who wins the fight: the Clintons or the Democratic Party

I don't see it as a weakness, although i believe Hillary will not drop out without a fight and an attempt at a power grab. But, IMO, the Democratic party has had enough of these Republic party strategies and will put the looser, who ever it is, in his/her place around convention time.
Democracy is a messy thing and it takes time to sort things out. When push comes to shove the party and the majority of the people in this country will vote against the failed conservative philosophies that have driven our country into the ditch.

I do hope you are correct. But I am beginning to seriously doubt the intelligence of the average voting American. If Hillary or McCain wins this time I am just giving up on them.
I do hope you are correct. But I am beginning to seriously doubt the intelligence of the average voting American. If Hillary or McCain wins this time I am just giving up on them.

I hate to say it, but I will, too, and I never thought I would say that.