Who gets the blame?

Agreed. The Repugnants are doing everything but gift wrap the House for them.
agreed. the Dems shouid gain some this time, but Bush has two more years to convince people to vote demoncratic. A bit of patience its needed while the repugnantcans topple themselves from power.
If you own the House and the Rs the Senate his legislative agenda would be tied up anyway. This is truly disingenuous nonsense and a waste of money, it isn't worth it. It wasn't worth it when the Rs did it either.

so then.... they really can't whine about it when the democrats do it, can they?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

What goes around comes around.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

It must SUCK to be a republican these days.
so then.... they really can't whine about it when the democrats do it, can they?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

What goes around comes around.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

It must SUCK to be a republican these days.
Whatever... I didn't say it because I think the Rs are doing all the right things or something. I said it because it is a waste of spending and time that can be better spent on a positive agenda.
I am sure that democrats thought the same thing during the impeachment kangaroo court show trial days as well.....

all republicans should quit bitchin' about it.
I am sure that democrats thought the same thing during the impeachment kangaroo court show trial days as well.....

all republicans should quit bitchin' about it.
Rubbish. I bitched about it then, and will continue to do so. I hate waste, and I'm not going to go all google-eyed about it regardless of which party is throwing it around.
Damo...I saw on the news last night a story that mentioned the MEXICO TO CANADA Highway that you all said WAS NOT TRUE, and just rumored about the American union treaty of sorts that bush is instituting with Mexico, canada and us...no Senate involved in that either...

which is unconstitutional...but maybe not because I believe when Bush first came in to office he asked for full control of treaties and I believe the Senate voted to give up their responsibility on treaties... :(

and on the highway thing, why should American tax payers PAY for this highway to canada from mexico? How does it help the usa? I don't get it?
I didn't say anything about a highway. Man, you really do read into my posts whatever pleases you!
I didn't say anything about a highway. Man, you really do read into my posts whatever pleases you!

well, maybe it was Gafer that chalked it up to conspiracy and you did not come to my defense and say that it was true...

but as you say, MAYBE I read you wrong on that post.... ;)
No, I posted what is actually true. I even stated that there is no evidence that anybody is building a highway. I do post the link to what I am talking about and what was agreed to without a Treaty vote...
Well, I guess your LINK was wrong, because they are building it, they went over it last night on the News, even the part that said that they would not use the hoover dam to cross the Colorado, but that they were building a new bridge to cross the Colorado river for supposed homeland security vs crossing the hoover damn for this MEXICO TO CANADA HIGHWAY, THEIR EXACT words...not mine. And they SHOWED THEOR WORK being done on this highway....

They also mentioned that people who own land in Arizona have plans to add 60,000 homes in the middle of the dessert...because of the access this highway will give them....they want to make a new las vegas of sorts in the middle of nowhere because of this NEW highway....

just an fyi
Read the link... It is the government site about the agreement signed by Bush that was not voted on in the Senate. It is why I gave the link.

If they are building a superhighway across the nation, I haven't seen any real evidence of it, is beside the point. Up until I posted on the subject there was no evidence of a superhighway, but there is the signed agreement that was never voted on but is being implemented that I gave the actual government link to.

I'm not out for paranoid fantasy, I have posted my link. Just stating that they are buidling a superhighway isn't helping me much here Care.

The Superhighway that they talk about wouldn't go through Colorado. The first "exit" is a checkpoint in Kansas...
If you don't have the same Bill and won't pass a compromise you can control the legislative agenda as easily with the house as you can with the Senate.

I can't speak for mainman, but I profoundly disagree with you that simply controlling the House, is the same as controlling both House and Senate.

I think judicial nominations, political appointments, and so-called "free trade" agreements and other treaties are absolutly parts of the Bush agenda that should be blocked.

You can't block those things with just the House.
I can't speak for mainman, but I profoundly disagree with you that simply controlling the House, is the same as controlling both House and Senate.

I think judicial nominations, political appointments, and so-called "free trade" agreements and other treaties are absolutly parts of the Bush agenda that should be blocked.

You can't block those things with just the House.

Strawman. That isn't what I stated. One person said that they needed both houses to control Legislation, I have pointed out that you do not need both houses to control Legislation.

Treaties are different and so are Judicial nominations. Those are not legislation.