Why are these polls so close?

Tucker is right. The only way she can possibly win would require the implosion of the party. One reason Rush is telling his listeners in TX to vote for her instead of the (R) primary.
Damn freezing rain in Northeast Ohio this morning. Expect a lot of the older crowd to not make it past their sidewalk. It is slippery as hell out there.
Tucker is right. The only way she can possibly win would require the implosion of the party. One reason Rush is telling his listeners in TX to vote for her instead of the (R) primary.

Did I hear right that Texas doesn't have party registration? So does that mean each voter can ask for a Republican or Democratic ballot when they approach the voting booth?
Damn freezing rain in Northeast Ohio this morning. Expect a lot of the older crowd to not make it past their sidewalk. It is slippery as hell out there.

Any idea how it is in Columbus? My grandma is one of those old people who would have trouble in bad weather.
The suspense is killing me.

I can't get over how effectively Hillary has moved the goalposts, and again claimed the mantle of "comeback kid" even though she was up 20 pts. in both OH & TX 2 weeks ago. And I can't get over how Dem primary voters seem poised to work in conjunction with Rush Limbaugh.

I also dread the narrative if Hillary wins OH that Obama can't win any "significant, relevant" states. That's a real winner for the fall campaign.
Yeah, but it's no "Xerox."

I'm feelin' a Hillary win today. Somehow, she got the mo back; the kitchen sink thing worked.
Go Hillbilly!

Actually, with my record this year of predictions...

I predicted about 3-4 weeks ago that Obama would take both Texas and Ohio.

And this year my predictions have stank so bad....
Hillary was like double digit leads in Texas and Ohio like 3weeks ago.. hes basically pulled even in both states. thats definitely not a turn-around from Hillary's campaign in my book.
I think it will be a late night in Texas counting votes. Ohio goes to the divider not the uniter but Obama will win Rhode Island and Vermont. But even if he loses Texas by a hair in the popular vote he will more than likely get more delegates because of where he wins in Texas. I think at the end of day he ends up with more delegates today to marginally widen his lead. The idea that he can't win a major state in a DEMOCRATIC primary is smoke in mirrors. Is Hillary saying that since she won California, that they won't vote for Obama if he in the nominee? Does she mean that for NY as well. The primary is just that, a vote to pick between two dems. The question that needs to be asked in polls is that if Hillary wins, how many Obama supporters will vote for her. If Obama wins, how many Hillary voters will vote for him, and then how many independents will vote for one or the other against McCain. Primaries make voters myopically short sighted. This is about who is going to run against McCain. Obama's inablity to win california or ny does not translate into losses in the general in those two states.
Not to sound like an Obama homer, but aren't there some conflicting stories about the Canadian thing? The last I read & saw, it's hardly definitive that Obama's aide told them he was BS'ing about Nafta.

Besides, Hillary had turned the tide before this story (or non-story) broke, with everything from Rezko to "Boo! Who will answer the phone at 3"

I think this will eventually turn into a non-issue as it is cleared up. Unfortunately for Obama it probably won't happen today and thus, a potential wider loss in OH. I am curious as to whether or not it will have as much of an effect in TX.
She is ruining her future in the party. She said the other day that both her and McCain would be better experienced and ready for president than him. It is one thing to claim you are better but quite another to say the (R) running is better. GreedyB**
Again, I was watching one of those focus groups last night...a room full of democrats. I was surprised at the number of them who said they would definitely consider voting for McCain (some even said they "definitely would" vote for him) over Obama based on the experience and nationational security issues.
She'll try & do anything, but to be fair, any candidate who is determined enough to win the Presidency would in her shoes.

Still, I don't like what they have in mind, particularly dismissing states like Virginia as "irrelevant" and "insignificant." Also, if they DO overturn MI & FL and count those, they really have to re-run the primaries. To just count those delegates as is would be completely unfair.
Also, if they DO overturn MI & FL and count those, they really have to re-run the primaries. To just count those delegates as is would be completely unfair.

This is what I have been watching. It is ironic that MI and FL were not going to matter this year because they held their primaries early so they would matter, but now it looks like, especially in FL, they are going to have to have a late primary that matters much.

Don't make me read this post of mine again....it hurts my brain. :)
Again, I was watching one of those focus groups last night...a room full of democrats. I was surprised at the number of them who said they would definitely consider voting for McCain (some even said they "definitely would" vote for him) over Obama based on the experience and nationational security issues.

Many Dems around here are very rascist.
Again, I was watching one of those focus groups last night...a room full of democrats. I was surprised at the number of them who said they would definitely consider voting for McCain (some even said they "definitely would" vote for him) over Obama based on the experience and nationational security issues.

That doesn't suprise me at all. I've never been swept up in the media frenzy that it's a certainty that Obama is somehow this unifying figure, that broadly appeals to independents and reagan democrats. That remains to be seen. Yeah, he's winning Democratic primaries. I don't think that neccessarily is a good analogy for general elections. The one certifiable strength I see that is quantifiable, is that he brings a lot of young people into vote. At least in primaries.