Why does one Party attract so many sexual deviants?


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Notable Republicans.

GOP Sexual Deviant Case Number 17,368: Why are there so many rapists, pedophiles, and repressed closeted gays within the ranks of elected GOP officials?

Missouri GOP Representative Indicted, Charged With Sexual Assault Of 14 Yr Old Girl

JEFFERSON CITY -- Missouri state Rep. Scott Muschany, R-Frontenac, was indicted today in connection with a reported sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl on May 17, the day after this year’s Legislative session ended.

The alleged victim is the daughter of a state employee. The girl’s mother and Muschany -– who is married and has two children — were romantically involved, the woman said.

A Cole County grand jury returned an indictment today charging Muschany with the Class C felony of “deviate sexual assault.” The indictment identifies the victim only by initials. It says that on May 17, Muschany “had deviate sexual intercourse” with the girl, “knowing that he did so without” her consent.

Notable Republicans.

GOP Sexual Deviant Case Number 17,368: Why are there so many rapists, pedophiles, and repressed closeted gays within the ranks of elected GOP officials?

Lets get all the queers together and take a poll....
98% of the fudge packer deviants will be democrats:pke:
The repubs don't have any more "deviants" than the dems. They are just far more hypicritical about it. If Larry Craig wants to blow some guy in an airport that is his business but if Joe Schmoe wants to blow his boyfriend in his house Craig wants it to be a crime. The republicans still live in this world that letting people live their lives in peace means that you condone or even sanction their sexual habits. Shit my bet is that most of "THOSE" types of republicans don't believe that a man and a woman can live in an open relationship, or that BDSM should be legal, or that straight people who have sex parties should be allowed to do so. The Republican party has become the morals police. They are here to save us from ourselves and save our souls for god.
The repubs don't have any more "deviants" than the dems. They are just far more hypicritical about it. If Larry Craig wants to blow some guy in an airport that is his business but if Joe Schmoe wants to blow his boyfriend in his house Craig wants it to be a crime. The republicans still live in this world that letting people live their lives in peace means that you condone or even sanction their sexual habits. Shit my bet is that most of "THOSE" types of republicans don't believe that a man and a woman can live in an open relationship, or that BDSM should be legal, or that straight people who have sex parties should be allowed to do so. The Republican party has become the morals police. They are here to save us from ourselves and save our souls for god.

Letting your imagination run a little wild there sonny....Craig may have been accused of lewd conduct but I have yet to hear the "details" of exactly what the conduct was..other than toe tapping under the stall or something....other than that....nothing occurred....
and the rest of your post is just your biased opinion that barely rises to the level of stupid nonsense ....
I have no problem with someone being gay, or a swinger, or some sort of sexual adventurer.

But when you make your career campaigning against gays, and then get caught playing Hide-the-salami with the pool boy, its not the homosexual act that gets them in trouble. Its that they have attacked gays and turned out to BE gay.
Letting your imagination run a little wild there sonny....Craig may have been accused of lewd conduct but I have yet to hear the "details" of exactly what the conduct was..other than toe tapping under the stall or something....other than that....nothing occurred....
and the rest of your post is just your biased opinion that barely rises to the level of stupid nonsense ....

Dumbass what the fuck do you think he was doing?
Notable Republicans.

GOP Sexual Deviant Case Number 17,368: Why are there so many rapists, pedophiles, and repressed closeted gays within the ranks of elected GOP officials?

Classic sexual offender behaviour with underage girls - get to the mother then go after the kid.
because it's tough being a boot strapping nazi type republican.
this is what they do at night after toting the false moral bs bag all day.
The GOP is a great place for perverts to put on a front, because it is the party of family values. Everyone knows the Democrats are perverts - it's not a good place for them to hide.

That said, I can think of FAR more instances of sex scandal amongst Democrats than Republicans.
The GOP is a great place for perverts to put on a front, because it is the party of family values. Everyone knows the Democrats are perverts - it's not a good place for them to hide.

That said, I can think of FAR more instances of sex scandal amongst Democrats than Republicans.

Its acttually that they dont believe in anything but power.

They use your party to get elected and take money from whoever will pay them to do their bidding. Its the corporations owners who do the buying and simple minded republicans who buy the clap trap and vote for these scumbags.

Being gay is nothing but natural. Some people are gay and the ones who realize there is nothing wrong with it tend to go for the party who agrees.

You vote for people who use your prejudices to gain power and money.
Its acttually that they dont believe in anything but power.

They use your party to get elected and take money from whoever will pay them to do their bidding. Its the corporations owners who do the buying and simple minded republicans who buy the clap trap and vote for these scumbags.

Being gay is nothing but natural. Some people are gay and the ones who realize there is nothing wrong with it tend to go for the party who agrees.

You vote for people who use your prejudices to gain power and money.

Democrats aren't into power?
They are human beings just like Rs , Ls and any other party.

People are corruptable. There are Ds who are just there for the money and power. Its their stupidity for using the shittier party for the purpose of cashing in. Republicans are just easier to buy and get re elected.
They are human beings just like Rs , Ls and any other party.

People are corruptable. There are Ds who are just there for the money and power. Its their stupidity for using the shittier party for the purpose of cashing in. Republicans are just easier to buy and get re elected.

I have zero disagreement that Republican politicians are in it for the power and are corrupt. But you cannot convince me that Democratic politicians aren't in it for the same reason. Do you think Democratic politicians turn down money when it is offered to them? Do you believe they don't aspire to the same level of government as Republicans do?
Unlike you I do not think government office and corruption are synonymous.

I do believe there are Rs who are clean.
Unlike you I do not think government office and corruption are synonymous.

I do believe there are Rs who are clean.

Yes, I was generalizing. Of course there are some politicians who would rank on the up and up. But as a whole, there's a reason politicians are considered on the lowest rung of the repect ladder by the public.
And by not judging them individually it makes it easier to buy the buyable ones.

Prejudice make people stupid.