Who would you rather lose to Trump?

Trump explained it all on Feb 28
" We are ordering a lot of supplies. We are ordering a lot of, uh, a lot of elements that we frankly would not be ordering unless it was something like this. We are ordering a lot of differing elements of medical."
Trump also said
" I don't think it is inevitable. it probably will. It possible will. it could be at a very small level or it could be at a large level. Whatever happens we are totally prepared'
Trump is essentially illiterate and is very stupid. He is the guy that a person who gaffes can still stomp in debates.
You guys refuse to see what is before you.

What is this random blather supposed to prove? That Trump says "uh" a lot? THAT'S your big counterpoint? :rofl2:
I actually prefer Biden, because I've been watching him suck, fail, and lose in every presidential race for DECADES now. He always comes in right around last place...for DECADES. He molests children and women, forgets what he's talking about at every turn, and is an embarrassing non-stop gaffe machine. Bernie may be a deranged economically illiterate lunatic and hypocrite, but at least he has some energy behind him. Biden will crash and burn worse than Bernie...yet still, on the other hand, Bernie would hijack the Demagogue Party and officially turn it communist, which would discredit it as an extremist group long-term.

This is why I am on the fence.

I agree with your summary; Bernie. ;)
Laughable ego fallacies in progress.

Be careful or he'll cry like a baby and ignore you.


Or THIS; I can't watch this enough times:

I'd like to see it again but I think that was a once in a century thing. Donald J. Trump, a non politician, defeating the "most qualified person ever" and "smartest person in the world" for president. :laugh:

We won't because even the left knows Trump has had great success in his first term. They hate him but know we're in good shape with him as president.
This one will always be my personal favorite. So much arrogant establishment contempt and derision followed by shattered snowflake psyches]

They all relied upon and believed the same pollsters they still trust today. They never learn, do they?
They all relied upon and believed the same pollsters they still trust today. They never learn, do they?

Even WITH all the ways Democrats get to cheat and rig everything for themselves (falsely exonerating Hillary while framing Trump, the news media, Hollywood and academia being 95% Democrat, illegal immigrants being greeted with voter registration forms, protecting voter fraud by stopping voter ID laws, the IRS targeting conservative groups, Constitution-shredding activist judges, harassing and intimidating dissent, etc.)...also known as "Democrat privilege," they STILL lost. But they tell themselves it was all a grand conspiracy by secret Russian agents (it's difficult to believe there are people this stupid), so they don't HAVE to learn from the situation. And this deliberately self-unaware refusal to consider reality means that...yes, they have not learned a single thing. And it's beautiful.

Even WITH all the ways Democrats get to cheat and rig everything for themselves (falsely exonerating Hillary while framing Trump, the news media, Hollywood and academia being 95% Democrat, illegal immigrants being greeted with voter registration forms, protecting voter fraud by stopping voter ID laws, the IRS targeting conservative groups, Constitution-shredding activist judges, harassing and intimidating dissent, etc.)...even with all the Democrat privilege giving them every advantage imaginable...they STILL lost. But they tell themselves it was all a grand conspiracy by secret Russian agents (it's difficult to believe there are people this stupid), so they don't HAVE to learn from the situation. And this deliberately self-unaware refusal to consider reality means that...yes, they have not learned a single thing. And it's beautiful.

Let's face facts.

If DEMOCRATS were smart enough to learn from their mistakes, they'd quit the Party of The Jackass like Presidents Reagan and Trump did.
Let's face facts.

If DEMOCRATS were smart enough to learn from their mistakes, they'd quit the Party of The Jackass like Presidents Reagan and Trump did.


I've said that for years. Their two DEFINING TRAITS are:

1) An inability to comprehend human nature.

2) An inability to learn from history.

Take those two things away and the person ceases to be a Democrat.