Who gets rich off $3 gas


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Who gets rich off $3 gas - who doesn't
The guy running the service station makes just a few cents, while crude oil producers take the biggest chunk.
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Last Updated: March 14, 2008: 4:32 AM EDT

Just a few cents of every gallon goes to the gas station when you fill up - most goes to those that produce the oil.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Motorists may fume when forking over $3 a gallon at the local service station, but as it turns out, your local filling spot makes chump change from a gallon of gas.

So exactly who is getting rich?

Oil traders: While often blamed for pushing up prices, traders don't necessarily benefit from the high price of crude or gasoline; they profit from how much the price changes. Traders can get rich - as long as they bet correctly on whether prices will rise or fall.

For example, an investment bank that makes a bet that the price of oil will rise makes money when oil prices go from $95 to $100 a barrel - or $100 to $95 if it bet the price will fall - not on the difference between production cost and trading price.

"If you wanna keep your job, you gotta be more right than wrong," said John Kilduff, an energy analyst at the trading firm MF Global in New York, explaining how traders make their money.

Gas stations: A surprisingly small amount goes to the guy who runs the station.

Most service stations are independently owned and operated and take in between 7 and 10 cents for every gallon they sell, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

That 7 to 10 cents going to the gas station isn't even profit. Out of that, station owners still have to pay leases, workers, and other expenses - leaving them with a profit of just a few cents. For the service stations, most profit comes from selling coffee, cigarettes, food and other amenities.

These calculations are based off of EIA's most recent numbers, when gas was $3.04 a gallon. Gasoline hit another record nationwide average of $3.27 a gallon Thursday.

Taxes: The government takes about 40 cents right off the top, with about 18 cents going to the feds. State taxes vary widely, but the national average is about 22 cents a gallon. Most of this money is used to build and maintain roads.

Transportation: Getting the gas from refineries to service stations via trucks or pipelines - and the cost of storing it in large tanks - eats up another 23 to 26 cents per gallon.

Refining: About 24 cents a gallon goes to refining companies like Valero (VLO, Fortune 500), Sunoco (SUN, Fortune 500) or Frontier (FTO, Fortune 500) that specialize in turning crude oil into gas. Some companies like ExxonMobil (XOM, Fortune 500), Chevron (CVX, Fortune 500) and ConocoPhillips (COP, Fortune 500) also have refining operations.

Profits for refiners have been squeezed lately because the price they pay for oil has risen so much faster than the price they can sell the gas for. This helps explain why Big Oil companies -like Exxon, which actually buys more crude oil than it produces - haven't seen their profits rise as much as the price of oil.

Crude oil: This is the most expensive part of a gallon of gas. Of every gallon of gas $2.07 from every gallon of gas goes to producers of crude like Chevron (CVX, Fortune 500), BP (BP), and smaller outfits like Anadarko (APC, Fortune 500) and Marathon (MRO, Fortune 500), or national oil companies controlled by countries like Saudi Arabia, Mexico or Venezuela.

Crude currently trades around $110 a barrel, but breaking down the money in that barrel of oil is tough. Exploration and production costs, royalty payments - all a big part of $110 a barrel oil - vary widely country by country and project by project.

"It's difficult to generalize; there's a whole spectrum of costs," said Ron Planting, an economist with the American Petroleum Institute, an industry trade group.

They can range from $1 a barrel to produce crude in Saudi Arabia to over $70 a barrel to find, develop and pump oil in the deep water Gulf of Mexico or off the coast of Algeria, said Ann-Louise Hittle, an oil analyst with the energy consultants Wood Mackenzie.

EIA estimates it costs U.S. oil companies an average of about $24 a barrel to find, develop and produce oil worldwide, but that doesn't include costs like transportation, administration, or income taxes - which can be substantial. While Exxon made $40 billion in 2007, a 60% increase from 2004, it paid $100 billion in taxes and royalties.

Nonetheless, $40 billion - or any of the record profits seen by most oil companies over the last few years - is certainly a lot of money, and it has put Big Oil in lawmaker's cross hairs.

Rep. Edward Markey, D-Mass., has called the chief executives of the five biggest oil companies to testify on the industry's record profits on April 1st. Markey's office swears it's no April fool's joke.
Who gets rich off $3 gas
Who gets rich off $3 gas - who doesn't
The guy running the service station makes just a few cents, while crude oil producers take the biggest chunk.

Yeah, that's exactly what should happen. Wall street and the wealthy investor class should rake in the bucks. And the small entrepenuers and employees of the gas stations should get screwed.
Nonetheless, $40 billion - or any of the record profits seen by most oil companies over the last few years - is certainly a lot of money, and it has put Big Oil in lawmaker's cross hairs.

no shit.
its $3.20 now here. $3.65 for home heating oil..

BTW if your living in a 2000sf home and not burning wood to supplement you go thru about 140gallons a month of oil with the thermostat on 67degrees.
thats over $500 a month in the winter.
Propane is about as bad on the heating cost as well. And I don't think it is made from crude oil. But I could be wrong on that.
Propane is about as bad on the heating cost as well. And I don't think it is made from crude oil. But I could be wrong on that.
Yeah, you are wrong. I've spent about $500 for the entire winter propane isn't nearly as high as heating oil. We haven't even supplemented with wood. Propane is pumped from the ground like oil.
Must be chaep there Damo propane is about $2.75/gal here now. And has a lot less BTU's per gal than heating oil.

And BTU's is where it is at when it comes to heating your home.
Must be chaep there Damo propane is about $2.75/gal here now. And has a lot less BTU's per gal than heating oil.

And BTU's is where it is at when it comes to heating your home.
It costs me about $600 to fill my tank, it lasts the entire winter. Maybe you need to buy a new heating furnace with more efficiency. It used to cost me a tank a month with my ancient heater.
guy i work with here who makes over 100k a year was telling me other day.. hes out of oil and cant afford to get a fill up.. min is usually like 150gallons for them to come. so hes been going and getting diesel fuel and putting it in his tank.

Its bad.
It costs me about $600 to fill my tank, it lasts the entire winter. Maybe you need to buy a new heating furnace with more efficiency. It used to cost me a tank a month with my ancient heater.

what state do u live in? temps in the winter?
You people are all whacked out survivalists or something. Heating fuel tanks? Fuel comes from external lines we know nothing about.
thats really cheap to heat ur house. ill have to look into propane. If i do it right I get a truck load of logs for $500 cut and split myself and can heat my house exclusively for the entire winter. without the wood and using my baseboard oil would cost me thousands.

BUT - its alot of work and you have to be on top of it.
Propane is what we use. I have spent about $350 this year and Spring is next week. It is not as cold here by far as where Damo and Chap are but we have had more winter this year than in the past 4 years. Right now propane is about 2.10 a gallon.
I looked into heating with wood. I can cut and haul it myself right near my house with either a government permit or off of several friend's private property. The problem I encountered was the jump in price of my house insurance. I really like wood heat though and I love to cut and haul wood. It's one of the few childhood jobs I had that I enjoyed.
thats really cheap to heat ur house. ill have to look into propane. If i do it right I get a truck load of logs for $500 cut and split myself and can heat my house exclusively for the entire winter. without the wood and using my baseboard oil would cost me thousands.

BUT - its alot of work and you have to be on top of it.
Find out what it costs in your area. Then look into the new heaters with high efficiency. I get about 95% efficiency from my furnace.

Usually we supplement with our pellet stove, but we haven't done much of that this year.
we only pay about $3.17 in Louisiana, Hawaii is getting close to $4.
You don't make money off what turbo-lib wussy's (cypress/lorax) think should happen. You make money off what is happening.
Chap get a Propane price from leaning and Damo. I have noticed propane is lots cheaper out west and in the major AG areas.

And no one around here can get by on 250 gal of propane for all winter.
The guy next door has a new energy efficient house and is in the heating business. He is on his 3rd tank of propane this winter.
about 1800 sq ft.
Chap get a Propane price from leaning and Damo. I have noticed propane is lots cheaper out west and in the major AG areas.

And no one around here can get by on 250 gal of propane for all winter.
The guy next door has a new energy efficient house and is in the heating business. He is on his 3rd tank of propane this winter.
about 1800 sq ft.

i was going to say.. seems so ridiculously cheap everyone would be using it.