Who's Fault Is Gaza Fight? Obama's

Why not blame Obama?

Everyone is going to blame him for everything which has happened in the last decade, will happen in the coming decade and might happen in the warped mind of every decade (see, it sounds a bit like dickhead. Work with me here people.)

In spite of the belief that Obama walks on water .. he is going to justly criticized when he fails, no differently than any other President has been .. AND, given the level of anger heaped on George Bush, what else would you expect?
I agree, and to claim that "Obama is murderering Muslims" is way beyond retarded, but hey, the guy's Al Qaeda, so.

But, I do feel that Obama could have said something about this, especially, when Israel sent in ground forces. He couldn't "do" anything about it, and he couldn't have stopped it as President-elect, but he could have sent a message. Some could say that would be meaningless, but would it be? For the world to know, for Gazans to know, things are about to change, is that meaningless? I doubt this.

the insane have their own agenda that reason and logic cannot touch

they also seem to less than informed about how our political system works