Why do Christians proselytize?

Some Christians reach out to others because they think there are tangible benefits to being a Christian...and want to share those benefits. I think there are benefits to reading...and often reach out to share that thought in order to share what I perceive to be the benefits. It seems to be to be a natural thing to do.

Very few actually lecture others. I think you are misreading most Christians in that regard, BP.

I have personally never met a Christian who suggests that if one does not convert...that person is de facto immoral. Are you saying you have?

I have personally met such Christians. In fact, there has been more than one thread on this very forum wherein it's been declared that atheists are amoral because they don't have an angry god breathing down their necks, so to speak. They seem unable to comprehend that someone can be ethical w/o being religious.
I have personally met such Christians. In fact, there has been more than one thread on this very forum wherein it's been declared that atheists are amoral because they don't have an angry god breathing down their necks, so to speak. They seem unable to comprehend that someone can be ethical w/o being religious.

actually it's atheists who insist all morality is religious dogma.

they do not believe that morality exists even though it's rationally derived.

this gives away why they hate god, they love evil and their own narcissistic rage.
I have worked with and gone to school with and lived near Muslim people, yet have never once had one tell me about their religion. Well, other than my lab partner who complained that her hijab was fearfully hot in the St. Louis summers and made her hair flat. lol

To what do you attribute the difference?

AFAIK, there's only two versions of Islam. Both come under da’wa. There are about 2B Muslims on the planet.

There are thousands of versions of Christianity among the world's 2B Christians. Like Muslims, Christians are commanded by their religious dogma to spread the religion. Due to the wide variety of Christian denominations, some are more assholish about it than others.
I'm guessing you didn't have any Islamic Jihad folks in your class. :)

Two other factors to consider are the facts most people are good and total numbers of believers/demographics. If only 1 person out of a thousand is a fucking asshole, the odds of meeting an asshole in a school of 500 are small. Increase the school to 10,000 and the odds increase proportionally.

In the US, there are less Muslims than Jews and a vast majority of Christians. Specifically, Protestant Christians as students of history should know and understand why.

Given all humans are nearly identical, including being good, the odds of running into a Christian asshole are much greater in the US than in running into a Jewish or Muslim asshole. It's just a matter of numbers. Go to Iran, Israel or Ireland and the numbers change with the demographics.

Christians 70.6%
Jews 1.9%
Muslims 0.9%
I have personally met such Christians. In fact, there has been more than one thread on this very forum wherein it's been declared that atheists are amoral because they don't have an angry god breathing down their necks, so to speak. They seem unable to comprehend that someone can be ethical w/o being religious.

Okay. There are all sorts of weirdos here.

But out where people are not shielded by anonymity, I have not met any.

I have personally had more atheists be hard-assed about proselytizing atheism than Christians proselytizing Christianity.

But, I acknowledge, that may just be me.
Okay. There are all sorts of weirdos here.

But out where people are not shielded by anonymity, I have not met any.

I have personally had more atheists be hard-assed about proselytizing atheism than Christians proselytizing Christianity.

But, I acknowledge, that may just be me.

One reason anonymous forums hold an interest for me, is due to members dropping their masks. It's much like "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts".

Is there any doubt that the "face" JPP members see in fellow members is a very accurate one? It's easier to see into a person's soul online because they open up with what they truly believe such as being a racist, bitter asshole or a decent person at heart.

We all have moods, some more than others. Therefore, it's important to observe people not only in number of posts but across time in order to understand their normal/average behavior.

After that is correlating their behavior with their demographic; male/female, health, nationality, spiritual views, etc.
To what do you attribute the difference?

AFAIK, there's only two versions of Islam. Both come under da’wa. There are about 2B Muslims on the planet.

There are thousands of versions of Christianity among the world's 2B Christians. Like Muslims, Christians are commanded by their religious dogma to spread the religion. Due to the wide variety of Christian denominations, some are more assholish about it than others.
I'm guessing you didn't have any Islamic Jihad folks in your class. :)

Two other factors to consider are the facts most people are good and total numbers of believers/demographics. If only 1 person out of a thousand is a fucking asshole, the odds of meeting an asshole in a school of 500 are small. Increase the school to 10,000 and the odds increase proportionally.

In the US, there are less Muslims than Jews and a vast majority of Christians. Specifically, Protestant Christians as students of history should know and understand why.

Given all humans are nearly identical, including being good, the odds of running into a Christian asshole are much greater in the US than in running into a Jewish or Muslim asshole. It's just a matter of numbers. Go to Iran, Israel or Ireland and the numbers change with the demographics.

Christians 70.6%
Jews 1.9%
Muslims 0.9%

so are you trying to say islam is not a proseltyzing religion?
One reason anonymous forums hold an interest for me, is due to members dropping their masks. It's much like "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts".

Is there any doubt that the "face" JPP members see in fellow members is a very accurate one? It's easier to see into a person's soul online because they open up with what they truly believe such as being a racist, bitter asshole or a decent person at heart.

We all have moods, some more than others. Therefore, it's important to observe people not only in number of posts but across time in order to understand their normal/average behavior.

After that is correlating their behavior with their demographic; male/female, health, nationality, spiritual views, etc.

Yup...probably get a better look at the real person here than in non-cyber life.
Yup...probably get a better look at the real person here than in non-cyber life.

Agreed. We're socially conditioned to our society. Underlying that conditioning may be acceptance or resistance. The racial bigotry, religious bigotry, misogyny, misandry and all other hatred and anger expressed on anonymous forums is the person below the surface.

Some of it is just venting; many members here are elderly and in chronic pain. They vent their spleen here because yelling in the hallways of their facility ends up with straps and a sedative. LOL

There are real, very hateful people here; violent racists and anti-Americans who seek and applaud the murder of Americans; men, women and children alike.

There are also an above average number of mentally ill people online, since it's an easy outlet for them. Standing on a street corner screaming "NIGGERS ON THE BOTTOM!" is a good way to get arrested, if not punched. The bigoted cowards are free to scream it online with relative impunity.

Many elderlies are either in a facility or living with a relative. It's easy to put them in a room with a computer and let them play on the Internet.

niggers on bottom.
nah. she is trying to say islam is not a prostelytizing religion, going off cherry picked ignorant personal anecdotes.


LOL ^^^^ Speaking of dumbness. You have my vote to be the first JPP member to murder Americans and/or commit suicide/suicide-by-cop. Get help, son.

Some Christians reach out to others because they think there are tangible benefits to being a Christian...and want to share those benefits. I think there are benefits to reading...and often reach out to share that thought in order to share what I perceive to be the benefits. It seems to be to be a natural thing to do.

Very few actually lecture others. I think you are misreading most Christians in that regard, BP.

I have personally never met a Christian who suggests that if one does not convert...that person is de facto immoral. Are you saying you have?
Other than the Mormons who occasionally knock on my door and leave literature, I can't think of a time when I have ever been actively and aggressively prostilitized.

I have been studying Stoicism for the last month, so I recommend Stoic practices. I guess I could be this board's token Stoic prostelitizer :).

Aggressive prosteletizing strikes me as something associated in situations where you have totalitarian situations or where there is a State run religion. The Taliban are infamously intolerant of any kind of religious diversity, the Pentacostals just scare me, and the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China were notorious prostlitizers of atheism.
your hallucinations are getting worse, melvin.

What hallucination? The one about STY bragging about violently murdering Americans in a WSE attempt to overthrow the US government or the one where you're a violent racist, antisemitic patsy?
The Christian Faith has been perverted and altered by the far right to be used as a tool for the the purpose of indoctrinating the not so intelligent with right wing ideology.
actually it's atheists who insist all morality is religious dogma.

they do not believe that morality exists even though it's rationally derived.

this gives away why they hate god, they love evil and their own narcissistic rage.

^ fucking stupid