places them on it and kill the child" "Swing set wood can rot over time and cause the wood to break and the kid can fall" "High chair can fall if the owner does not put it together correctly." Judges only become judges by being a Lawyer before hand (for the most part).

#3)Financial Pros. Wall street.

#2)Medical. The hot topic of today is people acting disabled to get disability. I know a dozen or so people on "fake" disability. They openly discuss the doctors that will sign you off as disabled. Ironically, every single person I know that is commiting this government fraud is white and living in a part of the USA where jobs aren't extremely hard to get if you are willing to lower your standards.

#1)CEO's. Where have the jobs went? Outsourced.

Lets look at only ONE big corp threat. Oil Fracking. It's killing tons of people TODAY ever since Bush raised the ability of Federal Government to look into the ingredients it takes to frack oil. Our people die and the Right Wing screams, "Don't punish us for being successful and drop regulations so our success will benefit America......

The entire point is;

Big government is bad. No doubt about it.

But people haven't even thought about the results of Big Corp in America. Every decison a President makes is because of Big Corp. Just look at the debates from last election. Obama and Romney's biggest arguments were for the big corp who paid them the most.......... Look......it ..........up.
Judging by #10, I am going to hazard a guess that Anti is bitter about the business world, and has not climbed as far up as he would have liked to at this point in his life...
Alexander Berkman did a piece outlining the circumstances surrounding his assassination attempt. They make a pretty good case for fearing the 1%ers.
We have the best government that money can buy.

Anyone watch the Moyers bit about Amgen, lobbyists and the fiscal cliff bill?
The story told us of a pharmaceutical giant called Amgen and three senators so close to it they might as well be entries on its balance sheet: Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY), Democratic Senator Max Baucus (MT), chair of the Senate Finance Committee, and that powerful committee’s ranking Republican, Orrin Hatch (UT). A trio of perpetrators who treat the United States Treasury as if it were a cash-and-carry annex of corporate America.

The Times story described how Amgen got a huge hidden gift from unnamed members of Congress and their staffers. They slipped an eleventh hour loophole into the New Year’s Eve deal that kept the government from going over the fiscal cliff. When the sun rose in the morning, there it was, a richly embroidered loophole for Amgen that will cost taxpayers a cool half a billion dollars.

None of the "fiscal conservatives" on here seems to care that their leaders and the Dems too in congress just gave Amgen 1/2 trillion US debt dollars in a bill set out to curtail debt spending?

Ahh the irony is so deep it would take a bathasphere to reach the bottom of it.
The story told us of a pharmaceutical giant called Amgen and three senators so close to it they might as well be entries on its balance sheet: Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY), Democratic Senator Max Baucus (MT), chair of the Senate Finance Committee, and that powerful committee’s ranking Republican, Orrin Hatch (UT). A trio of perpetrators who treat the United States Treasury as if it were a cash-and-carry annex of corporate America.

The Times story described how Amgen got a huge hidden gift from unnamed members of Congress and their staffers. They slipped an eleventh hour loophole into the New Year’s Eve deal that kept the government from going over the fiscal cliff. When the sun rose in the morning, there it was, a richly embroidered loophole for Amgen that will cost taxpayers a cool half a billion dollars.


Why should GM, Chrysler, Solyndra, AIG and Bank of America have all if the fun?