Why are Liberals hung up on skin color?

Maybe Ib wants us to stay on our own side of the tracks. But what he doesn't realize is that I didn't grew up on that side of the tracks. Maybe he thinks we're not serious about our previous posts and we're making fun of the black race. Wrong Ib, I'm serious as the heart attack that that food is gonna give me.
This could be taken the wrong way by some people, and it doesn't apply to all - but when I dance with most black women they have more rhythm than most white women. And they tell me that I have more rhythm than most white guys. Skinny white girls give me bruises, thick black girls are a lot more fun. To get respect you must first give it.
(can you tell my divorce has been finalized a few yrs ago, the wounds have healed and the dog has broken the chain and is off the porch? LOL)
Maybe Ib wants us to stay on our own side of the tracks. But what he doesn't realize is that I didn't grew up on that side of the tracks. Maybe he thinks we're not serious about our previous posts and we're making fun of the black race. Wrong Ib, I'm serious as the heart attack that that food is gonna give me.
This could be taken the wrong way by some people, and it doesn't apply to all - but when I dance with most black women they have more rhythm than most white women. And they tell me that I have more rhythm than most white guys. Skinny white girls give me bruises, thick black girls are a lot more fun. To get respect you must first give it.
(can you tell my divorce has been finalized a few yrs ago, the wounds have healed and the dog has broken the chain and is off the porch? LOL)

I've pointed out to Ib before, his actual moniker (ib1yysguy), aside from being stupid beyond belief, is a racial slur. It mocks the way black people often speak. Why couldn't he use "iam1yysguy" ...it would still be stupid beyond belief, just not as racially insensitive. People like Ib, think they can point fingers at others and call them racist, and act all outraged about innocent comments never intended to be racist, and it will conceal his own racism and prejudiced heart. Trouble is, you can't conceal it... when you least expect it, the racism just comes spilling out, often undetected by the racist himself. I Be... is a classic example of this.
I've pointed out to Ib before, his actual moniker (ib1yysguy), aside from being stupid beyond belief, is a racial slur. It mocks the way black people often speak. Why couldn't he use "iam1yysguy" ...it would still be stupid beyond belief, just not as racially insensitive. People like Ib, think they can point fingers at others and call them racist, and act all outraged about innocent comments never intended to be racist, and it will conceal his own racism and prejudiced heart. Trouble is, you can't conceal it... when you least expect it, the racism just comes spilling out, often undetected by the racist himself. I Be... is a classic example of this.

As an actual black person I find nothing slurish about Ib's moniker .. especially given that he possesses the heart and character of someone I would be proud to call my friend.

I've never read a single word from Ib that I, or other black people would find the least bit inappropriate.

You, on the other hand, are quite a different story. You have the gall to talk about Ib's moniker while you display the confederate flag and wallow in the shitstain history of a racist and ungodly south.

Then to top it off you presume yourself to create a thread about liberals being obsessed with race as if you are some fucking authority on what makes for good race relations.

As an actual black person, not the made-up kind, I find everything about you to be a slur and a fraud.

As you say, you can't conceal your own ugly ass warts.
Maybe Ib wants us to stay on our own side of the tracks. But what he doesn't realize is that I didn't grew up on that side of the tracks. Maybe he thinks we're not serious about our previous posts and we're making fun of the black race. Wrong Ib, I'm serious as the heart attack that that food is gonna give me.
This could be taken the wrong way by some people, and it doesn't apply to all - but when I dance with most black women they have more rhythm than most white women. And they tell me that I have more rhythm than most white guys. Skinny white girls give me bruises, thick black girls are a lot more fun. To get respect you must first give it.
(can you tell my divorce has been finalized a few yrs ago, the wounds have healed and the dog has broken the chain and is off the porch? LOL)

I find your comments quite suspect .. and in case you haven't noticed, all black women are not thick and all white women are not skinny .. and black people having rhythm is not news.

Perhaps your comments are innocent, perhaps not .. but I trust IB far more than the two of you.
"Why are Liberals hung up on skin color?"

It is a tool for them. They tell people I am racist or something. The middle aged working white man according to the AP, is a racist if he won't vote for obama.

It is the Dem party that held down the blacks after slavery--and now they are suppose to be their saviors for some reason now.

Good thing for the blacks now in the USA that they can actually run for president now, and have a good shot at winning (and good thing they don't live in Africa now---welcome). Hey---if we drum up some old "racist dreams of my father" memories--I bet we can get a lot of votes.

Naww---They would not do that.
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I find your comments quite suspect .. and in case you haven't noticed, all black women are not thick and all white women are not skinny .. and black people having rhythm is not news.

Perhaps your comments are innocent, perhaps not .. but I trust IB far more than the two of you.

How do you know he was generalizing? Your a bit sensitive may be. May be all the black womenn he has had were chunky, and the white women were all skin and bones? Wanna bet?

It sure ain't like that in Michigan though--We have lots or worthless fat white liberial women (in the cities)--stuffing their fat asses with crappy food, and wanting their neighbor to pay for their health insurance.

you guys want a real woman? You confused gay guys wat to see the reality and realize your existance---get a good hard working corn fed country gal---yeeeee haaawwww---they's good ride'en!!!, and actually help out in the family because they are not a self serving worthless fat ass liberal!! lol

OK--I generalized a bit. :)
Wow Mott... you have gotten down to posting three inane posts in a row instead of six! That is a 100% improvement in just under a week, I am proud of you.... keep working at it, and I am sure you'll eventually be able to make all your points in a single post, like most normal people!
Actually, that would be 50% improvement. 100% would be 0 inane posts. 200% would be -6 inane posts (or, I suppose, 6 good posts for a realistic example). Ur Math Sux.

Now, you are a racist. Also the Southern Swastika represents unamericanism. Not exactly a con sentiment.
Wow Mott... you have gotten down to posting three inane posts in a row instead of six! That is a 100% improvement in just under a week, I am proud of you.... keep working at it, and I am sure you'll eventually be able to make all your points in a single post, like most normal people!

Only 50%--we still have some work to do.
Actually, that would be 50% improvement. 100% would be 0 inane posts. 200% would be -6 inane posts (or, I suppose, 6 good posts for a realistic example). Ur Math Sux.

Now, you are a racist. Also the Southern Swastika represents unamericanism. Not exactly a con sentiment.

Actually you are wrong. The amount of improvement is 100% over the previous amount of improvement, which was 0%. The improved amount is 50% of the total amount, but that is not what I said. Thanks anyway.

I'm not a racist, and if you want to say I am, I would venture to say it is because you are a bigot who is ignorant, and must cast judgment on others to placate your own racism. As we've discussed before, you are pissed off at the Confederacy for messing up 'the plans' to ship all black people off to Central America, so you could have an all-white European country. Sorry we messed that "dream" up for you.

As for BAC... I have my doubts you are even black. Probably some liberal poser with enormous white guilt. If you are black, I would suggest you go read some more of MLK's works, it might do you some good. The Confederate flag holds a place of honor in my family, because my relatives fought and died under it. None of them owned slaves, none of them knew anyone who owned slaves, and most of them were practically slaves themselves. My lineage is part Native American, part African American, Part Asian, and part Black Dutch. I'm essentially a 'mutt', so it is inherently impossible for me to hold the view that one race is superior or inferior to another. But, you go right ahead judging me by symbols and monikers, and not the content of my character.... David Duke would be proud of you!
Actually you are wrong. The amount of improvement is 100% over the previous amount of improvement, which was 0%. The improved amount is 50% of the total amount, but that is not what I said. Thanks anyway.

I'm not a racist, and if you want to say I am, I would venture to say it is because you are a bigot who is ignorant, and must cast judgment on others to placate your own racism. As we've discussed before, you are pissed off at the Confederacy for messing up 'the plans' to ship all black people off to Central America, so you could have an all-white European country. Sorry we messed that "dream" up for you.

As for BAC... I have my doubts you are even black. Probably some liberal poser with enormous white guilt. If you are black, I would suggest you go read some more of MLK's works, it might do you some good. The Confederate flag holds a place of honor in my family, because my relatives fought and died under it. None of them owned slaves, none of them knew anyone who owned slaves, and most of them were practically slaves themselves. My lineage is part Native American, part African American, Part Asian, and part Black Dutch. I'm essentially a 'mutt', so it is inherently impossible for me to hold the view that one race is superior or inferior to another. But, you go right ahead judging me by symbols and monikers, and not the content of my character.... David Duke would be proud of you!
This post is deep (particularly with regard to your comments about BAC--are you a liberal troll against the right?)

3/6 = .5, not 1.

For a bit of consistency, try to stay focused on where the black people were supposed to be shipped - one would assume Africa rather than Cent. America. Furthermore, the concept had been devised under Monroe, during the "Era of Good Feelings." Not only did it have few results, but in said era, not many people could have had their feelings hurt regarding white supremicism failing or succeeding. BTW - you can't compare the racism of a pro-slavery ideologue to a "back to Africa" experimenter.
BAC, I don't care if you believe me or not or find my comments suspect. I'm not going to use the old cliche and say I have black friends, but I will say that I grew up in a black and white neighborhood. Black and white kids beating on our door asking my mother if I can play in the field. Believe that or not I don't care. I'm not a racist and I'm not afraid to talk about race and the differences between those races with black, hispanic, white or purple people. I was not born a poor black child, I was born a poor white child. Growing up I didn't see the Walters, Freemans the Rices and more as black families, I saw them as neighbors. We went to the same school and Baptist church until we discovered football on Sunday. The fact that I like soul food, southern cooking and soul music and feel comfortable around black people when a lot of white people don't doesn't mean I'm pretending or posing, it's who I am. If a black person doesn't like that about me then that's his/her problem.

Maybe you missed this line "This could be taken the wrong way by some people, and it doesn't apply to all"...I realize that every individual is different, black white whatever, and to stereotype a whole race of people is just stupid and you are right, not all black women are thick and not all whites are skinny, I was just stating my personal preferences. But when the band is playing Al Green, show me an asian woman with as much rhythm as a black woman, hell, show me one in the crowd, again, my preference. Maybe there is an asian woman with that much soul, but I haven't found her.

Take it or leave it, trust who you want to.
This post is deep (particularly with regard to your comments about BAC--are you a liberal troll against the right?)

3/6 = .5, not 1.

For a bit of consistency, try to stay focused on where the black people were supposed to be shipped - one would assume Africa rather than Cent. America. Furthermore, the concept had been devised under Monroe, during the "Era of Good Feelings." Not only did it have few results, but in said era, not many people could have had their feelings hurt regarding white supremicism failing or succeeding. BTW - you can't compare the racism of a pro-slavery ideologue to a "back to Africa" experimenter.

Your formula relates to the total amount versus the improved amount. In that respect, it is 50%. That is not what I said. Sorry you can't comprehend "rate of" in rate of improvement.

The black people were going to be shipped to Central America, Lincoln had already negotiated the land purchase. Where, doesn't really matter, does it? He advocated, along with most abolitionists, shipping black people out of America, out of our all-white society. And you are pissed off that we didn't get to do that. It wasn't an "experiment" it was a real initiative, and seriously considered, even after the emancipation.

While we are on the topic, I would like to suggest to all the Confederate symbol bashers... Let's not stop there... let's abolish all American heritage symbols prior to 1867, because they represent a nation that condoned slavery. The Liberty Bell, Washington Monument, Statue of Liberty... let's haul them off to the middle of the ocean and sink them! They symbolize a nation that condoned and advocated slavery. Let's also dismantle the Supreme Court, because it is the very institution which declared black people were property. Let's take Washington, Jefferson, and Jackson off our currency, because it is also a reminder of people who condoned, advocated, and sometimes even owned slaves. Let's do away with all these reminders of the shit stain on our history, okay?
My goal is to create a virius that will have a 100% infection rate but the only effect will be to turn everyones skin green forever.
Your formula relates to the total amount versus the improved amount. In that respect, it is 50%. That is not what I said. Sorry you can't comprehend "rate of" in rate of improvement.

The black people were going to be shipped to Central America, Lincoln had already negotiated the land purchase. Where, doesn't really matter, does it? He advocated, along with most abolitionists, shipping black people out of America, out of our all-white society. And you are pissed off that we didn't get to do that. It wasn't an "experiment" it was a real initiative, and seriously considered, even after the emancipation.

While we are on the topic, I would like to suggest to all the Confederate symbol bashers... Let's not stop there... let's abolish all American heritage symbols prior to 1867, because they represent a nation that condoned slavery. The Liberty Bell, Washington Monument, Statue of Liberty... let's haul them off to the middle of the ocean and sink them! They symbolize a nation that condoned and advocated slavery. Let's also dismantle the Supreme Court, because it is the very institution which declared black people were property. Let's take Washington, Jefferson, and Jackson off our currency, because it is also a reminder of people who condoned, advocated, and sometimes even owned slaves. Let's do away with all these reminders of the shit stain on our history, okay?

Your claim that Lincoln wanted an all-white society is undone by the fact that Lincoln's North had few black people living in it. The back to Africa movement was founded (during the Monroe administration - hence the capital of Liberia being "Monrovia") on the premise that racism in the US was too pervasive for blacks to get ahead in life. The movement is not what was racist - the people who provoked such a theory are the racists.

As you alluded to, I do not hide the fact that America as a society of European refugees with a common Graeco-Roman and Christian Heritage is what I would have preferred America to become and remain. The forced migration of black slaves and the policy of bringing in other minorities to do our dirty work made this goal ultimately unworkable. I do not see it as racist to be ethnocentric and not seeing other cultures as the right way to live my life. I see it as racist when we force and coerce them into our country and then discriminate against them. Diversity and cultural sensitivity are only necessary because we white folks made them necessary. The first generation of Puritans had it right - they didn't come over to fight with or convert the Natives, but simply to live in a new promised land without tyrants trying to bring them down.

Ur math still sux. Also, Mr. Jefferson is not on any bills of currency (I assume he's on some coin or other), but I would strongly support taking Jackson off and putting either MLK or Andrew Mellon on it in their place (Mellon because he was the second best Treasurer after Hamilton, who graces our $10). Washington can be frowned upon for putting off doing the right thing until his death, but I'm still a fan. My man Adams has appeared on the $2, but it is a worthless currency.

Furthermore, only one region of states were proud slaveholders. The idea that any symbol representing liberty represents them is laughable. I might point out, that the South was a bastion of Loyalists and was much more moderate and sympathetic to Britain than the other regions. It makes sense that the South would later secede from the Union.
Do I need to go pull up Lincoln's letters to the Congress of the time, where he advocated relocation of the slaves to Central America? I thought we had already hashed this out once before.... do you need a refresher course or something?

As I said, let' just do away with all American heritage symbols from before 1867, because they are all a reminder of the "shit stain" of history past! Surely you are not suggesting we play favorites with acceptance of pro-slavery people, symbols, and institutions, are you?

If you had 6... now you have only 3.... you have a 100% rate of improvement. You have decreased the number by 50% of the total, and have 50% of the total remaining, but this has nothing to do with the rate of improvement. My math doesn't suck, your understanding of "rate of improvement" sucks. Pay attention... RATE of Improvement. Get it?
Do I need to go pull up Lincoln's letters to the Congress of the time, where he advocated relocation of the slaves to Central America? I thought we had already hashed this out once before.... do you need a refresher course or something?

As I said, let' just do away with all American heritage symbols from before 1867, because they are all a reminder of the "shit stain" of history past! Surely you are not suggesting we play favorites with acceptance of pro-slavery people, symbols, and institutions, are you?

If you had 6... now you have only 3.... you have a 100% rate of improvement. You have decreased the number by 50% of the total, and have 50% of the total remaining, but this has nothing to do with the rate of improvement. My math doesn't suck, your understanding of "rate of improvement" sucks. Pay attention... RATE of Improvement. Get it?

The rate of improvement is only 50% - just accept it as fact.

I also find it funny that you consider freeing the slaves and then relocating them someplace where they can be happy is somehow racist. There is nothing remotely racist about - it is merely antequated, because minorities have an opportunity to seek acceptance and upward mobility in today's society, whereas the former slaves really didn't. Some emerged wildly successful in Northern society, like the explorer George Washington Bush and Dr. WEB DuBois (who supported the Back to Africa Movment - a racist?).

I think we could compromise on the national symbols. Rather than blowing them off the face of the Earth, we could simply blow up all of the Southern States, which were the agents of taint upon those symbols in the first place.
The rate of improvement is only 50% - just accept it as fact.

I also find it funny that you consider freeing the slaves and then relocating them someplace where they can be happy is somehow racist. There is nothing remotely racist about - it is merely antequated, because minorities have an opportunity to seek acceptance and upward mobility in today's society, whereas the former slaves really didn't. Some emerged wildly successful in Northern society, like the explorer George Washington Bush and Dr. WEB DuBois (who supported the Back to Africa Movment - a racist?).

I think we could compromise on the national symbols. Rather than blowing them off the face of the Earth, we could simply blow up all of the Southern States, which were the agents of taint upon those symbols in the first place.

If we got rid of the south your naturally racist ideology would have no base in the US anymore Three, and we'd quickly give way to a new liberal consensus, and America would once again flourish.

How could you tolerate that?
If we got rid of the south your naturally racist ideology would have no base in the US anymore Three, and we'd quickly give way to a new liberal consensus, and America would once again flourish.

How could you tolerate that?
The country was for the longest time very conservative (New England in particular), so dropping the South would have strengthened it and kept liberalism at bay.

In the present context, most states have become equally shitty when compared to the Southern states. But asking how America would like to die probably isn't a very deep question. Populists are as likely to do us in as leftists. On the other hand, liberals could do sufficient damage that we might survive as a nation, and historically great regions and states could go back to being great and conservative once more...

Personally, I would view another secession of the South as more gratifying than to see the GOP in its present state in power and able to prevent the much more destructive Democratic Party from running the country into the ground. Its a question of principle versus self-interest, and the South has always shown itself to not give a damn about principle.
The rate of improvement is only 50% - just accept it as fact.

I also find it funny that you consider freeing the slaves and then relocating them someplace where they can be happy is somehow racist. There is nothing remotely racist about - it is merely antequated, because minorities have an opportunity to seek acceptance and upward mobility in today's society, whereas the former slaves really didn't. Some emerged wildly successful in Northern society, like the explorer George Washington Bush and Dr. WEB DuBois (who supported the Back to Africa Movment - a racist?).

I think we could compromise on the national symbols. Rather than blowing them off the face of the Earth, we could simply blow up all of the Southern States, which were the agents of taint upon those symbols in the first place.

IF you improved by 3 and have 3 remaining, that is a 100% rate of improvement, and that is the only fact I can accept. If you want to misinterpret what I said, that is entirely up to you. It's not the first time.

Lincoln and other abolitionists advocated relocation of freed slaves and all other black people, to someplace else. There is no indication this would have led to their "happiness" in any respect. In fact, in an early attempt to implement this failed idea, several hundred blacks were indeed shipped off, only to be left on a deserted island to die. We've already debated WEB DuBois, he didn't support any such movement, and wasn't actually even BORN until 1868!

Also, the Southern States were not the "agents of taint" at all. That was the Supreme Court, who ruled that slaves were property. More slaves happened to reside in the South, because that is where they were used to raise cotton. Had the climate in New England been warmer, I suspect there would have been just as many slaves there, since it was perfectly legal and condoned by the Supreme Court, and the US Government.

You can try to paint your revisionist history picture all you like, I know the facts. Here is one you don't want to face... In 1860, when Lincoln was ascending to the Presidency, he stated that he didn't think blacks should ever be allowed to hold public office or intermarry with whites. At that same time, my great-great-great grandfather was married to a black woman and about to join the Confederate Army to fight for his homeland. Yet, you believe he was a "racist" who was fighting for slavery, while Lincoln was some great Civil Rights leader. The amazing thing is, how many stupid people buy your lies and propaganda.