Why is there something rather than nothing?

Humans have evolved with basically souped up chimpanzee brains, with limits to our cognition and reason.

I don't think the science and math the human mind is capable of can explain everything about the fabric of reality.

It doesn't follow that just because our limited tools can't explain it makes it a supernatural entity. The God of the Gaps reasoning is not good logic.

the tools aren't that limited....it's the choices you want to limit that cause the problem....you think that the universe must come from natural, observable origins because an origin that is beyond nature is not acceptable.....
I wrote that science answers "how" questions, while religion focuses on "why" questions years ago, well before you were even registered on this forum -->
Then you obviously forgot and now wish to thank me for reminding you, yes?

You probably read me writing about science vs. religious questions,
I don't read your posts with any expectation of finding any of your original thoughts. All of your posts are the regurgitations of others, correct or otherwise. I point out the errors in what you post.

The fact is, neither you nor I originally had the insight that science and religion are asking different questions.
I was taught, as a child, that science and religion each address/answer different questions, which is why each exists. In my case, science (and math) addressed virtually all the questions I was asking, whereas I noticed that others turned far more frequently to religion to address their questions while hardly ever looking to science for any answers. I rarely asked "why?"; I just always wanted to know how things worked. I can't remember a time when I didn't make that clear-cut distinction.

But the fact you want to claim it as your own deeply original and visionary insight
Incorrect. My pointing out of your error is not a pioneering claim of vision; you simply made an error. Your need to deflect my correction of your error as a "deeply original and visionary insight" is just evidence of the hubris that permeates internet message boards.
What you are mocking and denigrating is an article written by Ethan Seigel, a theoretical physicist.

NO, I'm mocking YOU. All you ever do is quote other people. You have no original thoughts of your own. Because you are an intellectual poseur. It's fun to see you posing.
^^ Believes he is capable of truly independent and original visionary insights into science and philosophy,

^^^^Thinks people will think he is smarter than he actually is so he endlessly generates OP's that are little more than just other people's thoughts.

That's how you know Cypress could barely make it through undergrad (probably just an associates degree).

(oh yeah and he also is a frantic googler. I have shown that as well)
Why Is There Something, Rather Than Nothing?

Science and philosophy are concerned with asking how things are, and why they are the way they are. It therefore seems natural to take the next step and ask why things are at all– why the universe exists, or why there is something rather than nothing.
Ancient philosophers didn’t focus too much on what Heidegger called the “fundamental question of metaphysics” and Grunbaum has dubbed the “Primordial Existential Question.” It was Leibniz, in the eighteenth century, who first explicitly asked “Why is there something rather than nothing?” in the context of discussing his Principle of Sufficient Reason (“nothing is without a ground or reason why it is”). By way of an answer, Leibniz appealed to what has become a popular strategy: God is the reason the universe exists, but God’s existence is its own reason, since God exists necessarily. (There is a parallel with Aristotle’s much earlier invocation of an unmoved mover, responsible for motion in the universe without itself being moved by anything else.

^^^^Thinks people will think he is smarter than he actually is so he endlessly generates OP's that are little more than just other people's thoughts.

That's how you know Cypress could barely make it through undergrad (probably just an associates degree).

(oh yeah and he also is a frantic googler. I have shown that as well)

It's really funny that you sarcastically mocked my insights about matter and quantum fields, but then two weeks later you were plagiarizing and paraphrasing the insights from my post you had previously mocked.
All you ever do is quote other people. You have no original thoughts of your own. Because you are an intellectual poseur.

It's fun to see you posing.

^^^ Believes that posting articles on a message board is outrageous.

You are transparently lying that I don't give my own opinions in my own words, just like you lied about having a glorious geochem PhD.

No, you don't follow me around, dig up buried threads of mine, and whine to the mods about me because you're having "fun".

You rage type at me because you are obsessed with me and consumed by resentment and petty grievance.
the tools aren't that limited....it's the choices you want to limit that cause the problem....you think that the universe must come from natural, observable origins because an origin that is beyond nature is not acceptable.....

Our tools and our cognition are limited. We are primates, with limited sensory and neurological capacity.

I don't think laypersons appreciate the limits of scientific inquiry or the boundaries of human reasoning. We are nowhere remotely close to being omniscient, and just because our primate brains cannot grasp all facets of reality, it does not follow that there is a supernatural entity in the gaps of our knowledge.

I am agnostic about a god of the gaps, but I am certain it does not constitute good syllogistic logic.
It's really funny that you sarcastically mocked my insights about matter and quantum fields, but then two weeks later you were

The guy who didn't even know sea water could exist as a liquid below 0degC (freezing point depression), a concept taught to HIGH SCHOOL KIDS thinks he has insights on "quantum fields".


Get to googlin' for more OP's!
True. But you are worse and only write personal attacks.

That's a lie. But then you are one of the worst trolls on this forum.

you are a very stupid asshole
You are a very stupid person.
You are intellectually a jerkoff moron.
fuck you shit head
go kill yourself you piece of shit
you're an asshole
you are retarded
You are a fucking stupid person.
Are you always drunk or just fucking stupid?!
you are a fucking idiot
pooh pooh caa caa
I never read your posts Earl because you're a fucking pussy.
Earl the Pussy
Wow, never realized how fucking dumb you people are.
you are lost in jerkdom
You are a boring idiot.
you are a bore
you're a waste
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
you're a fucking idiot
Shut the fuck up you useless troll.
you are a stupid person
You are seriously too stupid to waste time with.
fuck you scumbag
you are very stupid
you are a moron
You are a waste of human consciousness.
go kill yourself you piece of shit
You are easily the dumbest person on the forum. Your brain is rotten.
You stink like a backed up sewer.
Your brain is a heap of shit.
go kill yourself
You are always a petty piece of shit.
shut the fuck up you scumbag
you are a very stupid asshole
go kill yourself you piece of shit
go kill yourself. banning you from now on
you are a goddam stupid asshole
go kill yourself
go kill yourself
go kill yourself
shut up troll
shut the fuck up you stupid troll
Our tools and our cognition are limited

Yours are.

. We are primates, with limited sensory and neurological capacity.
Wow, "limited neurological capacity"...you sure do sound science-y!

I don't think laypersons appreciate the limits of scientific inquiry or the boundaries of human reasoning.

YOU certainly don't. You think you are WAAAY smarter than you actually are. You've been shown to be a second or third rate intellect who is only able to quote other people without any comment of his own because, well as John Stuart Mill called you out you already know what you are.

(I'll let you figure out which JS Mill quote I'm referencing there. Might wanna google like the google king you are)

I am agnostic about a god of the gaps, but I am certain it does not constitute good syllogistic logic.

The God of the Gaps is trash theology. Any theologian knows that's how you wind up with no god.

You aren't agnostic about God in general. I've seen you lose your shit anytime anyone so much as QUESTIONS God in certain instances. You are some kinda thumper of some sort or you fancy yourself an agnostic but you're scare of offending God.

Seeing your posts and OP's is like looking into the head of a junior high school kid who just discovered a philosophy book. BOOOOOOORING.
You found a time machine that took you back 600 years. All you have are the clothes on your back. How do you tell the people that you’re from the future?