Who would you rather lose to Trump?


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I actually prefer Biden, because I've been watching him suck, fail, and lose in every presidential race for DECADES now. He always comes in right around last place...for DECADES. He molests children and women, forgets what he's talking about at every turn, and is an embarrassing non-stop gaffe machine. Bernie may be a deranged economically illiterate lunatic and hypocrite, but at least he has some energy behind him. Biden will crash and burn worse than Bernie...yet still, on the other hand, Bernie would hijack the Demagogue Party and officially turn it communist, which would discredit it as an extremist group long-term.

This is why I am on the fence.
8 More Years !

Trump SHOULD be able to serve 8 more years, since his first four were spent diverting most of his attention to treasonous witch hunts and coup attempts. If ever there were a valid basis for an exception to the 22nd Amendment it would be having your presidency illegally hijacked, derailed, and stolen by those who can't handle free and fair elections.

I actually prefer Biden, because I've been watching him suck, fail, and lose in every presidential race for DECADES now.

Biden lost two Presidential races, and was on the winning ticket in two Presidential races. trump has lost one, and won one.

He molests children and women, forgets what he's talking about at every turn, and is an embarrassing non-stop gaffe machine. Bernie may be a deranged economically illiterate lunatic and hypocrite

It sounds like you are describing trump there. Next you will be accusing Biden of wearing orange makeup to look tan.

but at least he has some energy behind him.

You are no longer describing trump. That guy spends most of his time in bed eating Big Macs.
Trump is a clown and, many Americans are getting the message. He is foundering with Corona. He has a volatile economy and stock market. There is nothing he is making better. he inherited a vibrant and growing economy and it is not one anymore.
I actually prefer Biden, because I've been watching him suck, fail, and lose in every presidential race for DECADES now. He always comes in right around last place...for DECADES. He molests children and women, forgets what he's talking about at every turn, and is an embarrassing non-stop gaffe machine. Bernie may be a deranged economically illiterate lunatic and hypocrite, but at least he has some energy behind him. Biden will crash and burn worse than Bernie...yet still, on the other hand, Bernie would hijack the Demagogue Party and officially turn it communist, which would discredit it as an extremist group long-term.

This is why I am on the fence.

Biden can potentially stop the black voters who are now Pro-Trump due to their fatter wallets...
I’d prefer to see Bernie and Socialism go down in a crushing defeat. It would be great to see Trump beat Bernie by a landslide. It would show Americans rejecting Socialism.
Trump is a shoo in for 2020,

if I were the democrats I'd get braced for the Ivanka 2024 run, never too early :rofl2:

I’d prefer to see Bernie and Socialism go down in a crushing defeat. It would be great to see Trump beat Bernie by a landslide. It would show Americans rejecting Socialism.

Americans don't actually have to reject socialism, kind of goes without saying, Progressives are not really Americans,

they are communists enjoying the fruits of our labor
Biden lost two Presidential races

He got .03% of the vote in 1984, .05% of the vote in 1988, and 1.4% of the vote in 2008 (that's three, not two). Across three decades, he keeps running and coming in approximately dead last every single time...except once he was attached to the first black president and Democrats had no choice. He crashes and burns hard every single time he is required to stand on his own two feet. Biden is a gift from God for conservatives.

But don't let me talk you out of it. I WANT Biden in there. You thought Hillary underperformed against Trump? Just watch what happens now that the most time-proven loser in the party tries to run against Trump...with his pathological molester track record and non-stop senile gaffes. The low-energy dud that is Biden can't even unite his own party behind his garbage candidacy. They're having to be dragged kicking and screaming into supporting him. Compare that to Trump's "standing room only" sold out stadiums.

This contest was over before it began. :laugh:

It sounds like you are describing trump there.

Youtube is filled with cringey videos of Biden fondling women and girls. Democrats have been caught peddling hoaxes against Trump for four years straight now. Apples and oranges.

You are no longer describing trump. That guy spends most of his time in bed eating Big Macs.

You are seriously arguing that Trump has no energy behind him? :lolup:

Did you mean to say Biden? :rofl2:
Trump is a clown and, many Americans are getting the message.

Empty butthurt posturing.


He is foundering with Corona.

You misspelled "vastly out-performing Obama."


He has a volatile economy and stock market.

Obama built that economy. That's what you've been telling everyone on here for YEARS. :laugh:

Suddenly it's Trump's economy...now that Democrats fear-mongered the stock market into temporarily diving? :bs:


There is nothing he is making better.

Unless you count all the record-breaking economic accomplishments and this entire list, sure:

-USMCA (+1).
-Almost 4 million jobs created since election (+1).
-More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history (+1).
-Created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs after Obama said it was impossible (+1).
-Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES (+1).
-Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent (+1).
-New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low (+1).
-Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded (+1).
-African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded (+1).
-Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded (+1).
-Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded (+1).
-Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years (+1).
-Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century (+1).
-Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma (+1).
-Veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years (+1).
-Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election (+1).
-95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever (+1).
-Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year (+1).
-Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone (+1).
-Small businesses have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years (+1).
-Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles (+1).
-Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup (+1).
-Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines (+1).
-Record number of regulations eliminated (+1).
-Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions (+1).
-Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE (+1).
-Providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans (+1).
-FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history (+1).
-Reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone (+1).
-Signed Right-To-Try legislation (+1).
-Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
-Reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during first year (+1).
-Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care (+1).
-Increased coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high (+1).
-United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957 (+1).
-Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord (+1).
-Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan (+1).
-Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year (+1).
-NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016 (+1).
-Space Force (+1).
-Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration (+1).
-Confirmed Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh (+1).
-Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal (+1).
-Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem (+1).
-Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court (+1).
-Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay (+1).
-Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports (+1).
-Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security (+1).
-Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices (+1).
-Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year (+1).
-Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement (+1).
-Used tariffs to get Mexico to stop the invasion on their own (+1).
-Repealed Obama's racist preferential treatments for minorities in public schools (+1).
-Replaced NAFTA with an America-first trade deal, effectively making Mexico pay for the wall (+1).
-Secured more concessions and made more progress with North Korea than any president since the Armistice (+1).
-Reinstated travel bans from unstable terror states (+1).
-Successfully nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court (+1).
-Increased the removal of criminal gang members by 36% (and an 83% increase in MS-13 gang members) (+1).
-Doubled the number of counties aiding illegal immigrant deportations (+1).
-Ended Obama's catch-and-release illegal immigration policy (+1).
-Restored enforcement of national security-related trade agreements (+1).
-Removed extreme red tape from infrastructure permit approval process (+1).
-Signed 15 bills into law cutting regulations on job-creators (+1).
-Withdrew the U.S. from the biased U.N. Human Rights Council (+1).
-Reversed Obama's extremist response to the BP oil spill (+1).
-Cut off funding for the United Nations (+1).
-Stopped terminally ill patients from having to wait on FDA approval to try experimental life-saving drugs (+1).
-Ended taxpayer-funded subsidies for federal unions (+1).
-Illegally banned bump stocks (-1).
-Signed into law a return to massive pork-barrel deficit spending (-1).
-Cut off funding to terror states like Pakistan (+1).
-Dramatically expanded offshore drilling (+1).
-Acknowledged Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel (+1).
-Resumed the prosecution of first-time border violating illegal immigrants, which had been suspended by Obama (+1).
-Reversed Obama's policy of importing un-vetted Islamic "refugees" while denying refugee status to Christians being relentlessly persecuted throughout the Middle East (+1).
-Reversed Obama's use of the Social Security system to deny American citizens gun rights on frivolous, intentionally broad and sweeping "mental health" grounds (+1).
-Reversed Obama's illegal bathroom policy requiring schools to cater to gender delusions at the expense of public safety (+1).
-Refused to fill numerous federal posts that should not even exist under the Constitution (+1).
-Repealed job-killing, unconstitutional Dodd-Frank regulations (+1).
-Stocked HHS with anti-abortion conservatives (+1).
-Reversed Obama decree that publicly funded abortions through Title X funding (+1).
-Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act to protect veterans from government incompetence, corruption, neglect, and lack of access (+1).
-Cut off funding for sanctuary cities and increased ICE enforcement in those cities despite the actions of their lawless local governments (+1).
-Removed Obama's ban on offshore drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean (+1).
-Stopped the funding of international organizations that promote abortion (+1).
-Loosened IRS restrictions on religious institutions (+1).
-Launched investigations into voter fraud (+1).
-Repaired our relations with Israel from the extreme hostility of the Obama years (+1).
-Appointed nominees who reject the left's Constitution-trampling interpretation of Title IX to push radical feminist gender hysteria (+1).
-Implemented a White House hotline, fully staffed by veterans, for veterans being harmed or neglected by the VA (+1)
-Implemented a tracking system through DHS to identify those staying in the U.S. on expired visas (+1).
-Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to uproot VA corruption and incompetence (+1).
-Reversed Obama's illegal land-grabbing assault on private property rights, known as the "Waters of the United States" rule (+1).
-Reversed Obama's attempt to legitimize Cuba's communist, terror-sponsoring regime (+1).
-Opened up massive amounts of job-creating trade with China (+1).
-Approved the Dakota Access Pipeline project (+1).
-Reversed our numerous losses in Iraq from Obama's premature withdrawal and needless surrender of the entire region to Islamic terrorists (+1).
-Ended Obama's policies arming Islamic jihadists in Syria (+1).
-Reversed Obama's obliteration of the coal industry via the "Stream Protection Rule" (+1).
-Authorized increased oil and natural gas development on federal lands (+1).
-Reversed Obama's illegal Operation Choke Point assault on gun rights (+1).
-Reinstated successful work requirements for welfare policies that had been repealed by Obama (+1).
-Reversed Obama's transgender military policy (+1).
-Increased deportations of illegal immigrants by more than 28% in his first year (+1).
-Ended the Central American Minors Parole Program that used children to import entire families Third World South American countries into the U.S. (+1).
-Introduced eight separate waves of numerous young, conservative federal judicial nominees (+1).
-Began re-funding the missile defenses dismantled by Obama (+1).
-Implemented measures to undo, delay or block 30 economy-killing Obama-era EPA policies, stripping down more regulations than ever in the agency's entire history (+1).
-Removed the U.S. from U.N. organizations that oppose our interests and those of our allies (+1).
-Reversed Obama's appeasement of Iran (+1).
-Reversed Obamacare's restrictions on purchasing health plans across state lines (+1).
-Ended the left's corrupt practice of stacking "independent" review boards of the EPA with EPA-funded environmental extremists (+1).
-Directed the Department of Agriculture to immediately stop discriminating against Christians for disagreeing with homosexual marriage (+1).
-Reversed Obama's illegal, economy-killing EPA takeover of energy production (+1).
-Reversed Obamacare's illegal contraception mandate (+1).
-Sided with establishment RINO Luther Strange over proven conservative Roy Moore (-1).
-Helped Democrats raise the debt ceiling to further illegally nationalize hurricane relief (-1).
-Dramatically reduced regulations on manufacturers (+1).
-Rescinded Obama's illegal DACA program (+1).
-Repealed Obama's absurd Executive Order forcing infrastructure projects to prioritize global warming (+1).
-Removed the U.S. from the Paris Climate Deal (+1).
-Repealed Obama's racist preferential treatment for minorities in prosecuting criminals (+1).
-Repealed unscientific restrictions on fracking (+1).
-Reformed H-1B visa system to stop discriminating against Americans for profit (+1).
-Required Federal Government to prioritize hiring Americans (+1).
-Rolled back Obama-era gun controls (+1).
-Appointed religious liberty defender to important civil rights post (+1).
-Signed resolution overturning Obama's forced state funding of Planned Parenthood (+1)
-Stated his intention to fight the Freedom Caucus (conservatives) in 2018 (-1).
-Ended taxpayer funding for UN programs that support "coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization" (+1).
-Nominated an anti-environmentalist, anti-regulation, pro-religious freedom, pro-life, anti-judicial activism, Scalia-loving opponent of over-criminalization to the SCOTUS (+1).
-Implemented English-first policies (+1).
-Implemented "extreme vetting" of Islamic "refugees" (+1).
-Began rebuilding the military (+1).
-Implemented requirement for all new regulations to be accompanied by the removal of two other regulations (+1).
-Implemented 5-year ban on anyone from his administration taking lobbying jobs in Washington (what ACTUAL transparency and draining the swamp looks like) (+1).
-Sided with Ryancare over simply repealing Obama's illegal health care takeover.(-1)
-Rescinded Obama's lawless war on coal (+1).
-Reversed the Obamacare penalty for being too poor to afford insurance (+1).
-Reversed Obama's attempt to restart the Democrat-created housing disaster that destroyed the economy in 2008 (no more forcibly lower lending standards for unqualified buyers) (+1).
-Reversed taxpayer funding for partisan liberal media (NPR and PBS) (+1).
-Reinstated Reagan's ban on funding overseas abortion promoters and providers (+1).
-Pulled us out of TPP (+1).
-Imposed a federal hiring freeze on everything but the military (one of the few things the Federal Government is actually AUTHORIZED to spend money on under the Constitution) (+1).
-Restored the building of the Keystone pipeline (+1).
-Fired corrupt incompetents from the VA after years of inaction under Obama (+1).
-Froze EPA grant programs (+1).
-Reversed Obama's sweeping EPA water power grab (+1).

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he inherited a vibrant and growing economy and it is not one anymore.

Provably false. Obama gave us the worst recovery since the Great Depression...from a Democrat-created economic collapse. All the evidence shows that job-creators did their total 180 on growing the economy once the tax cuts were implemented.

Do you EVER stop lying? :cool:
Trump explained it all on Feb 28
" We are ordering a lot of supplies. We are ordering a lot of, uh, a lot of elements that we frankly would not be ordering unless it was something like this. We are ordering a lot of differing elements of medical."
Trump also said
" I don't think it is inevitable. it probably will. It possible will. it could be at a very small level or it could be at a large level. Whatever happens we are totally prepared'
Trump is essentially illiterate and is very stupid. He is the guy that a person who gaffes can still stomp in debates.
You guys refuse to see what is before you.