Why blacks vote Democrat


Perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions I receive from the readers of my articles is: “Why do black people always vote for the Democratic Party?” In 2008 then-Sen. Barack Obama beat Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, 53 percent to 46 percent. President Barack Obama received 96 percent of the black vote and 77 percent of the Jewish vote. This is unbelievable. Just try to get 96 percent of any group of people to do anything. Yet, black politics in America has been unilateral since the progressive movement of the 1890s, the era of Woodrow Wilson (1913-21) and Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-45) and the advent of the welfare state. Why?

Very good question. Read on!!

You read hack bullshit with overtly bigoted view about blacks like this and you wonder why they vote Democrat? You must be a special kind of stupid?
You read hack bullshit with overtly bigoted view about blacks like this and you wonder why they vote Democrat? You must be a special kind of stupid?

The author is black so we generally allow people of one's own race to be much harsher on themselves than someone from an outside group.
The author is black so we generally allow people of one's own race to be much harsher on themselves than someone from an outside group.
His being black doesn't give his comments credibility. They are condescending generalization based on false assumptions.
We all know why. Democrats are the welfare and affirmative action party without which all blacks would starve. Blacks are mentally inferior and can't make it on their own and they know it.
Did you friends PostmodernProphet and USFREEDOM911 ask you to be their spokesman on that?

The board notes you evaded the issue i raised so i'll make it again. If blacks have equal ability then explain

1. why blacks come in last in all standardized tests

2..Why all the white countries are rich and advanced while all the black countries are poor and backward

3. Why 50 years of affirmative action special treatment has resulted in blacks falling further behind?
The board notes you evaded the issue i raised so i'll make it again. If blacks have equal ability then explain

1. why blacks come in last in all standardized tests

2..Why all the white countries are rich and advanced while all the black countries are poor and backward

3. Why 50 years of affirmative action special treatment has resulted in blacks falling further behind?

Do you believe "the board's" JPP conservatives agree with your genetic assessment of black people. Or do you feel alone here in these beliefs?
You read hack bullshit with overtly bigoted view about blacks like this and you wonder why they vote Democrat? You must be a special kind of stupid?
That "bigot" is a black man, you water carrying mangina.

Obviously, you seem to be more dialed into the mentality of black America than this black man, so why don't you point out the error of his way?
That "bigot" is a black man, you water carrying mangina.

Obviously, you seem to be more dialed into the mentality of black America than this black man, so why don't you point out the error of his way?

Granuloma Uncle Tom Ben is a republican, are they more than 1 percent of you conservatards?
You read hack bullshit with overtly bigoted view about blacks like this and you wonder why they vote Democrat? You must be a special kind of stupid?

Once again you claim anything you don't like or disagree with is "hack bullshit". You must be one special ass kisser for Obama. Pucker up.
Do you believe "the board's" JPP conservatives agree with your genetic assessment of black people. Or do you feel alone here in these beliefs?

Is that you evince? Can't answer the question and continue to play the deck full of race cards?
Is that you evince? Can't answer the question and continue to play the deck full of race cards?

You're not hiding a thing. Give up the charade. Don't you realize, everybody knows what you are by now?
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