Why is North Korea designated an "Axis of evil" ?

Allies of the libs LOL. Well anyway the CIA trained AQ and gave them weapons , they were our ally, now they are our enemy. One has to wonder why. Unless you just follow what the neocon pundits say and don't question it.
We helped put sadam in power and gave/sold him weapons, he was an ally, now he is a bad man and one of the many excuses given for invading Iraq. We gave Iran weapons , now they are an Axis of evil.
How many times does it take to convince some people that we are only making the situation over there worse with past and current policies.

aq was not our ally. We simply supplied the afgan's in their war against the soviets. They are islamists they have always been our enemy.

We did nothing to put saddam in power he took power in iraq all by himself. He was supported in the war with iran because iran was considered the more dangerous of the two at the time. The support we gave them was mainly in the form of intelligence, not material supplies. Their equipment was russian and french made.

The war with saddam is over. Move on. We are continuing in the war with the islamists. Whether someone was supported or not supported in the past is irrelavent.