who wins the fight: the Clintons or the Democratic Party


Abreast of the situations
I knew it would come to this.. The CLINTONS versus the Democratic party leaders Reid, Pelosi, Dean..

This war will have casualties.. who do you put your money on?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of prominent Hillary Clinton donors sent a letter to House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday asking her to retract her comments on superdelegates and stay out of the Democratic fight over their role in the presidential race.

The 20 prominent Clinton supporters told Pelosi she should "clarify" recent statements to make it clear superdelegates -- nearly 800 party insiders and elected officials who are free to back any candidate -- could support the candidate they think would be the best nominee.

Pelosi has not publicly endorsed either Clinton or Barack Obama in their hotly contested White House battle, but she recently said superdelegates should support whoever emerges from the nomination contests with the most pledged delegates -- which appears almost certain to be Obama.

"This is an untenable position that runs counter to the party's intent in establishing superdelegates in 1984," the letter from the wealthy Clinton backers said.

"Superdelegates, like all delegates, have an obligation to make an informed, individual decision about whom to support and who would be the party's strongest nominee," said the letter signed by some of Clinton's biggest fund raisers.

Superdelegates have emerged as likely kingmakers in the fight between Clinton and Obama. The letter was another sign of growing Democratic tension over their nominating battle.

Neither candidate is expected to have enough pledged delegates won in state-by-state contests to clinch the nomination when voting ends in June, leaving the choice in the hands of the superdelegates.

Both candidates have wooed them heavily, with Obama contending they should follow the will of Democratic voters and Clinton arguing they should vote for the candidate with the best chance of winning the presidential election in November -- which she says is her.

Among the signees of the letter were prominent Democrats and Clinton supporters like Robert Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television; Bernard Schwartz, former chairman of Loral Space and Communications; and venture capitalist Steven Rattner.

The signees reminded the House leader from California of their support for the party's House campaign committee and said "therefore" she should "reflect in your comments a more open view" about superdelegates.

"We appreciate your activities in support of the Democratic Party and your leadership role in the party and hope you will be responsive to some of your major enthusiastic supporters," the letter said.

The Obama campaign said the Illinois senator would support the election efforts of House Democrats no matter what the outcome of the nomination fight.

"This letter is inappropriate and we hope the Clinton campaign will reject the insinuation contained in it," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said.

Clinton spokesman Phil Singer said Clinton had made the case superdelegates should exercise independent judgment about who would be the best for the party and the country.

"Few have done more to build the Democratic Party than Bill and Hillary Clinton. The last thing they need is a lecture from the Obama campaign," he said.

(Editing by Cynthia Osterman)

(To read more about the U.S. political campaign, visit Reuters "Tales from the Trail: 2008" online at http:blogs.reuters.com/trail08/)
"Prominent donors" to a campaign have no business telling the Speaker of the House what to say, think or do. Their arrogance rivals the Clintons.

This is embarassing.
its very destructive.. and becoming more and more evident of hillarys intentions. I truly believe she would rather Mccain win then obama.
its very destructive.. and becoming more and more evident of hillarys intentions. I truly believe she would rather Mccain win then obama.
In 8 more years she thinks it is likely she'll be too old to make a serious run.
Ahh well it goes on both sides of the fence. the republican party has already pretty much ceeded to the Bush machine.

The battle for control of the democratic party still rages.
Ahh well it goes on both sides of the fence. the republican party has already pretty much ceeded to the Bush machine.

The battle for control of the democratic party still rages.

Yet the lefties continue to act as though all these attacks are coming from deranged righties who fear the black man.
"who wins the fight: the Clintons or the Democratic Party "

I just wanted to answer this question very succinctly -- The republicans
Yet the lefties continue to act as though all these attacks are coming from deranged righties who fear the black man.
It is really funny. The reality is when your opponents are fighting themselves and taking each other down, it is best to just get out of the way.
Well it seems the right all caved in to backing McSame pretty quick.

Hillary is toast and she has ruined herself within her own party.

She will probably pull a Liberman after this.
Well it seems the right all caved in to backing McSame pretty quick.

Hillary is toast and she has ruined herself within her own party.

She will probably pull a Liberman after this.
That would RAWK! I'd love to see HillBilly drop to Independent and run against Obama and McCain. That would be truly entertaining.
It is really funny. The reality is when your opponents are fighting themselves and taking each other down, it is best to just get out of the way.

Agreed. Though perhaps adding a few jabs here and there to keep the fire stoked between the two camps wouldn't be too bad.

McCain has to be loving this. Not having to spend funds at this time. Watching the two Dems hammer away at each other's perceived flaws.

Obama will eventually take care of business, but Hillary will have bruised him up pretty good by then
I figure most peoples minds are made up on hillary vs Obama. If anything Hillary is losing votes to Obama lately with her sniper fire and such.
the battle now is between the DLC and the DNC. With Hillary representing the corporate DLC (Republican Lite) and Obama representing the DNC which is the more liberal and progressive side of the party.
It cracks me up when the radical right claim that this will destroy the Democratic party! This is democracy in action! What the Democratic party is all about! Democracy! But I don't expect members of the Republic party to understand this because you have to believe in democracy in order to begin to understand how it works.
I don't see it as a weakness, although i believe Hillary will not drop out without a fight and an attempt at a power grab. But, IMO, the Democratic party has had enough of these Republic party strategies and will put the looser, who ever it is, in his/her place around convention time.
Democracy is a messy thing and it takes time to sort things out. When push comes to shove the party and the majority of the people in this country will vote against the failed conservative philosophies that have driven our country into the ditch.