Why DEMONCRATS Hate Black Folks

Let's see...we have a racist, Mr. T., posting a link to a YouTube video of a black man telling why Democrats hate blacks. How much was he paid to say his piece? The majority of blacks are Democrats, themselves, and are a testament to the truth.
Let's see...we have a racist, Mr. T., posting a link to a YouTube video of a black man telling why Democrats hate blacks. How much was he paid to say his piece? The majority of blacks are Democrats, themselves, and are a testament to the truth.

1. Mr. T. has never posted anything that could be interpreted as racist, you are slandering him. 2. If anyone paid him, it wasn't nearly enough, that was one of the most passionate speeches I've heard in a long time. You can't just buy that kind of committed passion. 3. Yes, most of what he was discussing was the fact that most blacks vote Democrat. It was kinda the whole intent and purpose of the video. And the absolutely NAILED the truth, all the way down to calling Nancy Pelosi a RACIST!
You failed to address Poet's point. If Democrats do indeed hate African Americans then why do African Americans vote Democrat by over 90% margins? Please explain this contradiction.
You failed to address Poet's point. If Democrats do indeed hate African Americans then why do African Americans vote Democrat by over 90% margins? Please explain this contradiction.

logical fallacy. why do hostages sometimes end up liking their abductors? does it have anything to do with the abductor?
logical fallacy. why do hostages sometimes end up liking their abductors? does it have anything to do with the abductor?
So what you're implying is that millions of Blacks vote for Democrats not because they think it is in their best interest but becuase they have the worlds largest collective case of Stockholm syndrome?
1. Mr. T. has never posted anything that could be interpreted as racist, you are slandering him. 2. If anyone paid him, it wasn't nearly enough, that was one of the most passionate speeches I've heard in a long time. You can't just buy that kind of committed passion. 3. Yes, most of what he was discussing was the fact that most blacks vote Democrat. It was kinda the whole intent and purpose of the video. And the absolutely NAILED the truth, all the way down to calling Nancy Pelosi a RACIST!

Right...and racist that you are, you have no credibility. Hadn't you noticed in my earlier post, I painted you all with a broad brush, as to the reason why I have you on ignore: either ignorant, racist, bigoted, homophobic, or stupid. No exceptions. And some of you "overlap". Keep believing that blacks are misguided by aligning themselves with the Democratic Party. What is it so special that the Republicans are offering? Zero entitlements? No healthcare? More tax breaks for the rich? Less freedoms? Polluted environments and water? Yeah, that sounds like things I couldn't resist.
So what you're implying is that millions of Blacks vote for Democrats not because they think it is in their best interest but becuase they have the worlds largest collective case of Stockholm syndrome?
Or we could forget about political correctness and say, Blacks vote for Democrats because they have been bought and paid for and won't risk loosing kicking a gift horse in the ass.....
Or we could forget about political correctness and say, Blacks vote for Democrats because they have been bought and paid for and won't risk loosing kicking a gift horse in the ass.....

Bought and paid for? Well, I guess what's good for the goose , is also good for the gander. Poor uneducated whites who don't know a voting booth from their asshole, and rich whites who are looking for their next tax loophole have been bought and paid for by the Republican Party. Tell the truth and shame the devil. Why are you complaining? Jealous?
Right...and racist that you are, you have no credibility. Hadn't you noticed in my earlier post, I painted you all with a broad brush, as to the reason why I have you on ignore: either ignorant, racist, bigoted, homophobic, or stupid. No exceptions. And some of you "overlap". Keep believing that blacks are misguided by aligning themselves with the Democratic Party. What is it so special that the Republicans are offering? Zero entitlements? No healthcare? More tax breaks for the rich? Less freedoms? Polluted environments and water? Yeah, that sounds like things I couldn't resist.
I think your mistaken here Poet, about Dixie. Though there are certainly those on this board who are racist and it could be argued that Dixie supports policies that are not in the interest of the African American community you are making a mistake in assuming Dixie is a racist. That's just to simple and to easy.
I think your mistaken here Poet, about Dixie. Though there are certainly those on this board who are racist and it could be argued that Dixie supports policies that are not in the interest of the African American community you are making a mistake in assuming Dixie is a racist. That's just to simple and to easy.

Walk like a duck, quack like a duck, got a duck bill...it's a duck.
Walk like a duck, quack like a duck, got a duck bill...it's a duck.
Again, I think that's intillectually lazy. Just because one may be wrong on an issue does not mean that they are neccessarily racist. Dixie can be many disagreeable things. A racist is not one that I woud apply to him. To be fair, just because Dixie may have a disconnect on policies he supports and their impact on the black community does not make him a racist. It may make him wrong or mistaken but not a racist.
Again, I think that's intillectually lazy. Just because one may be wrong on an issue does not mean that they are neccessarily racist. Dixie can be many disagreeable things. A racist is not one that I woud apply to him. To be fair, just because Dixie may have a disconnect on policies he supports and their impact on the black community does not make him a racist. It may make him wrong or mistaken but not a racist.

I agree with much of what the guy in the video says, it's just that he is black, so he can say the things he is saying and not be called racist for it. He is speaking the truth, and it's high time the black community educate itself to the truth. The Democrat party has done nothing for black people. In 70 years of liberal white policies to "help" black people, they remain largely mired in despair. The insidiousness is apparent in policies going back to FDR and LBJ... a system of government entitlements dedicated to "helping the poor blacks" ...because, of course, BLACK people are incapable of helping themselves, they can't be expected to compete and achieve with white people because they happen to be black! That's the mentality behind the shackles of the Liberal White Democrat Party, and shamefully, MANY black Americans lap it up, like gravy on the plantation.
I think your mistaken here Poet, about Dixie. Though there are certainly those on this board who are racist and it could be argued that Dixie supports policies that are not in the interest of the African American community you are making a mistake in assuming Dixie is a racist. That's just to simple and to easy.

Agreed. It's a facile response to call everyone racist. There is always talk that we need to have a "discussion" on race. Well calling everyone you disagree with a racist doesn't help facilitate that discussion.
I agree with much of what the guy in the video says, it's just that he is black, so he can say the things he is saying and not be called racist for it. He is speaking the truth, and it's high time the black community educate itself to the truth. The Democrat party has done nothing for black people. In 70 years of liberal white policies to "help" black people, they remain largely mired in despair. The insidiousness is apparent in policies going back to FDR and LBJ... a system of government entitlements dedicated to "helping the poor blacks" ...because, of course, BLACK people are incapable of helping themselves, they can't be expected to compete and achieve with white people because they happen to be black! That's the mentality behind the shackles of the Liberal White Democrat Party, and shamefully, MANY black Americans lap it up, like gravy on the plantation.

I love the notions that some people seem to have about black people...like they know us and know what's best for us better than we do. LOL. Liberal white policies???? What would be the alternative be? White conservative policies? Policies that go back to FDR and LBJ? Excuse me? FDR rescued the country from depression and insolvency when no one else could. And LBJ, finished the initiative of JFK, of instituting as law, civil rights for blacks. Are you suggesting that was a mistake? Government entitlements? Are you not aware of the fact that there are more whites on welfare than any other ethnic group? And blacks are indeed capable of helping themselves, as they have done since slavery. That is not to say that they couldn't do without the obstructionism, the discrimination, the inequity, and the badmouthing. The only reason blacks can't compete and achieve the same as whites is the blocking of opportunity and resources. You know how you all loathe to share any portions of the pie, you greedy SOB's. And despite it, we rise. We achieve. We excel. We move forward. Must get your everlasting goat.
I love the notions that some people seem to have about black people...like they know us and know what's best for us better than we do. LOL.

Yeah, LOL... like you're some different kind of people from the rest of us, right? Look, you put your pants on the same way I do in the morning, you're not any different... you're no better than me, and you're no worse than me... we are the same. Equal. There should be no reason for me to justify to you, why I know about what is best for you and I both, or that my opinion isn't qualified because I am not black like you. It is YOU who is bringing the distinction of race into the debate, as if your race somehow entitles you to some special treatment that white people don't get. That's part and parcel of the problem FDR and LBJ saddled you with, the thinking that you are special and deserve special treatment because of what your ancestors went through. But the rest of us don't get breaks because of what OUR ancestors went through. My people were run completely out of Europe by the ruling class, even more of my people were marched into the desert to their deaths after we took their lands. Then yet another contingent of my ancestors were interned in prison camps in WWII because they were thought to be a security threat.

Liberal white policies???? What would be the alternative be? White conservative policies?

The alternative is, we don't have policies which give preferential treatment to people on the basis of skin color. PERIOD!

Policies that go back to FDR and LBJ? Excuse me? FDR rescued the country from depression and insolvency when no one else could. And LBJ, finished the initiative of JFK, of instituting as law, civil rights for blacks. Are you suggesting that was a mistake?

First of all, FDR did no such a thing, Congress did most of it. And as for Civil Rights, Republicans voted in solidarity to pass it, against the will of most of LBJs own party! No one was talking about Civil Rights, I was referring to welfare entitlements and affirmative action. The host of white liberal initiatives to "make life better" for black people... yet, after 60 years, has done virtually NOTHING for black people.

The only reason blacks can't compete and achieve the same as whites is the blocking of opportunity and resources. You know how you all loathe to share any portions of the pie, you greedy SOB's. And despite it, we rise. We achieve. We excel. We move forward. Must get your everlasting goat.

And you've had 60 years of things being tilted in your favor, yet you still can't manage to lift yourself out of despair and poverty, you still lead the nation in illegitimate births, crime and gang activity, and illiteracy rate. This in spite of all the government "help" heaped on by Liberal White Democrats over the past 60 years. What's 'blocking opportunity and resources' is your own ignorance and failure to do for yourself, instead of standing there with your hand out, expecting government to right all wrongs done to "your people!"