Why no looting in Cedar Rapids?


Abreast of the situations
I dont understand. Why is this not as big of news, very little crime, no rioting or looting for what i can tell.

Cedar Rapids has 124000 people
I dont understand. Why is this not as big of news, very little crime, no rioting or looting for what i can tell.

Cedar Rapids has 124000 people


The situation in Cedar Rapids isn't as remotely desperate as was in New Orleans. How many deaths in Cedar Rapids compared to the deaths during Katrina?

Are massive amounts of shelters, food, and water going to be needed in Cedar Rapids?

Is a large percentage of the population going to be permenantly displaced by the floods in Cedar Rapids?

Are large numbers of people in Cedar Rapids going to be thrown into the local stadium with inadequate facilities?

You're comparing apples to transistor radios.

The situation in Cedar Rapids isn't as remotely desperate as was in New Orleans. How many deaths in Cedar Rapids compared to the deaths during Katrina?

So if other people are dying, it's OK to loot. Thanks for the tip. I've always wondered what the rule was.

Are massive amounts of shelters, food, and water going to be needed in Cedar Rapids?

No. Midwesterners do not need to eat or drink. (What a fucking assinine question BTW)

Is a large percentage of the population going to be permenantly displaced by the floods in Cedar Rapids?

No, they can all go back home soon and watch Grays anatomy.

Are large numbers of people in Cedar Rapids going to be thrown into the local stadium with inadequate facilities

Probably will be a school or something.

You're comparing apples to transistor radios.

Now what does that stuff have to do with looting?
Come on guys just say it! You know you want to. Hell the picture up above shows you do. Not so many black people in Cedar Rapids.
Come on guys just say it! You know you want to. Hell the picture up above shows you do. Not so many black people in Cedar Rapids.

That's exactly what they want to say .. I'm surprised this is coming from Chap, but perhaps I shouldn't be.

There are black people in lots of natural disasters with no looting occuring all the time, but they are trying to compare Cedar Rapids and its rain flood to New Orleans and Katrina. The devastation in lives, dollars, life threatening situations, and property damage isn't even close.

Oh wait .. I forgot ..

.. black people loot, white people find

Obviously, this thread is intended to imply that those black savages are more prone to looting than the noble white person.

BAC is right, the situation between katrina and cedar rapids is not comparable.

In other news, here's a video of looting that occurred in Colombus Ohio during the recent floods. And the looters that are shown in the video, are all noble white people.

I imagine the citizens of Cedar Rapids, Iowa have a competent mayor as well as an above average governor, compared to what the residents of New Orleans had, Mayor of Chocolate City Ray "I can't find a bus" Nagin and Louisiana Governor Blanco.

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One thing to note, as far as I have seen there has been very little federal help in this flood either, even for predominatley white folks.
It hasn't hit the news yet, because the newsies haven't found a way to blame Bush...


Please, nobody dies, a bunch of boring water. People living in a flood plain......

It didn't hit the news because it isn't exciting enough.
"Hard times flush the chumps."

There's been a lot of overt racism on this board lately. It's like they don't even try to hide it anymore.
I'm from Des Monies. folks from Iowa are good people. Look no further than that for an explanation as to why so few people decided the opportunity to steal was too easy and risk-free to pass up. Instead of thinking of ways to cheat others, Iowans were thinking of ways to help.

It has nothing to do with race.

Unfortunately, New Orleans didn't have such a large community of people who thought to help before thinking to loot TVs and electronic equipment.