Why I support the death penalty



Because sick fucks like this guy enjoy living and dreaming about their exploits. By letting them live, you give them what they want... time to revel in their evilness.

This guy has no redeeming values and I don't lose a wink of sleep at the thought of taking his life. Call it revenge if you want, but i think you have to be sick in the head to worry about this guy's life.
"How could any juror not want to see this person removed from our list of living human beings? How could you live with yourself as a juror if there's any chance this human being could escape from jail and do something like this again?" Patterson said.

You see this guys? If you do not support the death penalty, you are, in fact, more evil than a murderer, based on the that possibility he could escape a maximum security prison, which is not at all unlikely. You are the scum of the Earth if you have respect for human dignity and do not want to waste taxpayer dollars. May you burn in hell.
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This is why arguing the death penalty and beating a dead horse over and over and over and over again doesn't frustrate me in the least bit. Because if you oppose the death penalty, you do, in fact, hate victims, and you are worse than a murderer. I long for the day when we execute those subhuman barbarians who don't believe in unnecessary killing.
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What about the guy in the cell next to him who's innocent but convicted?

Failure of the courts, not the penalties they impose. If the prosecutor and defender do their jobs properly, then justice is served.

Change the laws to make them do their jobs better. That's the real cause of finding innocent people guilty. Not the fault of the lawmakers.

I doubt you morons can even understand the point. You're too wrapped up in the fantasy that everyone is wrongly convicted.
This is why arguing the death penalty and beating a dead horse over and over and over and over again doesn't frustrate me in the least bit. Because if you oppose the death penalty, you do, in fact, hate victims, and you are worse than a murderer. I long for the day when we execute those subhuman barbarians who don't believe in unnecessary killing.

Had to modify it to troll a little harder?
This is why arguing the death penalty and beating a dead horse over and over and over and over again doesn't frustrate me in the least bit. Because if you oppose the death penalty, you do, in fact, hate victims, and you are worse than a murderer. I long for the day when we execute those subhuman barbarians who don't believe in unnecessary killing.

Nice strawman. never heard that one before
Had to modify it to troll a little harder?

Post Comparison
- This is why arguing the death penalty and beating a dead horse over and over and over and over again doesn't frustrate me in the least bit. Because if you oppose the death penalty, you do, in fact, hate victims, and you are worse the a murderer. I wait for the day whenever we execute those subhuman barbarians who don't believe in unnecessary killing.

+ This is why arguing the death penalty and beating a dead horse over and over and over and over again doesn't frustrate me in the least bit. Because if you oppose the death penalty, you do, in fact, hate victims, and you are worse than a murderer. I long for the day when we execute those subhuman barbarians who don't believe in unnecessary killing.
I post a lot of skeleton posts and complete them like a minute later. Don't critiscize my awkward posting style.

I do it too, but mine isn't quite that bad.

P.S. I'm sure you'll love this. I just left our campus's "Get Together Day", which is basically a big recruiting drive for all the student organizations. There are the usuals like the academic fraternities, volunteer groups, and political organizations. Buuut, this year we have a shockingly large new organization. Students for Concealed Carry!!! Naturally within 3 seconds of seeing it I was signed up and volunteered. They have over 500 members already and they probably got a lot more today judging by how busy their stand was. Sometimes I hate the South, but times like this make me love it.
I do it too, but mine isn't quite that bad.

P.S. I'm sure you'll love this. I just left our campus's "Get Together Day", which is basically a big recruiting drive for all the student organizations. There are the usuals like the academic fraternities, volunteer groups, and political organizations. Buuut, this year we have a shockingly large new organization. Students for Concealed Carry!!! Naturally within 3 seconds of seeing it I was signed up and volunteered. They have over 500 members already and they probably got a lot more today judging by how busy their stand was. Sometimes I hate the South, but times like this make me love it.

Students for Concealed Carry is a psychopath organization. As soon as one teacher gets shot because he gave a bad grade, I'll be glad to see gun "rights" go back 100 years.
Students for Concealed Carry is a psychopath organization. As soon as one teacher gets shot because he gave a bad grade, I'll be glad to see gun "rights" go back 100 years.

I'll mention your opinion to them at the first meeting, but to be honest I don't think they'll care. Plus the room will have to be so big to fit everyone that I don't think they will all even hear it. :)

Normally your trollery doesn't bother me, but lay off SCC. Teachers get shot for that reason already without any help from SCC. In fact, it was in response to such atrocities that SCC was created.

Because sick fucks like this guy enjoy living and dreaming about their exploits. By letting them live, you give them what they want... time to revel in their evilness.

This guy has no redeeming values and I don't lose a wink of sleep at the thought of taking his life. Call it revenge if you want, but i think you have to be sick in the head to worry about this guy's life.

I agree! The worthless fuck should be hanged from a 200-foot gallows, as far as I'm concerned. :mad:
Students for Concealed Carry is a psychopath organization. As soon as one teacher gets shot because he gave a bad grade, I'll be glad to see gun "rights" go back 100 years.

Actually, then we would have virtually unlimited right to bare arms. You mean "go forward" 100 years! :cool: