Why no looting in Cedar Rapids?

"Hard times flush the chumps."

There's been a lot of overt racism on this board lately. It's like they don't even try to hide it anymore.

I haven't been here long enough to know if they ever tried to hide it, but this board certainly has quite a few of them here. Makes it hard to recommend to people who don't want to deal with that bullshit.
I'm from Des Monies. folks from Iowa are good people. Look no further than that for an explanation as to why so few people decided the opportunity to steal was too easy and risk-free to pass up. Instead of thinking of ways to cheat others, Iowans were thinking of ways to help.

It has nothing to do with race.

Unfortunately, New Orleans didn't have such a large community of people who thought to help before thinking to loot TVs and electronic equipment.

That's bullshit

If people in Iowa faced life-threatening situations as they did during Katrina they would be looting/finding food and neccesities no differently than they did in NO.
One difference is that parts of NO depends on levees all the time and Iowa only depends on them during floods. imho it is stupid to depend on levees all the time vs just during floods.

But I do see some credibility in this being an urban vs rural area thing.
That's bullshit

If people in Iowa faced life-threatening situations as they did during Katrina they would be looting/finding food and neccesities no differently than they did in NO.


After the hurricane in NO, what life-threatening situations did they face in NO? Flooding? Iowa got the same thing.

Could you be referring to all the rapes & murders that the media reported were supposedly happening in the Louisiana Superdome, that all turned out to be false.

After the hurricane in NO, what life-threatening situations did they face in NO? Flooding? Iowa got the same thing.

Could you be referring to all the rapes & murders that the media reported were supposedly happening in the Louisiana Superdome, that all turned out to be false.

You've proved yourself to be one dumbass illiterate motherfucker better than anyone else could prove you to be.

"What life-threatening situations" .. the vast majority of 6th graders could answer that.

Iowa's flood was the same as Katrina???

What a fucking moron.
I have been resisting chiming in this morning with you usc but have to right here to say that I agree to a large extent. We may get blasted later but to me what you have stated in your few posts on this thread is a true of what is going on and the real reason of the contrast of the two situations.
That's exactly what they want to say .. I'm surprised this is coming from Chap, but perhaps I shouldn't be.

There are black people in lots of natural disasters with no looting occuring all the time, but they are trying to compare Cedar Rapids and its rain flood to New Orleans and Katrina. The devastation in lives, dollars, life threatening situations, and property damage isn't even close.

Oh wait .. I forgot ..

.. black people loot, white people find


That one pissed me off fo badly when I saw it back in august of 05!

I posted a thread about it.

This is just so very sad to see people on this subject again.

How long has it been people?

How long were the Katrina victims left to fend for themselves?

How stranded were the victims in this situation? You forget the people in Katrina that could not get out or desided to try and stay for whatever reason were in a immediate flooding situation. These people have seen the ater raising over a period of at least days if not weeks.

The people who ended up stranded in Katrina were mostly the very poor who had not alot of options on how to get out of the city beforehand.
That one pissed me off fo badly when I saw it back in august of 05!

I posted a thread about it.

This is just so very sad to see people on this subject again.

How long has it been people?

How long were the Katrina victims left to fend for themselves?

How stranded were the victims in this situation? You forget the people in Katrina that could not get out or desided to try and stay for whatever reason were in a immediate flooding situation. These people have seen the ater raising over a period of at least days if not weeks.

The people who ended up stranded in Katrina were mostly the very poor who had not alot of options on how to get out of the city beforehand.
This one was shown to be a fallacious "upset" and to be based in translation rather than in racism. The AFP was translated into English from French and lost some of its meaning. When other photos of black people were shown from AFP the same words were used from the translation. As well as when pictures with white guys in them from the AP were shown they also used "loot".

This was a matter of different languages, not of what it is presented as.
We hear what the media wants us to hear. Crime and negativity sells. I think both situations are comparable in that flooding of this magnitude is disastrous. It happens quite often in the flood plains of Houston, which happens to be in many of the suburbs. I have been stuck in the top story of a house for a week with no electricity, looking at vehicles floating down the street, and seeing only chimneys of 1 story houses. The only media coverage these floods get is a quick secondary story blip to pass the time.
In urban areas people tend to be more out for themselves and might not even know their neighbors.
People check on each other in rural areas, even if they don't like the other person much.
it is just the right thing to do.
How stranded were the victims in this situation? You forget the people in Katrina that could not get out or desided to try and stay for whatever reason were in a immediate flooding situation. These people have seen the ater raising over a period of at least days if not weeks.

Classic Desh--- We know damn well why they didn't get out and they knew the storm was coming for days. You try to rationalize the most idiotic things sometimes !!
yeah they touted how lilly white Iowa was when Obama one as though it we're some stupid old litmuss test that's worth pissing on only.

Most of the looting was not for food and necessities,Blackpanther is funny in his defense though.
Comparing Iowa to Katrina is like comparing the Granada invasion to WWII.
yeah they touted how lilly white Iowa was when Obama one as though it we're some stupid old litmuss test that's worth pissing on only.

Most of the looting was not for food and necessities,Blackpanther is funny in his defense though.
Comparing Iowa to Katrina is like comparing the Granada invasion to WWII.

Spinner is just pouting becuse the flood is not raising the price of gas like Katrina did.
So if I've read this thread correctly, fly-over country residents, like those in Cedar Rapids, are self reliant and pull together in a crisis. Kudos, Iowa, my birth place.