Why does no one use APP?


on indefiniate mod break
Serious question.

Is it a self perpetuating cycle of not using it because nobody else uses it, because nobody uses it?

Is it because you don't like the extra rules?

Do you feel it serves a purpose on JPP?

Please give feedback

Serious question.

Is it a self perpetuating cycle of not using it because nobody else uses it, because nobody uses it?

Is it because you don't like the extra rules?

Do you feel it serves a purpose on JPP?

Please give feedback


I forget about it.
Serious question.

Is it a self perpetuating cycle of not using it because nobody else uses it, because nobody uses it?

Is it because you don't like the extra rules?

Do you feel it serves a purpose on JPP?

Please give feedback


The fucking language rules are to tyrannical. :D
Serious question.

Is it a self perpetuating cycle of not using it because nobody else uses it, because nobody uses it?

Is it because you don't like the extra rules?

Do you feel it serves a purpose on JPP?

Please give feedback


I told you when you created it that it wouldn't work and why no one would bother using it. The "rules" are essentially the same rules as the rest of the forum, but you get to play judge and jury and determine when to enforce them, and no one is interested in that. IF you had established a forum with concrete restrictions and guidelines that everyone had to follow all of the time, and it wasn't left up to your discretion when to enforce those rules, it might have worked. But what you wanted was a board where you could sit on your throne and pick winners and losers, and apply the rules as you pleased. It failed, as I predicted it would. You should learn to listen to me.
LOL. I love how Dix acts as if we have something invested in it. And he clearly hasn't read the rules for that forum recently. It doesn't matter though because it costs nothing to have and never will cost any more or less to have or get rid of. Nothing at all, not even emotion, is invested in it.

I originally thought of three areas, the "above plain politics" where people argued above partisan politics into strategy, etc. with rules on language, etc. The regular JPP, and then the "below plain politics" (what we now call the War Zone).
Damo, I didn't "act as if" anything, I simply gave my opinion to the question asked. I think I said when you originally did it, I didn't care what you did, it's your board, you can do whatever you please here. I just simply said I thought APP was a joke, and I still do. That's why no one uses it.

You can revamp the rules all you like, as long as they are cloaked in "it will be determined" then it's totally meaningless to me. You and Grind can "determine" on the regular forums, that isn't any revolutionary distinction. The rules are essentially the same, except that Grind gets to play King, and you're okay with that, and that is fine, it's your board!

For the record, here is what I had to say about the APP board when you started it:

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dixie we changed the rules probably since the last time you've been to APP, it's technically different rules than what it used to be. But as to your assertion that I would "play king" . . . after APP came into existence it went pretty much ignored for more than 2.5 years. I mean you can't allege that I would want to arbitrarily enforce stuff when I wasn't bothering enforcing anything.

But in any case, what you probably wanted in the old days is more in line with what we have now. Flaming, trolling, derailing/not staying on topic all not allowed there. The first iteration was a bit more vauge, and was for more serious stuff insults. (not petty insults) now we delete petty insults too under trolling/flaming/derailing clauses.
dixie we changed the rules probably since the last time you've been to APP, it's technically different rules than what it used to be. But as to your assertion that I would "play king" . . . after APP came into existence it went pretty much ignored for more than 2.5 years. I mean you can't allege that I would want to arbitrarily enforce stuff when I wasn't bothering enforcing anything.

But in any case, what you probably wanted in the old days is more in line with what we have now. Flaming, trolling, derailing/not staying on topic all not allowed there. The first iteration was a bit more vauge, and was for more serious stuff insults. (not petty insults) now we delete petty insults too under trolling/flaming/derailing clauses.

After APP came into existence, I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you honestly wanted to have an "above the fray" board, and posted the following thread:


It took just a few posts for the first "rule violation" to occur, and I called your attention to it immediately.

You balked at taking action because you told me in a PM that it didn't "rise to the level" of a violation for me to be called "retarded" and my argument to be called "stupid."

The insulting continued in the following posts:


After my continued insistence that you enforce your own board policies, you begrudgingly decided to edit the "offensive" words in the post with: "[ bad word O_O ]" Which I interpreted as a mockery and ridicule of my complaint for the rest of the board to see. No one was banned, his posts weren't deleted, you simply took the opportunity to mock me for forcing you to comply with your own policy.

You now want to argue that things are different, you've changed the rules, but the rules still allow you to make the call, to determine when someone has violated the rules or when someone deserves to be mocked and ridiculed publicly, by you being cute and petty. In other words, it's still up to King Grind, and whatever He says, is what we all have to live by. No thanks!
dixie i don't want to get into a protracted argument with you over this. thanks for your opinion though.
Serious question.

Is it a self perpetuating cycle of not using it because nobody else uses it, because nobody uses it?

Is it because you don't like the extra rules?

Do you feel it serves a purpose on JPP?

Please give feedback


I am not allowed to post there. Probably because I am too controversial ;)
After APP came into existence, I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you honestly wanted to have an "above the fray" board, and posted the following thread:


It took just a few posts for the first "rule violation" to occur, and I called your attention to it immediately.

You balked at taking action because you told me in a PM that it didn't "rise to the level" of a violation for me to be called "retarded" and my argument to be called "stupid."

The insulting continued in the following posts:


After my continued insistence that you enforce your own board policies, you begrudgingly decided to edit the "offensive" words in the post with: "[ bad word O_O ]" Which I interpreted as a mockery and ridicule of my complaint for the rest of the board to see. No one was banned, his posts weren't deleted, you simply took the opportunity to mock me for forcing you to comply with your own policy.

You now want to argue that things are different, you've changed the rules, but the rules still allow you to make the call, to determine when someone has violated the rules or when someone deserves to be mocked and ridiculed publicly, by you being cute and petty. In other words, it's still up to King Grind, and whatever He says, is what we all have to live by. No thanks!

This harrowing story really tugged at my heart strings. I was never even aware this went on. I wish some sort of board alert could go out while something like this is happening? So that we can all swarm and have a chance to do something...hearing about it afterwards just makes me, and I'm certain most others, feel helpless. Grind is a dictatorial effing bastard and as far as I am concerned he can sit on his crown spikes first!