Why is North Korea designated an "Axis of evil" ?


Villified User
Yep I know they are communistic, poor human rights records, have the bomb, etc. But so do other places ?
Terrorism against us ? Who have they terrorized ? And don't say South Korea that is a whole nuther unresolved ballgame.
And if anyone talks about NC selling waepons, remember we are I think the biggest weapons dealer in the world. And have sold weapons to all parties involved in the Middle east I think.
Yep I know they are communistic, poor human rights records, have the bomb, etc. But so do other places ?

Well, the literally have the least social and economic freedoms out of any peoples in the entire world. Every kid is indocrinated from birth, and they even have a speaker in every house spitting out propaganda (this while most of the citizens can't even afford radios).
A speaker in every house, I find that hard to believe. And even if true, I don't see why it is our business to generate hatred and military threats over that.
well lets see. NK has kept its population in poverty for over 50 years. Millions starve every year. So lil kim can have bombs and missiles. They have half a dozen nukes and produce missiles that they sell to iran, syria and other dictator ships. They are the worse human rights violators in the world. They continually try to send agents into the south to terrorize. Their policies with other countries are to extort aid in any way they can. Thousand try every year to slip across the border to China in search of a better life. They are allied with anyone that is against the US.

They earned their position in the axis.
And if anyone talks about NC selling waepons, remember we are I think the biggest weapons dealer in the world. And have sold weapons to all parties involved in the Middle east I think.

Are we a threat to ourselves?

If we had claws should we therefore not be afraid of anyone else with claws that may try to rip us up?

Don't be dumb. (If you can help it)
We are a threat to ourselves Grind, We established AQ, trained them and equipped them with weapons, we also sold weapons to Iran and Iraq. Think about it folks.
And for gaffer, thousands cross into the USA from mexico every year, many down there starve while many do well. Mexico's human rights record is pretty poor. Should we decalre them a member of the axis of evil ?
They have been at war with the USA in the past....
We are a threat to ourselves Grind, We established AQ, trained them and equipped them with weapons, we also sold weapons to Iran and Iraq. Think about it folks.
And for gaffer, thousands cross into the USA from mexico every year, many down there starve while many do well. Mexico's human rights record is pretty poor. Should we decalre them a member of the axis of evil ?
They have been at war with the USA in the past....

millions cross into the US every year. Its not the same as with NK. Those in the NK are looking to get into communist china simply to eat. NK and mexico are apples and oranges.

we did not establish AQ, bin laden did. we were supporting his group against the soviets in afganhistan. The soviets were our enemy. At least to most of us. They were allies of the libs.

I take it that last sentence was reffering to the war with mexico and not the war in korea? You want to get off on the mexican war now? I'm sure we can start a new thread on that.
And how many in NK starve because of bush's policy of not trading with them? It is much cheaper to send them food than war with them. You would make more people over there like us if we helped fill their stomachs. and it would help our farmers and economy here.
And how many in NK starve because of bush's policy of not trading with them? It is much cheaper to send them food than war with them. You would make more people over there like us if we helped fill their stomachs. and it would help our farmers and economy here.

clowntoon dealt with them. They screwed him over. Can you say kim lied. Anything given to nk is given to the nk military. Not to the population. Read up a little on nk, there are plenty of horror stories that come out of there all the time. This is not a rational man nor a rational government. This is a population that is indoctrinated daily and they have no knowledge of the outside world. They are kept poor starved and ignorant.
uscitizen the point is, saying "we have weapons to so we shouldn't do anything about other people having weapons" is logically empty. it's actually fucking retarded.

Also, not sure I would mind starting a war with mexico... :)
uscitizen the point is, saying "we have weapons to so we shouldn't do anything about other people having weapons" is logically empty. it's actually fucking retarded.

Also, not sure I would mind starting a war with mexico... :)

So you think it is retarded, no suprise here ;)
millions cross into the US every year. Its not the same as with NK. Those in the NK are looking to get into communist china simply to eat. NK and mexico are apples and oranges.

we did not establish AQ, bin laden did. we were supporting his group against the soviets in afganhistan. The soviets were our enemy. At least to most of us. They were allies of the libs.

I take it that last sentence was reffering to the war with mexico and not the war in korea? You want to get off on the mexican war now? I'm sure we can start a new thread on that.

The soviets were our enemy. At least to most of us. They were allies of the libs.


Seriously, are you a left wing whacko troll, trying to make Cons look like fools and ignoramuses?
Allies of the libs LOL. Well anyway the CIA trained AQ and gave them weapons , they were our ally, now they are our enemy. One has to wonder why. Unless you just follow what the neocon pundits say and don't question it.
We helped put sadam in power and gave/sold him weapons, he was an ally, now he is a bad man and one of the many excuses given for invading Iraq. We gave Iran weapons , now they are an Axis of evil.
How many times does it take to convince some people that we are only making the situation over there worse with past and current policies.