Why Obama's birth certificate issue won't go away: Vanderbilt expert


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The controversy over President Obama’s birth certificate will not go away as long as he refuses to release sealed records, including the original birth certificate, according to Carol Swain, professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University.

“I believe that the president should end the speculation by being transparent about all aspects of his background,” Swain said. “In fact, it can be argued that the president belongs to the people and to scholars, biographers and others who are entitled to know every aspect of his past. Only great men can ascend to this height, and their lives should be examined and studied for the lessons they offer.”

Swain said that what is posted online for the president is a certificate of live birth. “It is the failure to release the long form that keeps suspicion alive,” she said. Swain noted that she strongly disagrees with those who want to criticize Americans, including journalist Lou Dobbs, who continue to raise the issue.

Other sealed records that Swain has called for the president to release include those pertaining to his education, foreign travel and state legislative business.

Carol Swain is available for media interviews at carol.swain@vanderbilt.edu.

Media contact: Ann Marie Deer Owens, 615-322-NEWS

I heard that there was something on HuffPost about this too. They are now saying just release it and get it over with. O'Reilly is now embarrassed because he constantly talked about how he had seen and examined Obama's records and found them to be "in line", dismissing the controversy based on that but he will not just say what he saw, when he saw it, etc. Worldnetdaily.com is challenging O'Reilly to simply report what he saw and let others decide as the motto of the organization goes.

I'm surprised the anti-birthers on the site haven't used O'Reilly's comments in their arguments actually. Of course I don't expect that they'll start defending him for thinking exactly the same thing they have, that the factcheck.org document was enough.

IMO, this is a "if you give them an inch, they'll take a mile" type of thing. The Birth Certificate is unlikely to show anything untoward, but they won't release it because if they do other documents will likely come under scrutiny. However, you don't run on being transparent then fight strenuously against being transparent without having some consequences.
"However, you don't run on being transparent then fight strenuously against being transparent without having some consequences. "

What kind of transparency was Obama talking about during the campaign, specifically?
"However, you don't run on being transparent then fight strenuously against being transparent without having some consequences. "

What kind of transparency was Obama talking about during the campaign, specifically?
Why don't you tell me all about it? Then speak directly to what people hear and understand.

If he's willing to hide something as simple as this, how can you trust that he is being transparent with more important information?
Why don't you tell me all about it?

That's a rather defensive answer. You brought it up, so I asked the question.

"Change" and "transparency" were definitely 2 themes of the campaign. With change...did he mean change in everything? Would someone be able to point to the fact that he still uses Air Force One and sleeps in the White House and wears suits and say, hey, Bush did that, too - how is that change?

Similarly, with transparency - was he talking about gov't processes and activities, or would that delve into personal issues, as well?

These are legitimate considerations to discuss. Why don't you try answering the question?
you have to wonder what is on the Orginial that they are fighting so hard not to have it released?
and all this effort to shut people up by calling the American people, kooks, birthers, right-wing fringe..is a way to try and shut people up..
another thing people need to see, is the lamestream media is in on this cover up and should not be trusted again..
That's a rather defensive answer. You brought it up, so I asked the question.

"Change" and "transparency" were definitely 2 themes of the campaign. With change...did he mean change in everything? Would someone be able to point to the fact that he still uses Air Force One and sleeps in the White House and wears suits and say, hey, Bush did that, too - how is that change?

Similarly, with transparency - was he talking about gov't processes and activities, or would that delve into personal issues, as well?

These are legitimate considerations to discuss. Why don't you try answering the question?
It wasn't an answer it was a question.

I also brought up the fact that when you run on transparency then expect to only be transparent in certain areas it winds up costing you.

You were the one that seems to have insight into it, so tell us all about it as you seem to think it matters. But personally I think it doesn't matter. People expect transparency on the little things like this, it breeds a trust that will not exist otherwise in more important issues. When people who are leading us seem to be hiding something this simple, we immediately begin to question, "What more important stuff will they work even harder to hide?"

Imagine if Nixon, after finding out about the plumbers going into Watergate on the next day had simply come forward and said, "The boys went too far last night, I found out about it this morning, I take responsibility and they will be prosecuted."

What do you think would happen in such a moment of transparency? The difference was in the hiding.

If this continues to be a theme for Obama, this total blackout of simple information, it will effect his Presidency negatively even if you don't believe it will.
you have to wonder what is on the Orginial that they are fighting so hard not to have it released?
and all this effort to shut people up by calling the American people, kooks, birthers, right-wing fringe..is a way to try and shut people up..
another thing people need to see, is the lamestream media is in on this cover up and should not be trusted again..
Personally I don't think the Birth Certificate is what they are working to keep hidden, but are working on the theory of "give an inch, take a mile".

Even if everything is on the up and up... If this continues there will be far more people questioning things. It's just human nature.
Personally I don't think the Birth Certificate is what they are working to keep hidden, but are working on the theory of "give an inch, take a mile".

Even if everything is on the up and up... If this continues there will be far more people questioning things. It's just human nature.

What on earth do you think "they" are trying to keep hidden?
What on earth do you think "they" are trying to keep hidden?
How the heck would I know? (BTW - Since there is a specific administration as the topic "they" is well-defined in this instance.)

Again, this is simply a prediction.

If this continues to be done this way there will be more questions and more people will begin to believe that there is something to hide.
How the heck would I know?

Your statement certainly implied a more nefarious reason, of which you seemed to have some knowledge.

In general, your whole tone on this thread is pretty defensive.

The correct answer is that the birth certificate controversy is not the kind of transparency that Obama campaigned on, that birther claims have now been debunked with enough evidence to this point where those on the right are even asking them to back off (as you pointed out), and that the nutters will continue anyway, thus continuing to make it seem as though someone is "hiding" something, and there isn't really too much the admin can do about that.
you have to wonder what is on the Orginial that they are fighting so hard not to have it released?
and all this effort to shut people up by calling the American people, kooks, birthers, right-wing fringe..is a way to try and shut people up..
another thing people need to see, is the lamestream media is in on this cover up and should not be trusted again..

The vast, left-wing conspiracy is still flourishing..
the question is, why doesn't it bother you people that they could be trying to hide something.?

how are we to know if they are hiding something, if they won't release a simple thing as his Orginial BC.
Your statement certainly implied a more nefarious reason, of which you seemed to have some knowledge.

In general, your whole tone on this thread is pretty defensive.

The correct answer is that the birth certificate controversy is not the kind of transparency that Obama campaigned on, that birther claims have now been debunked with enough evidence to this point where those on the right are even asking them to back off (as you pointed out), and that the nutters will continue anyway, thus continuing to make it seem as though someone is "hiding" something, and there isn't really too much the admin can do about that.
Suspecting somebody of hiding something because they are acting like they are hiding something does not equate to knowledge of what is hidden. It doesn't even mean I suspect it is nefarious.

All I'm telling you is, debunked or not people expect you to be open about the small stuff like this, and if you aren't will begin to suspect you of hiding things. This will grow, when even huffpost writers begin talking about how they should just open it up and get it over with it's telling.
How the heck would I know? (BTW - Since there is a specific administration as the topic "they" is well-defined in this instance.)

Again, this is simply a prediction.

If this continues to be done this way there will be more questions and more people will begin to believe that there is something to hide.

It's illogical to say "something" is being hidden if you can't opine on what the something is, and your implication is that it's something bad. The statement can never be disproved.

Birthers are exactly like those diehard conservatives continuing to support the fiction that WMD are still hidden "somewhere" in the mideast.

...and no, I'm not saying you're a birther.
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It's illogical to say "something" is being hidden if you can't opine on what the something is, and your implication is that it's something bad. The statement can never be disproved.

Birthers are exactly like those diehard conservatives continuing to support the fiction that WMD are still hidden "somewhere" in the mideast.

...and no, I'm not saying you're a birther.

Yeah, but Obama's acting all fishy and suspicious-like. He's hiding something, alright.

Damo may not be a birther, but his heart is with them....
the question is, why doesn't it bother you people that they could be trying to hide something.?

how are we to know if they are hiding something, if they won't release a simple thing as his Orginial BC.
res ipsa loquitor the very act speaks for itself. people look at the situation and think - they are working so hard to hide it because there must be something worth hiding - whether it s true or not. usually it is true.
the question is, why doesn't it bother you people that they could be trying to hide something.?

how are we to know if they are hiding something, if they won't release a simple thing as his Orginial BC.

Maybe because like most sensible people I've accepted the certificate he did release, along with all the other documented info like the newspaper announcements that birthers have been avoiding.
It's illogical to say "something" is being hidden if you can't opine on what the something is, and your implication is that it's something bad. The statement can never be disproved.

Birthers are exactly like those diehard conservatives continuing to support the fiction that WMD are still hidden "somewhere" in the mideast.

...and no, I'm not saying you're a birther.
It is not illogical to point to the actions of somebody and saying, "They appear to be hiding something, I wonder what it is."

If such were the case we wouldn't need to investigate things like, "Why is that guy acting nervously before entering the plane?" because we'd all just know what it is.