Who gets rich off $3 gas

While propane might seem "ridiculously cheap" the chicken and hog farmers are really hubbing a stump. Several hog farms south of here have gone belly up already due to the high fuel costs leading to not only high propane bills for them but a significant increase in their feed prices. Whatever......high priced fuel isn't good for anyone unless you are in the oil business.
LOL which days did you pay for engery on production cost

I expected as much from a slick oil guy.

the cheapest way to heat here this winter has been all electric with a decent efficiency heat pump.

My electric bill has been cheaper than my propane bill alone was last winter. and propane was cheaper by at least .50/gal then.
and my electric bill now includes everything.

I still have propane for my gas logs for ambiance and emergency heat.
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I expect as much from someone who skipped college.
Business exist for profit not to pass on production cost.
You get charged whatever your willing to pay for propane, and it will get higher. So will electricity.
In some areas like food and basic energy needs and healthchare the willing to pay thing does not really apply.

yep you won't pay for you childs lifesaving operation if it costs too much or let your children freeze or starve will you ?

Now for iphones it is a different matter.

You are a cold hearted republican slick, no matter what you claim.
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your an uneducated boob no matter what you do.
I have three kids that I have way closer relationships with than you and your son.
your an uneducated boob no matter what you do.
I have three kids that I have way closer relationships with than you and your son.

that may be true, sad but true.
What does that have to do with my grasp of the overall economic situation ?
or even with an education ?

You boobiness is showing asshole.

On something that you understand, I'll bet my net worth is higher than yours.
usmoron you made a gutter whitetrash comment about me not paying for my kids needed operation.
I pay way more than I should, they are actually spoiled preppy rich kids. All three have 1,000 times more class than you do.
usmoron you made a gutter whitetrash comment about me not paying for my kids needed operation.
I pay way more than I should, they are actually spoiled preppy rich kids. All three have 1,000 times more class than you do.

You do have a reading comprehension problem don't you. do you not understand metaphorically speaking ? and you said I had no education ....plus it was a question...sheesh.
In some areas like food and basic energy needs and healthchare the willing to pay thing does not really apply.

yep you won't pay for you childs lifesaving operation if it costs too much or let your children freeze or starve will you ?

Now for iphones it is a different matter.

You are a cold hearted republican slick, no matter what you claim.

Just for you to review spinner.
your a moron usged. YOu know I constanly brag about my sons and am a dotting dad.
It was a EVIL/MEANSPEARITED declarative question to ask.
your a moron usged. YOu know I constanly brag about my sons and am a dotting dad.
It was a EVIL/MEANSPEARITED declarative question to ask.

Not in light of your previous statement of you will pay for it if you want to buy it type of thing.
And you still do not understand what I was saying. Look up metaphorically speaking and interrogative .

I was not targeting you speciffically idiot. Unlike that statement which is :D
that may be true, sad but true.
What does that have to do with my grasp of the overall economic situation ?
or even with an education ?

You boobiness is showing asshole.

On something that you understand, I'll bet my net worth is higher than yours.

Net worth isn't exactly a great way to measure wealth. It simply 'this is how much I've accumulated' rather than 'this is how much I will get'.
It is how much I have. I have very conservative investments and property.

Actually I value personal net worth much higher than monetary net worth.
I know several who do not have a pot to piss in money wise but are very wealthy in personal net worth. I was just rubbing spinners nose in the only thing he apparently understands.

If you think I am a money chaser you are mistaken.
It is how much I have. I have very conservative investments and property.

Actually I value personal net worth much higher than monetary net worth.
If you think I am a money chaser you are mistaken.

Not saying you are, how much of that net worth are actually considered assets that generate income for you, and how much are liabilities. Those are the factors that make you wealthy. From what I have seen from you, you own your own businsess and have smart people that do a lot of the work for you. I may be mistaken, but from what I have seen, you are wealthy. However, just simply stating 'My Net worth is greater' doesn't mean you are wealthy, just means you got a lot of stuff you can consider yours. That can be dryed up at some point in your life whereas assets make it so you can keep what you have and you'll have interest off of those assets to re-invest or pay bills on liabilities.
what's better than net worth to see how rich you are. LOL

Net worth is how much you are currently worth but it is temporary, and it can change. A lot of 'rich' people, like those who have won the lottery don't buy assets, they buy liabilities and end up going broke and don't know how to recover. They have so many liabilities that they can't afford to get out of debt. Most rich people who worked their way up, did it by buying assets and limiting liabilities. The rich get richer because they understand this concept.