Who's Fault Is Gaza Fight? Obama's


Not So Junior Member
Hey, don't blame me, al Zawahiri said it! :eek:
I thought 'the World' was suppose to love us now?


Report: Al-Qaida No. 2 blames Obama for Gaza fight

By HADEEL AL-SHALCHI, Associated Press Writer
34 mins ago

CAIRO, Egypt – Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader lashed out at President-elect Barack Obama in a new audio message Tuesday, accusing him of not doing anything to stop Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip, according to an intelligence monitoring center.

The recording purportedly by Ayman al-Zawahiri was al-Qaida's first comments on the Gaza crisis since Israel launched its offensive against the Islamic militants of Hamas on Dec. 27.

In the comments, which were posted on a militant Web site and obtained by the SITE Monitoring Service, al-Zawahiri described Israel's actions in Gaza as a "crusade against Islam and Muslims" and called it "Obama's gift to Israel" before he takes office later this month.

"This is Obama whom the American machine of lies tried to portray as the rescuer who will change the policy of America," al-Zawahiri said, according to SITE. "He kills your brothers and sisters in Gaza mercilessly and without affection."...
Its Israel and the US's fault. They've been occupying and oppressing the Palestinians with american weapons and money for decades. Its a brutal, unwelcome occupation, and as we all know, unwelcome occupations lead to ugly problems.

Al Zwahiri can suck an egg.
Hannity must be talking to Al, they both claim Obama should do something...

EXCUSE me, but isn't Bush still President? What can Obama do except go to the floor of the Senate, right now, as he keeps saying, there is only one President and he is evil and Bolton is evil and they both haven't condemned Israel's actions. Overkill!
Its Israel and the US's fault. They've been occupying and oppressing the Palestinians with american weapons and money for decades. Its a brutal, unwelcome occupation, and as we all know, unwelcome occupations lead to ugly problems.

Al Zwahiri can suck an egg.

I agree, and to claim that "Obama is murderering Muslims" is way beyond retarded, but hey, the guy's Al Qaeda, so.

But, I do feel that Obama could have said something about this, especially, when Israel sent in ground forces. He couldn't "do" anything about it, and he couldn't have stopped it as President-elect, but he could have sent a message. Some could say that would be meaningless, but would it be? For the world to know, for Gazans to know, things are about to change, is that meaningless? I doubt this.
Why not blame Obama?

Everyone is going to blame him for everything which has happened in the last decade, will happen in the coming decade and might happen in the warped mind of every decade (see, it sounds a bit like dickhead. Work with me here people.)
Why not blame Obama?

Everyone is going to blame him for everything which has happened in the last decade, will happen in the coming decade and might happen in the warped mind of every decade (see, it sounds a bit like dickhead. Work with me here people.)

Decade? Dickhead? I don't get it......must be your British accent ducky.
Why not blame Obama?

Everyone is going to blame him for everything which has happened in the last decade, will happen in the coming decade and might happen in the warped mind of every decade (see, it sounds a bit like dickhead. Work with me here people.)

because I prefer to blame the Clinton Czar
It doesn't matter who is president. Regardless of if gore was president in 2001 al quida still would have attacked. If kerry was president in 2005 al quida would be blaming him. These people are terrorists religious fanatics who hate us for our beliefs. Its absolutely 110% not a suprise that al quida is blaming Obama now. You could put Cindy sheehan in the white house and they would blame her.
It doesn't matter who is president. Regardless of if gore was president in 2001 al quida still would have attacked. If kerry was president in 2005 al quida would be blaming him. These people are terrorists religious fanatics who hate us for our beliefs. Its absolutely 110% not a suprise that al quida is blaming Obama now. You could put Cindy sheehan in the white house and they would blame her.

I agree with this so much Chap. I really don't think it matters at this point. Unless we have some president order an all out military attack on Israel (and I do say that tongue-in-cheek) no Al Queda representative is ever going to think there is a change in policy. And there needs to be a change in policy. This "support Israel at all costs and the rest be damned" is not good policy.

I know they are our "allies" in a hostile region but when they do wrong (and I am not calling the current offensive wrong....don't know enough about it) they need to be called on it.
I agree, and to claim that "Obama is murderering Muslims" is way beyond retarded, but hey, the guy's Al Qaeda, so.

But, I do feel that Obama could have said something about this, especially, when Israel sent in ground forces. He couldn't "do" anything about it, and he couldn't have stopped it as President-elect, but he could have sent a message. Some could say that would be meaningless, but would it be? For the world to know, for Gazans to know, things are about to change, is that meaningless? I doubt this.

While I agree he could have said something to indicate how he will address it come Jan 20, I doubt anyone could have gotten Israel to stop. Maybe if Bush and Obama had come out together on it. But that is the only way I can see. Because Israel can write off Bush as only having a couple more weeks in power and they could have done the same to Obama for not being in power yet.
certain groups in America enjoy more then there share of influence in congress and on policy.. none more then the jewish Americans.
I know they are our "allies" in a hostile region but when they do wrong (and I am not calling the current offensive wrong....don't know enough about it) they need to be called on it.

its a democracy in the middle of a region that despises democracy. Do we want to support democracy or not. Thats one question. IN a way this is sort of a proxy war with Iran anyways our arm being isreal and Irans arm being Hamas.
its a democracy in the middle of a region that despises democracy. Do we want to support democracy or not. Thats one question. IN a way this is sort of a proxy war with Iran anyways our arm being isreal and Irans arm being Hamas.

It's easy to be a democracy when you kick out all the people who won';t vote for you.
Hannity must be talking to Al, they both claim Obama should do something...

EXCUSE me, but isn't Bush still President? What can Obama do except go to the floor of the Senate, right now, as he keeps saying, there is only one President and he is evil and Bolton is evil and they both haven't condemned Israel's actions. Overkill!

He can do the exact same thing he did with the Georgia/Russia conflict, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the economic collapse, and Pakistan .. ho could speak out.

He's not going to speak out because he's Israel's bitch, not because he can't.