Why do you guys hate Kamala?

I believe I responded to this before, but it couldn’t be anymore obvious, because she is a women and she is Black, they still haven’t gotten over Obama being elected, twice, and especially when he went on to be a sucessful President

You will never get anything right Arsecheese. You wallow in stupidity and ignorance. But you have lying and race hustling down to a science.

As of April 23, 39% of registered voters had a favorable opinion of Harris and 55% had an unfavorable opinion
Pretty funny come from a cultist whose Messiah commits adultery with porn stars and boasts about “grabbing pussy,”

:lolup: This is a brain dead loser who parrots MSNBC talking points and cannot think for himself. Sad actually. But funny to watch.
40 seconds into this and I have no clue what he’s mumbling about. Although I could possibly use it for white noise to help falling

40 seconds into this and I have no clue what he’s mumbling about. Although I could possibly use it for white noise to help falling asleep.
This is not unusual anymore. It happens all the time... It's really frightening to think that he
Is in charge of anything... Although i'm not sure if he ever has been...
This is not unusual anymore. It happens all the time... It's really frightening to think that he
Is in charge of anything... Although i'm not sure if he ever has been...
I strongly suspect the last unilateral decision he made on his own was the disastrous Afghanistan bug out. I doubt his handlers even consult with him since.