Why do right wingers hate education?

If republicans give a shit about education how come 9 out of the 10 of the states with the worst education are red while 9 out of 10 states with the best education are blue? is it because rightwingers are just inherantly fucking stupid?

Illiteracy: Misspelled words. Sentences begin with capital letters. Invalid compound word (contraction of two separate words into a compound word).
Logic errors: Attempted proof by randU. Bigotry. Buzzword fallacies. Insult fallacy.
Everyday racists bash Blacks and education. Why is that? Afraid that your high school diploma is not as prestigious as a college degree?

we're tired of seeing young people with dreams go to indoctrination centers and become dumber so that they willingly go along with the democrats hidden racism and poverty schemes.
Florida is nowhere near #1, they are about 26.

Academic Performance
Top 5
1. Massachusetts Blue state
2. New Jersey Blue state
3. Connecticut Blue state
4. Wisconsin Blue state
5. Virginia Blue state

Bottom 5
47. Oklahoma Red state
48. Louisiana Red state
49. Alaska Red state
50. Mississippi Red state
51. New Mexico Blue state

College Enrollment

Top 5
1. Rhode Island Blue state
2. District of Columbia Blue
3. Massachusetts Blue state
4. Connecticut Blue state
5. New York Blue state

Bottom 5
47. Wyoming Red state
48. Montana Red state
49. New Mexico Blue state
50. Nevada ??
51. Alaska Red state

Bachelor’s Degree

Top 5
1. District of Columbia Blue
2. Massachusetts Blue state
3. Colorado Blue state
4. Maryland Blue state
5. Connecticut Blue state

Bottom 5
47. Louisiana Red state
48. Kentucky Red state
49. Arkansas Red state
50. Mississippi Red state
51. West Virginia Red state

To Earl: QED (via post #202). Link War!

Attempted proof by randU.
You are calling business students brainwashed for being taught capitalism.

what's the percentage of young students going to college for business that graduate as a liberal, compared to the number of young students who get liberal arts degrees? for that matter, I've seen 40+ year olds who were making near 6 figures go to college, get a liberal arts degree, and then whine on tik tok and facebook about not being able to find a lucrative job.

that is why sane people hate education indoctrination centers now. It churns out stupid people whose only hope is to force government to give them money to survive.
what's the percentage of young students going to college for business that graduate as a liberal, compared to the number of young students who get liberal arts degrees? for that matter, I've seen 40+ year olds who were making near 6 figures go to college, get a liberal arts degree, and then whine on tik tok and facebook about not being able to find a lucrative job.

that is why sane people hate education indoctrination centers now. It churns out stupid people whose only hope is to force government to give them money to survive.

By far, the vast majority of college students are majoring in business.
what's the percentage of young students going to college for business that graduate as a liberal, compared to the number of young students who get liberal arts degrees? for that matter, I've seen 40+ year olds who were making near 6 figures go to college, get a liberal arts degree, and then whine on tik tok and facebook about not being able to find a lucrative job.

that is why sane people hate education indoctrination centers now. It churns out stupid people whose only hope is to force government to give them money to survive.

That is certainly the case a lot of times. They carry a heavy student debt loan and wasted it all on a useless degree. Their lives are basically ruined.
Why do left wingers hate school vouchers. Why do they want to trap low income kids in under performing schools. Education is the way out of poverty. Tax dollars should be spent on making sure the kid gets the best education possible. Do Democrats just hate kids?
Why do left wingers hate school vouchers. Why do they want to trap low income kids in under performing schools. Education is the way out of poverty. Tax dollars should be spent on making sure the kid gets the best education possible. Do Democrats just hate kids?

Yes. Democrats hate kids.

They abort them.
They mutilate them.
They force them into 'gun free' zones and don't allow any defense against it.
They leave them in illiteracy while they indoctrinate them.
They try to take them away from their families.
They encourage kids to keep secrets from their families (you know...like the drive-by creep does!).
They allow unchecked violent crime in the cities in which they live.
They use them as pawns.

Democrates HATE kids.