Why Are There No Libertarian Countries?


Here's a good essay.


Why are there no libertarian countries? If libertarians are correct in claiming that they understand how best to organize a modern society, how is it that not a single country in the world in the early twenty-first century is organized along libertarian lines?

It’s not as though there were a shortage of countries to experiment with libertarianism. There are 193 sovereign state members of the United Nations—195, if you count the Vatican and Palestine, which have been granted observer status by the world organization. If libertarianism was a good idea, wouldn’t at least one country have tried it? Wouldn’t there be at least one country, out of nearly two hundred, with minimal government, free trade, open borders, decriminalized drugs, no welfare state and no public education system?
Here's a good essay.


Libertarian is an idea, not a party. EVERYONE should fight for Self Freedom or "Liberty". But to turn that into a party and fight for Self Liberty even when you don't find that Liberty necessary and even find it extremely risky, means you are flawed. (Most Libertarians can't tell you why a silencer is legal and necessary, but they will shoot you in order to keep it legal. Until of course, like everything else in politics, they are on the receiving end of that decision....via Right wing Senators changing stances because family members are gay, Hurricanes hit a Right Wing state, doubts hit a Right Wing state, etc etc.

Basically, if this scenario in the future happens, ;

Every RPG Americans own and carry on the street has been used in an attack...........................should we end the freedom of every American to carry an RPG on the street?

Of course that is an extremeist perspective or more directly, and end perspective for the Libertarian party..

Look.....I'm a good person and I think owning a tank would be fun...I wouldn't abuse that right...............................But I'm not ignorant enough to think my neighbor would be able to handle that power without abusing it. And sure, I could shoot him if he/she abuses that power......but they are in a tank..........I can't afford one...........I lose.........
And because libertarians are pussies
That little fag waterstain just deleted an anti gun thread

Their perspective is good. But their party is mainly extremeists.

I don't know why you would have an "anti-gun" thread. But the term "Libertarian" means you have the freedom to speak and to post. The Constitution is not in stone and the writers asked for it to change to meet current times, through the correct process.

Libertarians biggest flaw is to block the voices of people who think the Constitution is wrong today. They constantly tell you, "Nope, you can't have that thought. It's unconstitutional"....Yet if you ask them if the Constitution can be changed, they will cry ..."yes".

EVERY thought and voice is welcome in America. If I make a post that states we shouldn't have a President in power anymore, it doesn't mean I'm wrong, it doesn't mean the Constitution protects that position........It means I have the right to my thoughts and if that happens to be the thoughts of the people in any certain time era, then the people can change the Constitution. (through the right process)

EVERY THOUGHT IS CONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anti, it's good to differentiate between the Libertarian Party and libertarianism.

Libertarianism (small l) includes schools advocating absolute liberty - liberation from property, capital, government, industry, social classes, involuntary work, religion, power dynamics within spousal (and other) relationships within civil society, so on. This is different from those who claim to be libertarians while only lamenting over government.
That's a definition of Marxism, not of libertarianism. They very much favor property.

Not really. Marx (when he was a Marxist) did want all of this, but only after a period of a workers' state. Which is why Marxism can't be called either libertarian, or an authoritarian.

The difference between this and the left libertarians is that they want to abolish all these things outright.
'Libertarians' are thieves who don't want to pay tax, but obviously capitalism couldn't work at all without huge groups of slaves to fight for markets, keep down opposition, brainwash the mugs and so on, and the poor have no money to pay any more for their enslavement. It is just like the way the thieves keep believing that they can make their insane system work by forcing down wages and cutting welfare, when they depend on those they rob to buy the rubbish they sell. God bless the squire and his relations/and keep us in our proper stations! :)
Here's a good essay.


There are no libertarian countries because the vast, vast majority of humanoids are the stupidest fucking animals on planet earth. All one needs to do to prove that truth is read your pathetic post.
There are no libertarian countries because the vast, vast majority of humanoids are the stupidest fucking animals on planet earth. All one needs to do to prove that truth is read your pathetic post.

Maybe it's because most people have empathy. That is something I see lacking in those who think they are libertarians.
Maybe it's because most people have empathy. That is something I see lacking in those who think they are libertarians.

I'd agree with that - but it is important to note that the very structure of this country runs contrary to interests of the vast majority of people. So you can stand to reason that a great number of people possess empathy, but are "stupid" in that they adhere to propagated/enforced ideology.
Libertarians are Virgins, dorks, and rotc boys.
You know never got laid in hs, nor played sports!
They struggle with the total being more than sum of parts.
Like threedork
Beucase the republican party has cheated in elections for decades fella

Yes, but there's more to it. That enforced ideology is in large part yours.

Tell, me: What major steps have Democratic Party taken (or proposed) to improve the conditions of poor and working class people in this country?
Yes, but there's more to it. That enforced ideology is in large part yours.

Tell, me: What major steps have Democratic Party taken (or proposed) to improve the conditions of poor and working class people in this country?
Corporate/income tax system overhaul for one. Women's rights issues...specifically equal pay. Jobs bill that would use revenue from the thieves on Wall St.(via reform that is still being blocked by republicans) to make up for outsourced labor in virtually every manufacturing area.

That's for starters.