Why are Liberals hung up on skin color?

Blame it on Brown people... Ask the Black guy... Thread after thread of Liberal White Guilt on display here today. If they aren't invoking race into the discussion, they are invoking class, and always attacking Whitey. What's up with that? Why do they constantly mistake "illegal immigrant" for "Hispanic" and insist this is what was meant, when it hasn't ever?

Apparently, this presidential election is boiling down to how many white people they can guilt into voting for the black man. Forget about Obama's lack of experience, forget about his devoutly liberal voting record, just remember that you must vote for him or you are a racist. That seems to be the message they want to send. Furthermore, if you vote Republican, you are just clearly a racist, no need to even try and defend yourself.

What is interesting to me is, how they seem to always tie race to class status. It just seems to be a natural liberal assumption that an 'illegal alien' is Hispanic, and if you are black, you are poor because of it. Consequently, if you are wealthy and white, you only got there by taking advantage of other races. With Liberals, it seems to all be about what your color is, and it has absolutely nothing to do with anything else. The only apparent exception to this is women, who only have credibility on important issues if they are liberal.

It's interesting as well, how they immediately discount any examples to contradict their mindset. We most recently had a Hispanic Attorney General, but he was obviously not an illegal immigrant. They currently have a black presidential candidate, who is obviously not poor or the victim of racial discrimination. Condi Rice is a black female, but her accomplishments mean absolutely nothing to liberals, she may as well be a white sheet-wearing male from Alabama. Colin Powell is another good example. It's as if they simply close their eyes and don't notice the color of their skin, if they accomplish greatness, even when they are members of their own party. They have to do this to continue propping up their myths and misconceptions. They simply can't promote this class/race warfare image if they acknowledge the successes of minority individuals.

Racism is the belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. Liberals tend to take this one step further, not only is skin pigmentation a factor, but also, perception of 'usefulness' to society. In the area of Abortion, we are informed that an unborn fetus is sub-human, it doesn't meet the criteria for human rights, while the 'rights' of the liberal pro-abortion female, is all that can be considered. Terri Schiavo can be executed by starvation because her right to live doesn't equal the 'right' of her liberal husband to have her put to death. If Terri Schiavo had been Jenine Gerrafalo, and her husband was Bill O'Reilly, we would have had protests in the streets against the decision to starve her to death! It's all about the ideology of the individual.

In one of the 'false outrage' threads today, Michelle Malkin is attacked for being 'racist', as if no one stopped to realize she is Asian. You see, "right-wing" makes you racist, regardless of what color your skin may be. It's inherently impossible for a black liberal to be a racist, it doesn't matter that they blame all problems on the white race and continually spew hatred and bigotry toward 'white America', they simply can't be guilty of racism. No liberal can, for that matter. They have constructed a 'safe haven' of liberalism to hide behind. They are protected from the charge of being racist because they have taken positions which can be perceived as non-racist to their liberal friends. What is ironic is, many mid-60's segregationists did the same thing.

One American I admire greatly, is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who said; "Judge men, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." On the surface, this seems to have a simple point to make, but it is more complex than many liberals seem to realize. It means that we should not only avoid judgment of people based on race, but also, on things unrelated to individual character. This includes the group stereotypes we often see employed in liberal class warfare. They will readily acknowledge King's contribution to mankind, but turn around and completely contradict the points he tried to make, in the perverse stereotyping and prejudice against entire groups of people who don't think as they do. It's just as abhorrent as racism against blacks, except it is directed at right-wingers. And they do it without batting an eye, because it is not apparent to them, that this is what they are doing. Liberals are mostly intelligent people, but so are racial bigots. The bigoted racist, like the bigoted liberal, is ignorant, not stupid.
I don't know. Why don't you ask the cons that are blaming this melt down on brown people.
I don't know. Why don't you ask the cons that are blaming this melt down on brown people.

I'm a "con" and I don't blame this melt down on brown people. I blame it on liberals. It was liberal Barney Frank who insisted we force these financial institutions into making low-interest loans to people who didn't qualify under normal circumstances. It was his liberal friends and constituency who forced the legislation upon the American people, and didn't allow any reforms to be made. Barney Frank is not a brown person, he is gay, but this has nothing to do with his gayness. It has plenty to do with his liberalism.
It isn't that I didn't already know a thread about why are liberals hung up on race created by someone called Dixie wasn't going to be monumentally stupid on its own, but then there is the added monumental stupidity of blaming the meltdown on liberals.

Mindboggling absolute the essence of dumbness.

I'm not a liberal and I don't want to speak for them .. but two words .. Phil Gramm .. words the essence of dumbness could never comprehend or understand what they mean to this meltdown. How is Phil Gramm the liberal's fault?

I have a question for Dixie .. why are you so hung up on a racist, immoral, and ungodly past, a failed movement, and a shitstain on American history?
Why are Liberals hung up on skin color?

Honestly, I couldn't make it past the symbol of slavery in your avatar, the confederate flag.

Sorry, anyone displaying a confederate flag is automatically precluded from being a poseur on race.
Honestly, I couldn't make it past the symbol of slavery in your avatar, the confederate flag.

Sorry, anyone displaying a confederate flag is automatically precluded from being a poseur on race.

I completely disagree with that. If you want to have a real discussion on race having only like-minded people together probably won't accomplish much. Real progress is made when taking a white person who believes all negative stereotypes about blacks or other minorities but has never interacted with one all their life. It also includes taking a black person who only see's white people as the devil and has not interacted with a white person themselves.

Allow them to speak to understand why they believe what they do. Interaction between folks often let different people know they are more the same than they are different.

In my opinion if you want a real discussion you leave no one out.
Honestly, I couldn't make it past the symbol of slavery in your avatar, the confederate flag....Sorry, anyone displaying a confederate flag is automatically precluded from being a poseur on race.

This is because you are a prejudiced bigot, Prissy. Precisely the reason I choose to fly the Confederate flag. It often exposes people with profoundly bigoted prejudice, because they respond in the manner you just did. I have never said anything or posted anything of racist nature in my life. I am not a racist person, and actually think it would be virtually impossible for me to be, because my lineage contains about every race one would ever be prejudiced against as a racist.

I think MLK was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived, and what he said was profound wisdom we should all seek to follow. You have no inclination to do that, because in your bigoted prejudiced ignorance, you are completely unable to understand what he was trying to say. You are the ultimate reason we can't solve the racial divisiveness in America, because you are an ignorant and stubborn fool, who will not understand the message of unity.
I'm a "con" and I don't blame this melt down on brown people. I blame it on liberals. It was liberal Barney Frank who insisted we force these financial institutions into making low-interest loans to people who didn't qualify under normal circumstances. It was his liberal friends and constituency who forced the legislation upon the American people, and didn't allow any reforms to be made. Barney Frank is not a brown person, he is gay, but this has nothing to do with his gayness. It has plenty to do with his liberalism.
You're not a "Con" Dixie. How many times do you have to be told your a political reactionary.
Dixie. LEARN TO FREAKIN EDIT YOUR POST! Can't you even make an attempt to be concise with your points?

I'll give you some help. Try reading Lincoln. He could make a point or express a concept in a few lines.

"Four Score and seven years ago....."

Try it, it's great advice. :)
I completely disagree with that. If you want to have a real discussion on race having only like-minded people together probably won't accomplish much. Real progress is made when taking a white person who believes all negative stereotypes about blacks or other minorities but has never interacted with one all their life. It also includes taking a black person who only see's white people as the devil and has not interacted with a white person themselves.

Allow them to speak to understand why they believe what they do. Interaction between folks often let different people know they are more the same than they are different.

In my opinion if you want a real discussion you leave no one out.

I can't believe I actually agree with Cawacko on something.

IMO many racists people (black and white) are that way because they have no common ground with other races. They see differences and not similarities. Once people realize they have common ground they begin to realize the similarities are greater than the differences.

I frequent this place on Sunday nites until about midnite...


It's about 60-40 to 80-20 black on Sundays because of an outstanding black soul band- Soul Power. Sure I'm a white guy, but color doesn't matter because the groove overcomes color. People there have a great time together because they know we all have something in common, the love of pure soul music. I've had discussions about race there with many people and I tell them that there's really only one color, green. Most discussions revolve around music though.
I'll buy anyone on this board a couple of drinks and introduce them to some really great black and white soul lovers. All anyone here has to do is contact me and show up in Phx. on a Sunday nite.

It's good for the soul.
Wow Mott... you have gotten down to posting three inane posts in a row instead of six! That is a 100% improvement in just under a week, I am proud of you.... keep working at it, and I am sure you'll eventually be able to make all your points in a single post, like most normal people!

Here's a little tip that may help you... when you think you've finished, before you actually hit the reply button, try thinking really hard about it, and see if there might be just a little more you'd like to add. Kind of like going potty.... just think really hard about it before you flush! OMG... I just realized, you're probably one of those people who gets up and wipes your ass and flushes, then decides you still need to shit some more... you probably go to the bathroom the same way you post! ....You do wipe your ass, don't you?
Crash, I agree with you, music is a great 'unifier' of race. When I lived in Memphis, I went down to Beale St. every weekend, loved it there. Some of my white co-workers would say.... man, you shouldn't go there, it's not safe, you can get shot or stabbed... but... I met some great people, heard some awesome music, and never had any problems. In fact, a black motorcycle gang helped me get my car started one night. I also had a black buddy who would take me to the places off the beaten path to eat soul food. Interestingly enough, 'soul food' is essentially what my grandmother cooked on a regular basis! I didn't realize that until I was much older.

This dovetails nicely with a point I made earlier. Racist bigots are not necessarily stupid or uneducated, they are simply 'ignorant'. You don't have to be stupid to be ignorant.