Why do people obsess over abortion?

I haven't the slightest qualms over abortion--we're ass-deep in babies anyway--
but I do care about malignant, perverted theocrats trying to tell women what to do with their own bodies.
Is it because God created a soul to enter the world and abortion is defiance of God?

no. there are many reasons why someone can obsess over abortion. what you irresponsible and lazy fucks refuse to acknowledge and accept is that it completely devalues life, overall.

you assholes talk about a womans right to choose and 'her body, her choice', while conveniently ignoring that she already chose when she engaged in acts that she KNEW could result in pregnancy.
no. there are many reasons why someone can obsess over abortion. what you irresponsible and lazy fucks refuse to acknowledge and accept is that it completely devalues life, overall.

you assholes talk about a womans right to choose and 'her body, her choice', while conveniently ignoring that she already chose when she engaged in acts that she KNEW could result in pregnancy.

Why is it immoral to have an abortion?
Is it because God created a soul to enter the world and abortion is defiance of God?

From my observations during my adult life time, the reasons for obsession are:

1 - Beliefs. Beliefs don't require conclusive evidence, logic and/or facts for a conviction that something exists or what is true.

2 - Societal traditions. Groups & societies depend upon a unified way of doing things and acting. Deviance from tradition on any level will always cause problems.

3 - Jealousy/resentment ... of those who do not "follow the rules"... defiance ...especially hated if these people are seen to be content in their ways.

Those are just the basics. Personally, with all the medical contraceptive choices available, no adult should become pregnant by "accident" or "unintentionally". But people will be people, and if there's a way to mess, they'll find it.
I haven't the slightest qualms over abortion--we're ass-deep in babies anyway--
but I do care about malignant, perverted theocrats trying to tell women what to do with their own bodies.

Republicans say they care about the life of a human embryo- but do not even care that children are being slaughtered and shot up beyond recognition in grade schools across America!
Republicans say they care about the life of a human embryo- but do not even care that children are being slaughtered and shot up beyond recognition in grade schools across America!

The MAGA mouthpieces on the net (along with some politicos) have stated that those deaths are the price we'll have to pay to maintain our "freedoms" and 2nd Amendment rights.

Now some of them are condoning marriages of 12 year olds to grown ass men (with parental consent, of course). And if that CHILD gets pregnant, well unless she's dying the GOP gub'mint will force her to have that baby! Hmm, I wonder if that kid is allowed council for divorce before she's 18?

The current GOP is fast devolving into a sick fascist state with theocratic overtones. If they maintain or obtain more political power, this country is screwed. :sad:
The MAGA mouthpieces on the net (along with some politicos) have stated that those deaths are the price we'll have to pay to maintain our "freedoms" and 2nd Amendment rights.

Now some of them are condoning marriages of 12 year olds to grown ass men (with parental consent, of course). And if that CHILD gets pregnant, well unless she's dying the GOP gub'mint will force her to have that baby! Hmm, I wonder if that kid is allowed council for divorce before she's 18?

The current GOP is fast devolving into a sick fascist state with theocratic overtones. If they maintain or obtain more political power, this country is screwed. :sad:

The Republicans have gone Rogue and are now a danger to society.

But, because of this, their own party is divided and running in so many different directions, they will not be able to win in Federal Elections anymore.