Who Really Got Ambassador Stevens murdered?

And I reckon you think Her Majesty Hillary’s retirement with bookoos of taxpayer’s loot and bennies rollin in is “termination” enough, right Howey? How would you feel ,about a fine of let’s say 1,000,000$ a loss of all government retirement compensation and a prohibition from serving in any capacity in the government ever again?

You're just trying to disqualify the next POTUS like you tried with the kenyanmarxistmuslimwhojustmaybetheantichrist POTUS in office...gotta give you credit, you start early.
Only the 4th post and you try to change the subject of your own thread......gotta be a new record.

The “subject” of the thread is Libya, Benghazi our idiot involvement and the aftermath thereof. I presume that might be over your head. Aside from that, since it’s “my thread” I’ll assume the option to do whatever the fuck I choose with it.
You're just trying to disqualify the next POTUS like you tried with the kenyanmarxistmuslimwhojustmaybetheantichrist POTUS in office...gotta give you credit, you start early.

If the power mad buck tooth bitch hasn’t already “disqualified” her crooked, incompetent self to ever serve anyplace again in government shame on the Sheeple!!!

Will anything slow the pitchfork Teabaggers?

[SIZE=+1] Link

[/SIZE][SIZE=+1][SIZE=+1][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=+1][SIZE=+1][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=+1][SIZE=+1][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=+1][SIZE=+1][/SIZE][/SIZE]http://www.bartcop.com/classics-130423.htmIn the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans,
U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by
the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a
still secret memorandum, two government officials told McClatchy.


Hopefully we’ll find out how much truth there is to that.

Actually the final call on security for American property and Americans abroad isn’t with Ambassadors. That buck stops with the Secretary Of State and or the President. Same goes for any order for security to “Stand Down.” Same goes for any Administration “Talking Points” to the American People on the Sunday News programs, and especially when they’re shown to be a cover-up for the highest ranking political officials to cover their sorry careless and incompetent asses.
Well, clearly it was a stupid Youtube video which spawned "spontaneous" protests where people had rocket launchers and systematically took over an American compound raping and dragging an Ambassador through the town. What else could it be? The President even said so!
In the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans,
U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by
the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a
still secret memorandum, two government officials told McClatchy.

Because Stevens works for the State Department who already told him NO to more security.
I continue to laugh, this was a CIA outpost, posing as an embassey outpost.

We wanted to give the impression that everything was good in Libya that we helped liberate.

We remain in the Middle East to our own detriment.

When the CIA is involved, you will never know the truth.

This was a tragedy. The White House tried to sanitize it as they always do. It will happen, again, no matter how many improvements we do to embassey security.
I continue to laugh, this was a CIA outpost, posing as an embassey outpost.

We wanted to give the impression that everything was good in Libya that we helped liberate.

We remain in the Middle East to our own detriment.

When the CIA is involved, you will never know the truth.

This was a tragedy. The White House tried to sanitize it as they always do. It will happen, again, no matter how many improvements we do to embassey security.
Omg classicdumbass head explodes
Hopefully we’ll find out how much truth there is to that.

Actually the final call on security for American property and Americans abroad isn’t with Ambassadors. That buck stops with the Secretary Of State and or the President. Same goes for any order for security to “Stand Down.” Same goes for any Administration “Talking Points” to the American People on the Sunday News programs, and especially when they’re shown to be a cover-up for the highest ranking political officials to cover their sorry careless and incompetent asses.

Does it REALLY matter to you what they find? Your mind's already made up...poisoned by right wing media. Hell, you even brought up fucking DEATH PANELS! That alone shows where you stand.
I continue to laugh, this was a CIA outpost, posing as an embassey outpost.

We wanted to give the impression that everything was good in Libya that we helped liberate.

We remain in the Middle East to our own detriment.

When the CIA is involved, you will never know the truth.

This was a tragedy. The White House tried to sanitize it as they always do. It will happen, again, no matter how many improvements we do to embassey security.

So it was “The White House” that tried to sanitize it? Are you sure it wasn’t Hillary’s State Department? Oh! Ok it was probably both, huh? The White House because Obama was running around the country campaigning claiming that Al-Qaeda was a non-factor in the world anymore because of his brilliant victories over terrorism and he didn’t need it to be known that he had supplied the weapon to Libyan Al-Qaeda that killed Kaddafi and Stevens, huh? The State Department needed to cover it up because it proved that Her Majesty Hillary was the incompetent bitch she really is, right?

Actually we now know the CIA talking points called it exactly what it was a premeditated terrorist attack arranged by elements of Al-Qaeda. Seems the CIA had no problem with telling it like it really was. Of course it was the White House and the State Department that edited the CIA talking points 12 times before the administration’s mouth piece flunky went on national TV Sunday shows and perpetrated the cover up, right? It was all “cover your ass” politics during a Presidential selection, huh?
Does it REALLY matter to you what they find? Your mind's already made up...poisoned by right wing media. Hell, you even brought up fucking DEATH PANELS! That alone shows where you stand.

Well friend I think it should matter to every American when our leaders in Washington prove to be lying bastards and total incompetents. I think it should matter a plenty when our politicians keep sticking their corrupt noses into other country’s wars and arming terrorist that turn around and kill Americans with the weapons our politicians supplied them then lie their asses off about it when the chickens come home to roost and the shit hits the fan, don’t you?

Maybe the worst shame of all of it is that the media has to be a bunch of partisan wonks too just to shed light on the corrupt and incompetent bastards in Washington. If ALL media did their job and reported from a natural non-partisan perspective our government would be much, much more transparent and fearful of stupidity, incompetence and corruption. The media surrenders to political ideology at the expense of liberty and justice They become the worst of the bastards when they aid and ignore political cover ups. There should be no right-wing or left-wing media, there should only be a free non-partisan “watchdog” media. Good luck with that, huh?
Well friend I think it should matter to every American when our leaders in Washington prove to be lying bastards and total incompetents. I think it should matter a plenty when our politicians keep sticking their corrupt noses into other country’s wars and arming terrorist that turn around and kill Americans with the weapons our politicians supplied them then lie their asses off about it when the chickens come home to roost and the shit hits the fan, don’t you?

Maybe the worst shame of all of it is that the media has to be a bunch of partisan wonks too just to shed light on the corrupt and incompetent bastards in Washington. If ALL media did their job and reported from a natural non-partisan perspective our government would be much, much more transparent and fearful of stupidity, incompetence and corruption. The media surrenders to political ideology at the expense of liberty and justice They become the worst of the bastards when they aid and ignore political cover ups. There should be no right-wing or left-wing media, there should only be a free non-partisan “watchdog” media. Good luck with that, huh?

I guess it's only "Non-Partisan" when they suck the dicks of Conservatives.
I guess it's only "Non-Partisan" when they suck the dicks of Conservatives.

Only “cock-suckers” suck the dicks of right or left!!! Too damn bad we only get any real oversight of criminal government through “partisan” media as opposed to “patriot” media, huh?
I always only speak for myself to the chagrin of partisan zombies and other morons!

Oh....I forgot....it's only "partisan" when it's not you....idiocy.

I just love the way partisans call other partisans....partisans.

I also love the way EVERY media source that shows a differing.opinion than Right Wing media is Partisan....but RIGHT WING media...is allegedly "non partisan" by right wing partisans.