To borrow an expression from Albert Camus, Kamala Harris "LIES LIKE SHE BREATHES."

For me, the most important issue (by far) in the November, 2024, Presidential election is the open Southern Border and the 15 - 20 million illegal aliens who have flooded across it into the American interior between 2021 and 2024.

UNRESTRAINED, UNVETTED, ILLEGAL, MASS MIGRATION into the US from shit-hole countries outside of the Anglosphere represents the equivalent of a potent poison being injected directly into the bloodstream of the United States, and if not stopped immediately, it
WILL prove fatal for the American republic.

We Australians live on a small nation of only 25 million people, we have, in the past, looked to a strong,powerful and confident America to lead and, if necessary, defend the free Western world. It worries me non-stop that for almost four whole years now an American government has been drafting radical and extreme neo-Marxist policies, then using a President who was a severely demented, ceremonial puppet to "rubber stamp" their implementation.

It is alarming in the extreme because - at the end of the day, neo-Marxism (aka "Cultural - Marxism" and "Critical Theory") operates using the same core principle as old style, Classical (economic) Marxism. Marxism (communism) was tried in many places during the 20th century and failed in every single place it was attempted. Not only did Marxist-Leninist political theory fail to ever realise a workable system of government (because it totally misunderstood human nature, even a human toddler has a better grasp of the human condition that a cruel, psychopathic freak like Karl Marx. the litany of Marx's inhuman behaviour - to give you some idea - includes coldly watching two his own children starve to death in a shit-hole dump he was living in - in London - because he was too lazy to get off his fat ass and earn some money to buy them food). Communist tyrants like: Stalin in Russia, and Mao Zedong in Red China, and Pol Pot, among numerous other totalitarian Marxist dictators together managed to murder over 100,000,000 of their own people in the 20th century - just to keep their BS, tyrannical, Marxist regimes propped up.

It's strange how most young Americans in, say, their 20s,today, would have no idea who Pol Pot was, despite the fact that between 1975 and 1979 he orchestrated what was arguably the worst (and most brutal) genocide in history.( Pol Pot was a Marxist dictator in Cambodia).Yet every young person in the US knows who Hitler was and who the NAZI were, the NAZIS they'll tell you were bad-ass fascists and antisemites, who gassed millions of Jews to death with Cyanide gas in gas chambers located inside concentration camps like Auschwitz. Altogether Hitler was responsible for the murder of 6,000,000 Jews in what is referred to as the "holocaust" What young American need to know is that when compared to the killing of innocents carried out by Marxist regimes in the 20th century, the "Holocaust", in comparison looks like a "Teddy Bear's Picnic" on Wimbledon Common. Marxism, of course, is a collection of economic/social and political theories that are named for their evil, psychopathic creator, Karl Marx, who envisioned that his work would ultimately result in the reality of an ideal, utopian state of society in the future. He called this future state of society "Communism."

Marxism has never worked - not once To the contrary it is an utterly evil and murderous political doctrine. And guess what? Your own American government has, for the past four years been implementing neo-Marxist policy. The most dangerous example is the Open Southern Border/ mass illegal
- Immigration policy. The radical and extreme neo-Marxist policies implemented by the Biden government are part of an overarching plan to break. America's capitalist economy, to do this it is necessary to eliminate the White middle class. The mass influx of illegal, unvetted, aliens from outside of the Anglosphere and North-Western Europe will place enormous pressure on the US economy in terms of the provision of free housing, free health care, free education, SNAP, and any number of federal/state social programs to assist these millions of illegal aliens many of who have no substantial education, do not speak English, have arrived with no or little capital from countries that have cultures which are often radically different to (or even conflict with) the core beliefs and values of America's White Western culture) possess few marketable working skill beside those involved with basic manual labour. If the mass influx of unvetted, illegal alien were to continue under successive Democrat administration GOD FORBID !! GOD FORBID it would not take long for this economic burden to literally break America's capitalist economic system.

By the mass importation into America of illegal, non-white/Western aliens and their placement in Blue Sanctuary cities and states like NYC and the state of California respectively, the Democrats will place them on some kind of fast track to citizenship scheme, for example, to give them the right to vote in American elections. Naturally, they will not vote Republican, and consequently the Democrats will reap substantial electoral boosts. IMO, one the White American Middle class has its unifying (American) Western culture undermined by the increasing encroachment of foreign non-White Western racial-ethnic cultures as a result of Open Border/ mass illegal immigration-(in conjunction with many other neo-Marxist policies like Biden's "racial equity" Executive Order which was used to discriminate (illegally) against White Americans, his rescinding of Donald Trump's ban on Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public schools, followed by the political weaponisation of the FBI to terrify the White middle-class parents who expressed their emphatic objections to CRT at School Board meetings into silence (a process known as "chilling" their First Amendment Rights) - social cohesion in their communities will begin to fracture (like a pane of glass) and then fragment into disintegrated, insular groups. When this happens the middle class White population become demoralised, they lose their confidence and motivation , and will to power because the culture that bound them together and Identifies them - i.e. Western culture and the premium it places on rugged individualism, self-reliance, self-discipline and self-responsibility; the great Protestant work ethic and a complementary faith in the virtues of free-market capitalism, the overarching importance of the marital family unit, a felt obligation to do one's best in complying with the fundamental precepts of Judeo-Christian morality, notion of liberty within the boundaries set by common, consensual law, and the rule of law."

For the Marxist (neo-Marxist) America's capitalist economy must be destroyed if a new Marxist/(Communist) Global World Order is to be established. And the engine room of capitalism in America are those small/family businesses mostly owned and run by White, middle class American (when I say small, I do not mean small like Hot Dog stands, I mean "small" as in not giant corporations). This explains another motive the current (neo)-Marxist Democrat has for the outlandish and unprecedented stunt of opening America's longest border and inviting 15 to 20 million non-White/Non-Western illegal immigrants from a motly collection of racial-ethnic cultures to flood on in. Its an effective method of subverting the Western culture of Middle America and at the same time striking a hammer blow on America's capitalist economy. The more illegals that pour in, the greater will be the damage done.

If you think I'm full of shit and a racist, first I'm not a racist, and second I'd kindly ask you to look at the state that California is now in. When Ronald Reagan was Governor there in the 1960s, the place was a paradise in every respect. In 2024 it is a disgusting, Third World shit-hole that is no longer known for its beautiful, Blonde, Beach Bunnies and idyllic life style, but rather for the fact that a large population of grubs are legally allowed to shit and fornicate in public. "Goodness me", you say, "how did this happen" ? Well the answer is actually very simple...Democrat administrations in power encouraging mass, un-vetted illegal migration from Mexico into California.

Now you know why I've got a wild hare up my ass about your open Southern Border and the 15 - 20 million un-vetted illegal aliens the Democrats have encouraged to cross it over the past four years. It is like a nuclear attack on America, if someone doesn't stop it dead in its tracks and clean up the damage that's already been done. The US as we knew it will be TOAST !

What I currently find utterly outrageous and disgusting is the way Queen Kamala LIEs regarding the Open Border/illegal immigration issue. At her Atlanta rally "Heels Up" Harris declard of Donald Trump...."I WILL PROUDLY PUT MY RECORD AGAINST HIS ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. ANY DAY OF THE WEEK, INCLUDING, FOREXAMPLE, ON, THE ISSUE OF IMMIGRATION." Then she added..."DONALD TRUMP HAS BEEN TALKING A BIG GAME ABOUT SECURING OUR BORDER. But HE DOES NOT WALK THE WALK."

FFS...The very idea that Kamala Harris is some kind of tough-minded success on the Border while Trump is a failure is PSYCHOPATHIC in its dishonesty.

That's just one, mind-blowing, "Bell-Ringer" of a LIE from Harris on the Border. Here's another one....

"Heels Up" Harris (the political prostitute) is currently running an ad that claims - SHE'S WORKING TO TO FIX THE BROKEN IMMIGRATION SYSTEM WHILE TRUMP IS ... wait for it .... TRYING TO STOP HER - a MONSTROUS LIE so heedlessly flagrant it truly boggles the mind.

This ad leans heavily on Trump's opposition to the bipartisan immigration bill several months ago. But the case against that bill was that it did too much to bless the status quo , and that Biden always had vast unilateral powers to act on the Border - a claim that Biden vindicated by, after much resistance, indeed, acting on his own.


Why do all of you normal, SANE Americans allow this bare-faced, shameless, LYING sociopath - Kamala "Heels Up" Harris - the Democrat nominee for a Presidential election that is now "just around the corner" to get away with egregiously insulting your intelligence Why is she just allowed to openly LIE IN YOUR FACE. Lying is MORALLY WRONG. People like HARRIS who tell cosmic-sized lies about the Border (and many other important election issues) have a great deal of influence, and when they LIE to the public they should be held to a high ethical standard. They should be held accountable for their immoral behaviour and punished with appropriate severity. For instance, when uttering her lies about the Border and immigration policy at Democrat rallies, many members of her audience will be intellectually challenged (most of the mob who roll up to Harris political rally would HAVE to be. Right ?). They will all swallow Harris lies , however outrageous, "hook, line and sinker". And this, IMO, constitutes a kind of "ABUSE of the disabled" (i.e. the feeble-minded) which is another reason why an official codex of ethical standards should be drawn up for all high-level American politicians.

And where is the American media when HARRIS tells her gargantuan LIES about the Border/illegal immigration? Why is there no flurry of fact-checking from the research staff at: CNN; MSNBC;CBS; NPR; ABC and such like. There isn't any coverage of Kamala Harris' outrageous lies, because they are ALSO lying. Lying to the public on HARRIS' behalf by omitting the truth.

Why do the large number of decent, honest Americans knowingly allow a "FAKE" media to exist in the first place ? Ditto for the reprobate partisan Press such as the "New York Times" , "The Atlantic, "POLITICO" , etc. When these people publish what every American of sound mind knows are appalling lies or grotesque pieces of mis/dis-information WHY IS NOTHING DONE- why is no fitting punitive action taken to hold them to account for their immoral conduct and deter them from any similar behaviour in the future.

I mean, how is it that a Democrat Senator, Chris Murphy, is allowed to appear on MSNBC as a guest and tell the viewing public that Kamala Harris' record is something to bragg about? It's like saying: "She wasn't the Border Czar, but Golly Gee Whizz ( ! ) - she sure did do a fantastic job at the Border" !

America is supposed to be all about "WE THE PEOPLE", Right ?

So WTF is wrong with you Yanks ! When Kamala "Heels Up" Harris belches out gigantic, implausible and outlandisl lies to the "PEOPLE", or spits out shameless, "balls-out", cold-blooded chunks of political mis/dis-information square in the face of the American public, SURELY there is SOME kind of regulatory instrument you could design and use to hold her (and other lying Democrats) to account and deter future behaviour of a similar kind. I'm sure there are lots a good Americans out there with the brains and imagination to sort this dangerous problem out.

In the meantime I telling you Americans that it is simply not acceptable to continue allowing political scoundrels like Kamala Harris (a painted "Jezebel") to vomit up monumental LIES to "THE PEOPLE" with impunity and utter contempt !

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
ROFL......Jane, you stupid bitch.....not the lowest number in eight years....or seven or even five......the lowest number since they started climbing after the Pale Prick took office......
False. The lowest number since the fall of 2020. When guess who was President? His numbers when he left office are higher than the numbers now. It is a fact.
nobody says we don't need more judges.......we said we didn't need another fucking 5000 illegals a week...sanctuary cities are easy to shut down.....just cancel all their federal funding until they comply with federal law.......
They are not violating Federal law. Jesus fucking Christ, stop pretending to know anything about the law. Trump attempted to cut funding. The courts bitch slapped him.

The people entering the country ARE NOT ILLEGAL you goddamn thick skulled dumb fuck. They have applied for asylum. Do you know anything? Anything at all?
why didn't your Pale Prick in the Oval Office ask for more agents and more judges WITHOUT letting 5000 people invade the US every week? So shut the fuck up about the border crisis YOUR team created......
He did. Trump rejected it. See, here's how things work. When something becomes a problem, you address it. Goddamn you are dumb. It's just remarkable.
Yes, that's right, I worry a lot. Yes see, if America goes ass-up, and the long series catastrophic federal policy blunders (or maybe they weren't blunders ?) by what was basically a neo-Marxist administration was unlike anything I'd see in the US before.

The Open Border/illegal immigration policies were the precise was a neo-Marxist would choose the completely fuck America's capitalist economy. If you want to see where the Biden Junta took the idea from then read an article published in the US in the 1960 called the "Clowden - Piven " strategy (you won't do this because you are a lazy slob, but if you did, it would shock the living daylights out of you).

Now, I live in Australia - beautiful surf beeches, Great Barrier Reef, lots of hot blondes with perky tits and nicely turned asses, a relaxed lifestyle with not racial tension/violence, no weirdo LGBTQ Identity groups in your face in public , no one laying turds on the sidewalk or fornicating in public (EUUW !!) in California and other Blue states. Australia is still like America was in the 1960s.

But if America goes down the gurgler - and for the past 4 years, its been heading that way FAST, then guess who goes next (about 5 seconds later) !!). Yes, THAT'S RIGHT - US - AUSTRALIA. Do you understand ? (Probably not).

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Your distrust in your fellow Aussies is laughable. No wonder you're a wannabe America. LOL
False. The lowest number since the fall of 2020. When guess who was President? His numbers when he left office are higher than the numbers now. It is a fact.
let's see.....who was the president......oh yeah, the guy who had lower numbers for the four years PRIOR to the fall of 2020.......which is why you can't say Biden had the best number in 4.5 years......or 6 years......or 8 years........
let's see.....who was the president......oh yeah, the guy who had lower numbers for the four years PRIOR to the fall of 2020.......which is why you can't say Biden had the best number in 4.5 years......or 6 years......or 8 years........
I made a factual statement, you claimed it was not true. It was. You lose. Always. You will never best me. You lack the chops.
no....Republicans rejected it.....because it was a fucked up proposal......
Nope. They rejected it because Trump wanted to run on it, and it would have solved a number of problems. The Republican author of the bill admitted this. Why lie about it? Are you ashamed of your Orange Jesus? You should be.