Why Obama won the debate: Honesty

Nobody bothers to fact check Obama on his oil claims.
When your more partisan than Van Jones who says Romney won. Then you are hacktastic!
I wonder if there's going to be as much hand wringing and cry babying if Obama out performs Romney in the second debate. Is presentation Romney had a good night, Obama didn't. In terms of substance, it was pretty tight. I seriously doubt that last night changed many peoples minds.
I think because I don't like either, my two cents kind of means something.

That being said, Romney made Obama look like the crap for brains he is.

Does the fact that he did so by lying about everything mean anything to you?
Obama let Romney sit there and look like the billionaire top CEO type that he is. He may want to try and get Romney off the economic issues as his floaters aren't suited for the wake romnies yatch is kicking!
Obama let Romney sit there and look like the billionaire top CEO type that he is. He may want to try and get Romney off the economic issues as his floaters aren't suited for the wake romnies yatch is kicking!

Maybe later I'll smoke a bag of chronic and this will make sense.
Obama made far fewer points that could be "fact checked" because he was ummming and awwwwing too much. This source does not even say that Obama was all that factual and that some of his best points were not factual.

Not Quite Factual - 2
Mostly Fiction - 5

Not Quite Factual - 1
Mostly Fiction - 3
Fiction - 1

Depending on how you weight the different levels of dishonesty would determine who was most factual. For instance, throw out the Not Quite Factual, give Mostly Fiction 1 point and Fiction 2 points and it is a tie at 5 points each.

I honestly, think TheDude's point is valid. I think Obama is laying in the weeds. I fully understand why Obama did not throw out the 47% now. He did not want to give Romney a stage to back off of it. Lehrer is known for letting people talk. He is a journalist of integrity.

Obama did make him back off of his tax cut while Romney failed to give any specifics on how he is going to cut spending on government programs or through the tax code. Maybe he will cut your loophole/program? You are not going to get much of a "tax break" from cutting Big Bird. But it does upset many people. Even the young Ann Romney aspirants wince at that one or will hear it from their nannies.

Once they are in a more controlled environment I expect Obama is going to beat the snot out of Romney with the 47%, Bain Capital and all the rest. Romney won't have enough time to recover in that setting. Plus, they have not even turned to "social" topics and Romney is going to have a hard time keeping his hatemongering troops motivated there without alienating libertarians/independents.

Obama is no fool. If Romney gets arrogant he will lose his edge and Obama will humiliate him.

Obama might be a good buy soon.
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Obama should stick to the 47% talking point. If he goes after Bain, Romney will wipe the floor with him. He can kill so much time going through client company after client company, and then run a compare/contrast to every business Obama has ever been involved with politically (both housing and energy). Then just sit back and watch the fireworks.
Obama should stick to the 47% talking point. If he goes after Bain, Romney will wipe the floor with him. He can kill so much time going through client company after client company, and then run a compare/contrast to every business Obama has ever been involved with politically (both housing and energy). Then just sit back and watch the fireworks.

How can you ignore what Bain really is? Romney's biggest lie of all is about jobs. He is going to bring back jobs. What is he going to do, close all the factories he owns in China and reopen all the ones he closed here? Quite sorry, but it will be Obama who is doing the mopping.