Why most liberials don't ride motorcycles.

LOL. Keep talking themajority. Your insight and brilliant theories are well appreciated.

Don't patronize me liberial---I hate you and you hate me. The difference is, us working class have good reason to hate all liberials. You take our money that we earn. You only hate me because I don't want to give up the money I sweated for. Big difference. I actually feel like I have a constitutional right to beat up liberials--may be even kill them. Why? I have a constitutional right to protect my property, and liberials steal my property. My gun is loaded---come and get my property directly you wuss. I will shoot you dead if you try to steal from me directly---but I guess it is different if you get our government to do it for you---right?

Your insight and brillant theroies are so nice--sooo plesent--I am glad you libs care so much that most working people are fucking broke!!! lets get your social health care--and put the nail in our own coffin.

Stand up for what you believe and come over to take my money directly. I dare you to try. If you do it, you would be a theif. But if you have our government do it, you would not be a theif for some reason. A theif is a theif--taking what does not belong to them. Liberials are an organized crime.
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Nope would not won a hay burner, but I did ride one for years and it is much more of a freedom feeling than a bike.

free from gas stations too.

but alphalfa is up to about $13.00 per bale...my horse is a hay burner...not to much mile per bale...:cof1: