Who is Cunningham?


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I just saw a news clip on TV where somebody named Cunningham was introducing McCain at some campaign rally. This Cunningham called Obama a Daly machine politician and the Republicans are going to go after Barak Hussein Obama and point out his corruption and sweetheart deals while he was in Chicago.

Why isn’t this Cunningham running instead of McCain, who apologized for Cunningham’s remarks?
I just saw a news clip on TV where somebody named Cunningham was introducing McCain at some campaign rally. This Cunningham called Obama a Daly machine politician and the Republicans are going to go after Barak Hussein Obama and point out his corruption and sweetheart deals while he was in Chicago.

Why isn’t this Cunningham running instead of McCain, who apologized for Cunningham’s remarks?

Bill Cunningham is a talk jock cross between Rush Limbaugh and Michael Wiener (Savage).
This is a really bad road for Republicans to take. Obama can very easily respond with McCain's "Keating Five" scandal.

Bill Cunningham is a talk jock cross between Rush Limbaugh and Michael Wiener (Savage).
This is a really bad road for Republicans to take. Obama can very easily respond with McCain's "Keating Five" scandal.

I know ya really-really Love Micheal...he is your idol...:cof1:
I just saw a news clip on TV where somebody named Cunningham was introducing McCain at some campaign rally. This Cunningham called Obama a Daly machine politician and the Republicans are going to go after Barak Hussein Obama and point out his corruption and sweetheart deals while he was in Chicago.

Why isn’t this Cunningham running instead of McCain, who apologized for Cunningham’s remarks?

I having trouble determining flaja's brand of party hackery. [/sarcasm]
I just saw a news clip on TV where somebody named Cunningham was introducing McCain at some campaign rally. This Cunningham called Obama a Daly machine politician and the Republicans are going to go after Barak Hussein Obama and point out his corruption and sweetheart deals while he was in Chicago.

Why isn’t this Cunningham running instead of McCain, who apologized for Cunningham’s remarks?

Let me guess .. you think America loves cheap talk show jocks and wants them to be president?
Let me guess .. you think America loves cheap talk show jocks and wants them to be president?

I am saying that Cunningham is the first person I've seen associated with the 2008 presidential election that has been willing to take on the Democrats.

BTW: I haven't been a Republican since Clinton was acquitted with 10 Republican votes in 1999. I voted for GWB in 2000 and 2004 because I feared the Democrat alternative and thought the election was going to be close. I have regretted my vote both times and will never again vote for a Republican candidate.
I just saw a news clip on TV where somebody named Cunningham was introducing McCain at some campaign rally. This Cunningham called Obama a Daly machine politician and the Republicans are going to go after Barak Hussein Obama and point out his corruption and sweetheart deals while he was in Chicago.

Why isn’t this Cunningham running instead of McCain, who apologized for Cunningham’s remarks?

Cunningham is Bill Cunningham. He's an attorney from a 3rd rate law school and a right wing talking head on WLW am radio in Cincinnati, OH. He's known in the Cincy area to those who love him as "Willie" and to those who hate him as "CUNTingham" or simply "The Cunt".

Cunninghams forte is right wing chauvanistic raw meat and in Cincinnati, a city so anal retentive they don't need public sewage systems, he's fairly beloved.

At a recent McCain campaign event in Cincy local staffers for McCain asked Willie to go on stage first and give the nazi locals (Cincy was settled mainly by southern German catholics. Fascism is as natural to the denizens of Porkopolis as mothers milk) some red meat. In the process he kept refering to Barak by his full name with emphasis on his middle name "Hussein".

Well as typical for Willie......he went way over the top in his raw meat character assasination of Barak.

To his credit, McCain was unaware the Willie was being his ussual asinine self and after he had been told what Willie did, he made a national apology to Barak Obama and promised that it would not happen again.

Well Willie "The Cunt" Cuntingham litterly pissed his panties! He's been going off on the Radio and on TV interviews of how he's fed up with John McCain.

In reality....the McCain staffers had their head up their ass putting Willie on stage....he was just being himself. On the other hand. Willie needs to have a coke and a smile and to shut the fuck up.
I am saying that Cunningham is the first person I've seen associated with the 2008 presidential election that has been willing to take on the Democrats.

BTW: I haven't been a Republican since Clinton was acquitted with 10 Republican votes in 1999. I voted for GWB in 2000 and 2004 because I feared the Democrat alternative and thought the election was going to be close. I have regretted my vote both times and will never again vote for a Republican candidate.

I didn't make your mistake. I was a Republican for 20 years and until 2000, faithfully voted Republican. In 2000 I had two major concerns about W. That he's take a southern strategy to its illogical extreme and marginalize moderates in the party. My second concern was that his lack of credentials and viable experience gave me concern that the job would be beyond him. He has exceeded my wildest fears. So I supported McCain in 2000 and voted for Gore in 2000. I switched party affiliations when the morin invaded Iraq.
Cunningham has the right take on mcain now though. A sellout who will throw everyone under the bus.

A middle name is red meat? Not quite.
I didn't make your mistake. I was a Republican for 20 years and until 2000, faithfully voted Republican. In 2000 I had two major concerns about W. That he's take a southern strategy to its illogical extreme and marginalize moderates in the party. My second concern was that his lack of credentials and viable experience gave me concern that the job would be beyond him. He has exceeded my wildest fears. So I supported McCain in 2000 and voted for Gore in 2000. I switched party affiliations when the morin invaded Iraq.

Before liberal republicanism died, what was really the big difference between voting Republican and Democrat up therE?
Oxymoron alert!

The GOP had a substantial liberal wing from the 1890's through the 1960's. It used to be made up of different sects of conservatives such as Stalwarts, Reconstruction Radicals, and the moderates, often derided as "half-breeds". By the mid-20th Century you basically had conservatives, classical liberals and New Deal Liberals. Then it was conservatives, libertarians and liberals. The populists began to come on board in the 1980's, and many became neocons, although I argue there is no difference.
there's a definite difference between populists and neocons. Neocons believe in sending jobs overseas to cut costs in the short term and gain market share at the expense of the middle class. Populists are ag'in' it.