Who's the Biggest Dumbass?

Who's the Biggest Dumbass?

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    Votes: 2 40.0%
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    Votes: 3 60.0%

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Looks like smartguy checked out...obviously humiliated after leaving this thread.

[ame="http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=14066"]Obama leads Intrade electoral map by 7 points - Just Plain Politics![/ame]
Well--who? I would have to say the people in Detroit that voted for their mayor Kilpatrick. Guess who those people are going to vote for for president? You have to be a dumbass or commie to vote the way these people vote. It has proven to be embarassing time and time again--yet, they are still dumbasses. Vote based on emotion or listening to a hollywood moron--and you to--are a dumbass!!
Well--who? I would have to say the people in Detroit that voted for their mayor Kilpatrick. Guess who those people are going to vote for for president? You have to be a dumbass or commie to vote the way these people vote. It has proven to be embarassing time and time again--yet, they are still dumbasses. Vote based on emotion or listening to a hollywood moron--and you to--are a dumbass!!

This is pathetically funny coming from an obvious Bushite.
This is pathetically funny coming from an obvious Bushite.

Just a fact--not based on emotion--so you don't recogonize it.

Hey moron--I hate Bush--but I am not voting for the commie because of my negative emotion toward Bush. That would be a total lack of intelligence--like a liberial voter.

Bush had nothing to do with my post--you interjected it because---your a dumbass also. If we were lawyers--I would tear you up in any court.

I say the guy is guilty--and you say it is because you think I like Bush? Yea---good thinking moron. lol

It is obvious that you have a hard time seeing anything obvious (like obamie the commies accomplishments that actually serve the people--none). Read this again several times you dupe!!--I hate Bush!!!!!!! I just hate the commie obamie more!!!
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You did not vote for bush ? Now I am confused. Perhpas you were not old enough to vote ?

Maybe it is rascism ?
USC, I think you hit a nerve.

Maj, for someone who screams "commie" like a throw-back to McCarthyism, you really don't have a lot of room to call anyone else a dumbass.

And your politics do stink of Bush, whether you profess to hate him or not. Obama certainly says he is not a communist, but you do not believe him. I doubt many believe you dislike Bush.
You did not vote for bush ? Now I am confused. Perhpas you were not old enough to vote ?

Maybe it is rascism ?

This is my first term voting. I am 44 years old. Unlike you--I never felt informed enough to make a responsible vote, so I did not vote. It was only about 2 years abo when I started gaining interest--and I am already a more responsible voter than you.

If your voting for the commie obamie---please tell me why--and I will prove that you don't have any good reasons---because the commie has done nothing. You can't possible have one good AMERICAN reason to vote for the commie---oh yea---you don't like Bush. very responsible---good citizen--not!\

To add--look at the race card. You got nothing. I would vote for Dr, Martin Luther King for this election--because the man was all AMERICAN.

I was also accused by some bimbo that I would not vote for Hillery because I was sexist---but I am voting for Palin--not McCain (but I like McCain ear mark, spending, and tax cut measures neede to help our people.)

USCITIZEN---you have nothing!! so bring up a emotional race card that represents your emotion only. Your a disgrace to US citizenship----please change your misleading screen name to sometihg more-----marksist. I don't believe you are a good US citizen.
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My main reason for voting for Obama, it that the bush methodology has sucked a big green weenie and I feel that a NcCain presidency will be 90% the same as the bush presidency.
Or worse.

I am not voting for Obama as much as I am voting against the Bush method of governing.
This is my first term voting. I am 44 years old. Unlike you--I never felt informed enough to make a responsible vote, so I did not vote. It was only about 2 years abo when I started gaining interest--and I am already a more responsible voter than you.

If your voting for the commie obamie---please tell me why--and I will prove that you don't have any good reasons---because the commie has done nothing. You can't possible have one good AMERICAN reason to vote for the commie---oh yea---you don't like Bush. very responsible---good citizen--not!

Oh, so you sat out the first 24 years and now you want to blame those of us who participated?

You ignored the political process for over half of your life, and now listening to a few radio shows has you educated enough to demean anyone who disagrees with you?

YOu talk about what pitiful shape the country is in, and yet you couldn't be bothered to take the time to cast your own vote?

The world is run by those who bother to show up. If you are 44, you were eligible to vote in 1982. Between then and now, you didn't even bother to exercise your priviledge to vote, and you have the audacity to call other people "dumbass"?

You seem to hate liberals, and you profess to hate Bush, but in the time you were "too busy" to vote, Carter was elected, Clinton was elected twice, and Bush was elected twice.

Sorry Maj, but that doesn't show me any sort of intelligence at all. It shows a lack of responsibility. It shows a total disdain for what generations of american soldiers died to preserve. It shows a callous attitude that certainly doesn't help your claims of righteousness. But it damn sure doesn't show you know what you are talking about.

Many of the people on this forum have been following politics closely for decades. You think your two years of finally paying attention to "the game" qualifies you to call other people commies or dumbasses?

Sorry, but you fail on a grand scale.
Maybe maj just got out of prison and got his right to vote restored ?
That is strange 44 yrs and no vote....

You know my ex wifes family had genetically linked mental disorders that would sudenly pop up in the women in their mid 40's....
My main reason for voting for Obama, it that the bush methodology has sucked a big green weenie and I feel that a NcCain presidency will be 90% the same as the bush presidency.
Or worse.

I am not voting for Obama as much as I am voting against the Bush method of governing.

Now--go back through history--and find us two consecutive presidents that have been close to 90% the same. It has never happened, and will not happen with McCain either. You believe the commie--but history is strong evidence that he is playing on your emotions. Now--find out what the guy has done, so you can judge him better.

The Bush method of governing? Explain that a bit, and then tell me what you will like better about the commie--that has no track record at all.

Thins I don't like about Bush

1) he sold out the American worker for his elite buddies (Clinton did also remember--and McCain is not very good there either IMO--obama is giving the same lip service dems have always given the black population)

2) The patriot act--listing to my calls is BS

3) the recient take over of fanny and freedy--instead of breaking them up to work in a free market)

4) I believe Bush has been quoted in saying "the US consdtitution is just a god damned piece of paper".

5) he spend money like a fucking liberial--Bush is more liberial than consertative IMO.

6) he supported up to 30 million illegal immigrants to become instant citizens (McCain Kennedy bill)--devaluing our citizenship. We the people stopped it with the help of consertative talk radio.

7) I am sure there are more

Things I like about Bush

1) he stopped Hillery very much corrupted s-chip program from being expanded.

I am actually hoping Palin will be a good influence on McCaion. If we drill in ANWR, that will be a good sign to me. Why do I like Palin, and trust her? (the trust is something not often heard of when talking about ploiticians). She has a proven record to fight corruption, no matter where it is---and we all want that. I trust her, and she has a proven record to put the people first--because she knows that is her job. If you grew up in the country, where people actually know who to trust, and who not to trust--I think you would see in Palin, what I see in her. Biden?---I see a untrustworthy politician--weened by 20 or more years of washington elite conditioning.

You like obama---but the only reason is that you don't like Bush. Is that intelligent? Or are you a commie?

I think McCain has integrity--obama has none for the people of the USA. I do believe he will cut ear-marks, and government spending, while giving coprs and citizens tax breaks. That is not change you "CAN" be talked into--that is change that we AMERICANS DO BELIEVE IN!!! If McCain has the integrity for those issues--that alone will be a huge benifit for Americans to chase their individual dreams. It is not my fault if you never had a individual dream.
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If you are going to try and claim the moral high ground, you need a little something to back that up.

Tell me what it is that you have DONE that qualifies you as such an expert that you get to pass judgement on the rest of us.

And just a hint, waiting until you are 44 to vote isn't one.

YOu want to bitch about how bad the commie liberals are?

Well at least they showed up. At least they participated. At least they took the time out of their busy lives to educate themselves and to help select the leaders that shaped the world.

People like you disgust me. YOu try and sound like you have the answers, and yet you have been too lazy to even vote. It is the most basic step in maintaining our freedoms, and yet you couldn't be bothered to do so.

You want to bitch about the way the world is? Thats fine. But first you have to EARN the rright to bitch. Just sitting on your ass an avoiding all social responsibility doesn't earn you the right to do anything but accept what the rest of the people (you know, those of us who took the time to participate) decided was best.
Oh, you think McCain will give the citizen a tax break??

Oh, and you claim to have educated yourself in the last two years?

Have you seen McCain's tax plan? Have you seen where he plans to make the employer contributions to our medical insurance and make it taxable?

Does that sound like someone who is looking out for the citizen?
Yeah keep the children for getting medical care.

Again--you work on emotion from what little you know about the program. Those children are up to 25 years old, and people and families are being coorersed into droping their current private plan--for the government plan. Every state using it is highly corrupted to force socialism--and they sell the children thing to you ---again!

Not for the kids--but pick up the late comedian's last dvd stand up act--Geroge Carlin's "life is worth losing".

I know he is a comedian only, but like Palin, he is not a dumb person. I can see he is a bit liberial, but he understands the behind the scens workings of our government--and really speaks up loudly. Lots of swearing, so most consertatives won't let their kids watch it--but that is up to you. He knows, just like I do that using the emotion of "the children" is a tool used to gain other agendas. Check it out--you will like the "Jump for Jesus" bit.
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