Why did GWB go into Iraq?


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Lets see Dick Cheney was working his whole life in Government, he then goes to work for Halliburton. Makes hundreds of millions of dollars -- their CEO. Next thing you know, he's back in government, it's a good idea to go into Iraq...

Does anyone here not see that clearly this is why we were in Iraq?
Lets see Dick Cheney was working his whole life in Government, he then goes to work for Halliburton. Makes hundreds of millions of dollars -- their CEO. Next thing you know, he's back in government, it's a good idea to go into Iraq...

Does anyone here not see that clearly this is why we were in Iraq?

I do not see that at all nice spin though
So you think its a dumb argument?
Yes! I believe after 911 Bush had no choice, If Saddam was not abiding by the cease fire which he wasn't, and had wmd's that were capable of falling into the wrong hands, through cooperation or not, he had to act.
Nope. I think that Bush was genuinely doing what he thought was best for the defense of the country. I do think Cheney had other motives and was able to use his influence on Bush though.
"There's a great YouTube of Dick Cheney in 1995 defending [President] Bush No. 1 [and the decision not to invade Baghdad in the first Gulf War], and he goes on for about five minutes. He's being interviewed, I think, by the American Enterprise Institute, and he says it would be a disaster, it would be vastly expensive, it'd be civil war, we would have no exit strategy. He goes on and on for five minutes. Dick Cheney saying it would be a bad idea. And that's why the first Bush didn't go into Baghdad. Dick Cheney then goes to work for Halliburton. Makes hundreds of millions of dollars, their CEO. Next thing you know, he's back in government and it's a good idea to go into Iraq. "

- Rand Paul

"The day after 9/11, [CIA chief] George Tenet is going in the [White] House and [Pentagon adviser] Richard Perle is coming out of the White House. And George Tenet should know more about intelligence than anybody in the world, and the first thing Richard Perle says to him on the way out is, "We've got it, now we can go into Iraq." And George Tenet, who supposedly knows as much intelligence as anybody in the White House says, "Well, don't we need to know that they have some connection to 9/11?" And, he [Perle] says, "It doesn't matter." It became an excuse. 9/11 became an excuse for a war they already wanted in Iraq."

- Rand Paul
Ole Rand is supported by the same wack jobs who loved GWB. Its not what they say thats important, its the swagger.
Ole Rand is supported by the same wack jobs who loved GWB. Its not what they say thats important, its the swagger.


Lets see Dick Cheney was working his whole life in Government, he then goes to work for Halliburton. Makes hundreds of millions of dollars -- their CEO. Next thing you know, he's back in government, it's a good idea to go into Iraq...

Does anyone here not see that clearly this is why we were in Iraq?
Does anyone here not see why the democrats refuse to live in 2014?