Who is Wang Ping?

Are we supposed to believe you are an aficionado of this wing nuts work???? Save it dingbat.

Never heard of her until today

I spotted the name Thompson as a top Fox ceo

And looked at his wiki page

His wiki page listed his wife but no link to who she is as a person

So I searched her name

She has a wiki page that doesn’t list her hubby

Both of them try hard to not be publicly connected to each other

They don’t want people to know they are married for some reason

Now you know why
News Corp is run by two men who married Chinese born women who have huge ties to the communist Chinese government

Murdoch and Thompson

Fox News is massively Chinese influenced idiot

And you lap it up like pablum

Ah, thanks for taking that bait. You look great with that hook in your lip.

Do you watch or listen to Fox News at all? I think not. Because if you did, you could only come to the conclusion that the CCP propaganda ministry was totally fucking up the job of convincing the American people through conservative media that the chicoms were all sweetness and light. Hell, they even have jackasses on their round table shows that hate them.

I’m afraid I’ll need some of your famous evidence that Fox News is “massively Chinese influenced”.

Jake and Joyce Cherry hosted Deng in their home during her studies in the United States. Later, Jake Cherry left his wife,[15] and married Wendi Deng in 1990.[45] While married to Cherry, Wendi obtained a green card.[15][45] Their marriage lasted 2 years and 7 months when they divorced.[15] Jake later said that they stayed together for only four to five months when he learned that Deng was spending time with David Wolf, a man closer to her age.[45]

In 1997, she met Rupert Murdoch, who is 37 years her senior, while working as an executive at the Murdoch-owned Star TV in Hong Kong.[9] They married in 1999[46] on board his yacht "Morning Glory",[47] less than three weeks after the finalization of his divorce from his second wife, Anna Murdoch.[48][49][50] The couple had two children, Grace (born 2001) and Chloe (born 2003). Tony Blair is Grace Murdoch's godfather.[51] In June 2013, Rupert Murdoch filed for divorce from Deng, citing irreconcilable differences.[52]

On July 19, 2011, Wendi Murdoch attacked Jonathan May-Bowles (comedian Jonnie Marbles) after he threw a pie at her husband Rupert Murdoch while he was giving testimony before a British parliamentary committee considering the News International phone hacking scandal.[53] May-Bowles was subsequently sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment.[54]

In February 2014, The Daily Telegraph and Vanity Fair alleged that Wendi Murdoch might have had an affair with former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.[55][49] An article in The Economist claimed that as a result of Rupert Murdoch's suspicion that Blair had an affair with his wife, he ended his long-standing association with Blair in 2014.[56]

In early 2018, The Wall Street Journal published a story suggesting that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump,[57] longtime friends of Murdoch, were warned by US intelligence agencies that Murdoch may be using her relationship with them to further the goals of the Chinese government.[58] Michael Wolff, author of Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, posited that the article was an attempt by Rupert Murdoch, owner of The Wall Street Journal, to spread the idea that "Wendi is a Chinese spy" in the aftermath of their acrimonious divorce.[59]

She fucked her way to power
Ah, thanks for taking that bait. You look great with that hook in your lip.

Do you watch or listen to Fox News at all? I think not. Because if you did, you could only come to the conclusion that the CCP propaganda ministry was totally fucking up the job of convincing the American people through conservative media that the chicoms were all sweetness and light. Hell, they even have jackasses on their round table shows that hate them.

I’m afraid I’ll need some of your famous evidence that Fox News is “massively Chinese influenced”.

What nonsense you fucking loser
Never heard of her until today

I spotted the name Thompson as a top Fox ceo

And looked at his wiki page

His wiki page listed his wife but no link to who she is as a person

So I searched her name

She has a wiki page that doesn’t list her hubby

Both of them try hard to not be publicly connected to each other

They don’t want people to know they are married for some reason

Now you know why

No you tell us why but how about this? It's none of your fucking business who either of them is married to.

Jake and Joyce Cherry hosted Deng in their home during her studies in the United States. Later, Jake Cherry left his wife,[15] and married Wendi Deng in 1990.[45] While married to Cherry, Wendi obtained a green card.[15][45] Their marriage lasted 2 years and 7 months when they divorced.[15] Jake later said that they stayed together for only four to five months when he learned that Deng was spending time with David Wolf, a man closer to her age.[45]

In 1997, she met Rupert Murdoch, who is 37 years her senior, while working as an executive at the Murdoch-owned Star TV in Hong Kong.[9] They married in 1999[46] on board his yacht "Morning Glory",[47] less than three weeks after the finalization of his divorce from his second wife, Anna Murdoch.[48][49][50] The couple had two children, Grace (born 2001) and Chloe (born 2003). Tony Blair is Grace Murdoch's godfather.[51] In June 2013, Rupert Murdoch filed for divorce from Deng, citing irreconcilable differences.[52]

On July 19, 2011, Wendi Murdoch attacked Jonathan May-Bowles (comedian Jonnie Marbles) after he threw a pie at her husband Rupert Murdoch while he was giving testimony before a British parliamentary committee considering the News International phone hacking scandal.[53] May-Bowles was subsequently sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment.[54]

In February 2014, The Daily Telegraph and Vanity Fair alleged that Wendi Murdoch might have had an affair with former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.[55][49] An article in The Economist claimed that as a result of Rupert Murdoch's suspicion that Blair had an affair with his wife, he ended his long-standing association with Blair in 2014.[56]

In early 2018, The Wall Street Journal published a story suggesting that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump,[57] longtime friends of Murdoch, were warned by US intelligence agencies that Murdoch may be using her relationship with them to further the goals of the Chinese government.[58] Michael Wolff, author of Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, posited that the article was an attempt by Rupert Murdoch, owner of The Wall Street Journal, to spread the idea that "Wendi is a Chinese spy" in the aftermath of their acrimonious divorce.[59]

She fucked her way to power

This is very female spy like

Fucking every wealthy man she could find in her life

Fucked her way right up every ladder she could get near
Fox News is in court right now because the non Americans running it INSISTED the station spew lies about American corporations who supply this nation with election equipment in an attempt to destroy Americans belief in American elections

US warned Jared Kushner About Wendi Deng Murdoch
Officials said the businesswoman could be trying to further Beijing's interests, people familiar with the matter say
By Kate O’Keeffe and Aruna Viswanatha | WSJ | Last Updated at January 16 2018 10:03 IST

US counterintelligence officials in early 2017 warned Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, that Wendi Deng Murdoch, a prominent Chinese-American businesswoman, could be using her close friendship with Mr. Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, to further the interests of the Chinese government, according to people familiar with the matter.

US officials have also had concerns about a counterintelligence assessment that Ms. Murdoch was lobbying for a high-profile construction project funded by the Chinese government in Washington, DC, one of these people said.

The project, a planned $100 million Chinese garden at the National Arboretum, was deemed a national-security risk because it included a 70-foot-tall white tower that could potentially be used for surveillance, according to people familiar with the intelligence community’s deliberations over the garden. The garden was planned on one of the higher patches of land near downtown Washington, less than 5 miles from both the Capitol and the White House.

You are spewing Chinese lies about an American VP

So is that a yes? Why did she get that vice presidential position? She's clearly not qualified politically ..