Why DEMONCRATS Hate Black Folks

Yeah, LOL... like you're some different kind of people from the rest of us, right? Look, you put your pants on the same way I do in the morning, you're not any different... you're no better than me, and you're no worse than me... we are the same. Equal. There should be no reason for me to justify to you, why I know about what is best for you and I both, or that my opinion isn't qualified because I am not black like you. It is YOU who is bringing the distinction of race into the debate, as if your race somehow entitles you to some special treatment that white people don't get. That's part and parcel of the problem FDR and LBJ saddled you with, the thinking that you are special and deserve special treatment because of what your ancestors went through. But the rest of us don't get breaks because of what OUR ancestors went through. My people were run completely out of Europe by the ruling class, even more of my people were marched into the desert to their deaths after we took their lands. Then yet another contingent of my ancestors were interned in prison camps in WWII because they were thought to be a security threat.

The alternative is, we don't have policies which give preferential treatment to people on the basis of skin color. PERIOD!

First of all, FDR did no such a thing, Congress did most of it. And as for Civil Rights, Republicans voted in solidarity to pass it, against the will of most of LBJs own party! No one was talking about Civil Rights, I was referring to welfare entitlements and affirmative action. The host of white liberal initiatives to "make life better" for black people... yet, after 60 years, has done virtually NOTHING for black people.

And you've had 60 years of things being tilted in your favor, yet you still can't manage to lift yourself out of despair and poverty, you still lead the nation in illegitimate births, crime and gang activity, and illiteracy rate. This in spite of all the government "help" heaped on by Liberal White Democrats over the past 60 years. What's 'blocking opportunity and resources' is your own ignorance and failure to do for yourself, instead of standing there with your hand out, expecting government to right all wrongs done to "your people!"

You stupid bitch. Are you proud of your post? Because I find it to be total bullshit. And yes, I'm better than you, for a whole host of reasons...least of all , being that you don't know me, or who I came from. My family has members that are household names, the world over. We don't have illegitimate births , crime , gang activity or illiteracy, in my family. So, I have no idea who you could be talking about...because, evidently we don't belong to the same class as you do. You don't know what you're talking about, other than the right wingnut talking points that you got from Fox News, or Rush Limbaugh...and you freaking think that most Americans think as you do. You're but a small, small-minded segment of this society, stuck on stupid and inbred, no doubt, for generations.
Poor white trash, is what you are. Go fuck yourself.
You stupid bitch. Are you proud of your post? Because I find it to be total bullshit. And yes, I'm better than you, for a whole host of reasons...least of all , being that you don't know me, or who I came from. My family has members that are household names, the world over. We don't have illegitimate births , crime , gang activity or illiteracy, in my family. So, I have no idea who you could be talking about...because, evidently we don't belong to the same class as you do. You don't know what you're talking about, other than the right wingnut talking points that you got from Fox News, or Rush Limbaugh...and you freaking think that most Americans think as you do. You're but a small, small-minded segment of this society, stuck on stupid and inbred, no doubt, for generations.
Poor white trash, is what you are. Go fuck yourself.

No, you're NOT better than me or any other American. The Constitution specifies rights for ALL Americans, not just the chosen ones. I don't really give a damn what your own family has accomplished, that's all great and wonderful, but I bet NONE of it was the result of white liberal democrats doling out taxpayer money in welfare to your family. We are discussing what YOU brought up... black people in general... "YOUR people" as you like to call them. They are the same as everyone else in America, no better, no different. You want to put "YOUR people" on a pedestal, and have the rest of us cut them a monthly check to 'pay reparations' for the wrongs suffered by your ancestors. In your bigoted prejudiced RACIST mind, this is FAIR! You feel you are ENTITLED to special treatment, because you are BLACK!

I happen to think people are people. It doesn't matter what color their skin is, they either have the motivation to succeed or they don't. They either have the decency to hold their heads high and work hard for what they get, or they don't. They either believe in themselves and let no barrier stand in their way, or they don't. Those who don't, are like you, mired in the belief they deserve some special arrangement because of who/what they are. In my opinion, you are a bigger racist than someone wearing a Klan outfit, because whether you admit it or not, you don't think black people are equal to white people... it's impossible for black people to compete with superior white people, unless the government steps in to tilt things in your favor. Me, I don't look at color, I look at character... and you have ZERO!
No, you're NOT better than me or any other American. The Constitution specifies rights for ALL Americans, not just the chosen ones. I don't really give a damn what your own family has accomplished, that's all great and wonderful, but I bet NONE of it was the result of white liberal democrats doling out taxpayer money in welfare to your family. We are discussing what YOU brought up... black people in general... "YOUR people" as you like to call them. They are the same as everyone else in America, no better, no different. You want to put "YOUR people" on a pedestal, and have the rest of us cut them a monthly check to 'pay reparations' for the wrongs suffered by your ancestors. In your bigoted prejudiced RACIST mind, this is FAIR! You feel you are ENTITLED to special treatment, because you are BLACK!

Turn your vitriol and rhetoric on its' proverbial "head". You lie, you low down , dirty, filthy POS. How many times have I publicly rejected any notion of "reparations"? It would the tantamount to "blood money", and there is not enough gold in Fort Knox to satisfy the injury, the insult to "our collective sensibilities" , for the wrongs done to us.....so consider the debt forgiven. Did you hear me? I said you owe us nothing. But, if you were decent, Christian, faithful and true, you could present a level "playing field", which has never been, and allow "us" to compete on the merits, for opportunities, contracts, authority and advancement. But knowing how greedy and selfish you are and can be, that would be a "pipe dream'. Any achievement I have made personally, was on my own merits, and hardly out of any entitlements, imagined or given. Your beef with white liberal Democrats is ill-placed and conceived. White conservatives have lined your pockets, and added fuel to the fire of "white privilege" where you enjoy perks and privileges you hardly deserve and only receive because you were fated with "white skin". How laughable. You want to fault me for having black skin and thinking myself equal in every way to you...but you want folks to bow down, hop skip and jump, and genuflect at your altar, because of your superior white skin. Fuck that.
Classless, tasteless. Poor , white trailer trash.

I happen to think people are people. It doesn't matter what color their skin is, they either have the motivation to succeed or they don't. They either have the decency to hold their heads high and work hard for what they get, or they don't. They either believe in themselves and let no barrier stand in their way, or they don't. Those who don't, are like you, mired in the belief they deserve some special arrangement because of who/what they are. In my opinion, you are a bigger racist than someone wearing a Klan outfit, because whether you admit it or not, you don't think black people are equal to white people... it's impossible for black people to compete with superior white people, unless the government steps in to tilt things in your favor. Me, I don't look at color, I look at character... and you have ZERO!

Really? Your rhetoric says otherwise. And you don't get a pass , trying to have it both ways. The suggestion is I didn't work hard for what I have, and that my whole life has been the receiving of handout after handout. No. See, I've been around long enough to fathom human nature, and to understand that there are two kinds of human beings on this Earth. Good ones, and evil ones.
My first experience with a white man was at the age of 5, when I had the first of my 5 surgeries to correct a congenital birth defect. A brilliant Irish surgeon, Dr. Flanagan, at Illinois Research Hospital, in Chicago, was my doctor, and his demeanor and his skill and bedside manner, comforted me and put me on the road to recovery. I loved and respected him. At 5 years of age.
Then at age 10, attending The Anglican Choir School for Boys, I came in contact with two other white men, M.G. Baker, a world-class musician and choirmaster, and Fr. R.L. Whitehouse, the rector of the school, and father of 4 of my fellow classmates, who picked me and my brother up , every morning, in his VW van, and over whose house we spent nights, and who taught me to "tie a tie" and how to ice skate, in their frozen back yard, in Evanston, Ill. All of sudden , I got it. People are people regardless of color, or ethnicity. And you're either good or evil.
By the time I got to Univ. of Houston, and pledged an all-white fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta...my values were entrenched in me. You're either good, and mean no harm, or you're evil, with an agenda. I voted for the first time in '72, as a Democrat, like my mother. And no one was promising me anything...I took a look at the Democratic platform and found that it appealed to my sensibilities. Contrary to popular belief...black folks are as smart as white folks..and sometimes, moreso.
And the government has been tilting things in your favor, since its' inception...and it's high time that changed. In any event, you and others like you are fastly headed to be the new minority, and see how well you like that. The tables turned and all. New experiences are refreshing and enlightening. Perhaps, you'll even learn humility.
Let's see...we have a racist, Mr. T., posting a link to a YouTube video of a black man telling why Democrats hate blacks. How much was he paid to say his piece? The majority of blacks are Democrats, themselves, and are a testament to the truth.

That really is pathetic. Defending an entire political party by using skin color. There's a name for that. I think it's called R A C I S M.
That really is pathetic. Defending an entire political party by using skin color. There's a name for that. I think it's called R A C I S M.

You, evidently, don't know what racism is. Why do you think the majority of black people, who can't all be stupid and sheep, are Democrats? It's because the Republican Party sees black people as inconveniences, and problems to solve. The Democratic Party, though only slightly better, at least talks the talk if not exactly walking the walk. That is infinitely more appealing that being talked down to, and only thrown crumbs. Where are the black Republican Congressmen? How many are there? I rest my case.
You, evidently, don't know what racism is. Why do you think the majority of black people, who can't all be stupid and sheep, are Democrats? It's because the Republican Party sees black people as inconveniences, and problems to solve. The Democratic Party, though only slightly better, at least talks the talk if not exactly walking the walk. That is infinitely more appealing that being talked down to, and only thrown crumbs. Where are the black Republican Congressmen? How many are there? I rest my case.

There is one, Tim Scott, and I realize that this is a small portion. However, when you admit that most African Americans are Democrats it does seem that there would be fewer that would run for congress as Republicans. Man I wish Frazier had won... He's running for mayor of Aurora now, I hope he runs for Senate again.
There is one, Tim Scott, and I realize that this is a small portion. However, when you admit that most African Americans are Democrats it does seem that there would be fewer that would run for congress as Republicans. Man I wish Frazier had won... He's running for mayor of Aurora now, I hope he runs for Senate again.

The Congressional Black Caucus consists of Democrats.
The Congressional Black Caucus consists of Democrats.

Which changes zero about the reality of what I said. You asked how many republican Congress members were black, not how many were in the Black Caucus. One. I even gave you his name.
Which changes zero about the reality of what I said. You asked how many republican Congress members were black, not how many were in the Black Caucus. One. I even gave you his name.

Nothing to write home about. One? Are you serious? LOL.
Nothing to write home about. One? Are you serious? LOL.

Again, it changes nothing about what I said. You clearly didn't read the post. As I said, I'm always good with that. As you said, most black people who register to vote are Democrats, it therefore stands to reason that there would be fewer that would run as republicans. Now that we've repeated all of that, we can move on or you can tell me how everybody in the black caucus are liberals again, which will start this whole circular argument over.
Again, it changes nothing about what I said. You clearly didn't read the post. As I said, I'm always good with that. As you said, most black people who register to vote are Democrats, it therefore stands to reason that there would be fewer that would run as republicans. Now that we've repeated all of that, we can move on or you can tell me how everybody in the black caucus are liberals again, which will start this whole circular argument over.

What? Are you drinking so early in the morning? I leave you to explain, blacks aligning themselves overwhelmingly with the Democratic Party, notwithstanding, why there are so few black Republican legislators. The truth of the matter is that the overwhelming white constituency doesn't want 'em. And that's not rocket science, but reality. Duh.
What? Are you drinking so early in the morning? I leave you to explain, blacks aligning themselves overwhelmingly with the Democratic Party, notwithstanding, why there are so few black Republican legislators. The truth of the matter is that the overwhelming white constituency doesn't want 'em. And that's not rocket science, but reality. Duh.

Not really. That there are any considering they are a small minority of those registered shows that this is a false assumption. First you say that blacks are overwhelmingly in a different party, then expect there to be as many blacks representing a party where they usually aren't members? You are making no sense.

Fewer run because there are fewer in the party, that isn't rocket science. The assumption that there aren't any at all because "they don't want them" is just a straw man used to justify a stance where you can judge them negatively based on their skin color and how they don't do what you expect them to. You've said you don't understand them... Have they asked you to? That the only reason a black man can believe differently than you is if they are rich... These are things you have said to me just today.

I understand. You are judging them based on a standard you set for people of a certain pigmentation that you call a "race", in an attempt to get them to behave how you want you are willing to call them traitors to that "race" as defined on pigmentation and use any number of epithets that most people would avoid and that you would expect people to avoid. In order to justify that you have said that only people of this same pigmentation can judge anybody of that pigmentation.

I would ask you, how is that even close to judging people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin?
Not really. That there are any considering they are a small minority of those registered shows that this is a false assumption. First you say that blacks are overwhelmingly in a different party, then expect there to be as many blacks representing a party where they usually aren't members? You are making no sense.

Fewer run because there are fewer in the party, that isn't rocket science. The assumption that there aren't any at all because "they don't want them" is just a straw man used to justify a stance where you can judge them negatively based on their skin color and how they don't do what you expect them to. You've said you don't understand them... Have they asked you to? That the only reason a black man can believe differently than you is if they are rich... These are things you have said to me just today.

I understand. You are judging them based on a standard you set for people of a certain pigmentation that you call a "race", in an attempt to get them to behave how you want you are willing to call them traitors to that "race" as defined on pigmentation and use any number of epithets that most people would avoid and that you would expect people to avoid. In order to justify that you have said that only people of this same pigmentation can judge anybody of that pigmentation.

I would ask you, how is that even close to judging people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin?

It is you that is making no sense. Why should I have to explain or justify the obvious? It's clear to me, why is it not to you? Could it be that you are trapped by your own life experiences, which don't include being able to walk in someone else's shoes, or to see "clearly" another's point of view, because you're so entrenched by ideology and stereotype?
I can pick up a newspaper, or watch a news program which underscores what has become conventional wisdom...Republicans don't like anyone that doesn't resemble them......conservative, white and male. Conservative women fall for the okey doke, ignoring the fact that most Republican men are chauvanists and sexist, and actually have no fear of a Sarah Palin or a Michele Bachmann presidency, knowing that they will be "contained" by the Republican male Congress, to do their bidding, as women are seen as subservient to men. Barefoot and pregnant. Ain't nobody stupid..save you.