Why Sarah Palin Won't Go Away!

"A feminism that cannot admire the bravura under high pressure of the first woman governor of a frontier state isn't worth a warm bucket of spit."

Bravura under pressure?

The reason Palin isn't taken seriously is because, among other things, she thought Africa was a single nation,[DEBUNKED] thinks dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago,[DEBUNKED] didn't know who was in NAFTA,[DEBUNKED] and thinks that god has blessed a war.[LIE] Those are not exactly signs of a great intellect or of a national leader.

And this "frontier state" nonsense is hilarious. Are we supposed to picture her doing her laundry at the river?

Exactly what is it that should inspire us so? Her stellar academic career? Her amazing honesty?

She is a joke, Dixie. And she is milking this for all its worth.

You should try sipping something besides left-wing koolaid, it is making you sound totally foolish. Do you honestly think, because Palin was asking her advisers, during prep for the debate, about specific things related to "Africa" being attributable to "South Africa" or the continent, that means she doesn't know the difference? She asked for a clarification of something, trying to be as prepared as she could be. This had nothing to do with her being 'ignorant' or not knowing the difference.

She did indeed know what countries were involved in NAFTA, again, she asked her 'handlers' for clarification, to make sure she knew what she knew. These two 'incidents' were leaked from inside the McCain camp, people who were supposed to be on her side, but felt the need to sabotage her. The "Clothesgate" story came directly from the Mitt Romney camp, who was steamed they didn't get their candidate on the ticket, and sought to undermine Palin. You fuckwits lapped it up like puppies on warm milk!

As for her religious views, she has NEVER stated she thought the world was 4000 years old, or any of that other nonsense, that is an ASSUMPTION made by the left, based on an ASSUMPTION about "fundamental Christians" which is totally off the charts of mainstream religious beliefs of most Christians. In other words, you've made a series of leaps in logic, to conclude this silly charge, and it's totally without basis. The LIE you tell, is she thinks the war is blessed by God. This is derived from a prayer and statement she gave to troops serving in Iraq, "may God be with you." This is the identical SAME blessing given by FDR in WWII, and Washington in the Revolution, as well as Abe Lincoln in the Civil War, and virtually every war America has ever fought.

Now, let's clear up something else... I am not the one who wrote Ms. Paglia's editorial, she is the one who felt inspired by Palin, she is the one who thinks Palin represents a "new feminism" in America, and she is the one who had flowery praise for Sarah Palin... not me! So, when you start teeing off on me about what a liberal feminist had to say about Palin, we need to keep that dishonesty in perspective. I know it's difficult for you pinheads to complete a paragraph without lying your ass off, but let's at least TRY!
I'm not concerned. She'll die a hard political death in the primaries if she does indeed run. Ghouliani was doing the same stuff once he left NYC. I called his run back back in 2003.

Palin is no Gulliani. I even said Rudy had no chance at winning the nomination, he had too much of a liberal record. Palin is a very charismatic and pragmatic governor, who is cut from the cloth of Ronald Reagan, and has the ability to articulate the core conservative message. The reason you see pinheads attacking her relentlessly AFTER THE ELECTION, is because you all KNOW how politically dangerous she is. You're not fooling anyone with this 'talking her down' approach, even though, that has worked so well for you in the past. You 'talked down' Bush and Cheney, hell, you even 'talked down' your most favored Republican, McCain... You've 'talked down' people in your own party, like Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller, but you aren't going to 'talk down' a true conservative who believes in what she says. It will backfire on you, and leave you scratching your stupid little pinheads in the end.
:lmao: When you can't address the points and have been revealed as the frauds you are, this juvenile chortling and railing against me begins. It's so predictable and transparent!

Carry on, PINHEADS! Carry on!
You should try sipping something besides left-wing koolaid, it is making you sound totally foolish. Do you honestly think, because Palin was asking her advisers, during prep for the debate, about specific things related to "Africa" being attributable to "South Africa" or the continent, that means she doesn't know the difference? She asked for a clarification of something, trying to be as prepared as she could be. This had nothing to do with her being 'ignorant' or not knowing the difference.

She did indeed know what countries were involved in NAFTA, again, she asked her 'handlers' for clarification, to make sure she knew what she knew. These two 'incidents' were leaked from inside the McCain camp, people who were supposed to be on her side, but felt the need to sabotage her. The "Clothesgate" story came directly from the Mitt Romney camp, who was steamed they didn't get their candidate on the ticket, and sought to undermine Palin. You fuckwits lapped it up like puppies on warm milk!

As for her religious views, she has NEVER stated she thought the world was 4000 years old, or any of that other nonsense, that is an ASSUMPTION made by the left, based on an ASSUMPTION about "fundamental Christians" which is totally off the charts of mainstream religious beliefs of most Christians. In other words, you've made a series of leaps in logic, to conclude this silly charge, and it's totally without basis. The LIE you tell, is she thinks the war is blessed by God. This is derived from a prayer and statement she gave to troops serving in Iraq, "may God be with you." This is the identical SAME blessing given by FDR in WWII, and Washington in the Revolution, as well as Abe Lincoln in the Civil War, and virtually every war America has ever fought.

Now, let's clear up something else... I am not the one who wrote Ms. Paglia's editorial, she is the one who felt inspired by Palin, she is the one who thinks Palin represents a "new feminism" in America, and she is the one who had flowery praise for Sarah Palin... not me! So, when you start teeing off on me about what a liberal feminist had to say about Palin, we need to keep that dishonesty in perspective. I know it's difficult for you pinheads to complete a paragraph without lying your ass off, but let's at least TRY!

The Africa comment was debunked by whom? I haven't seen it. Perhaps you can provide links about her knowing that Africa is a continent or who was in NAFTA??

As for your claim that she just said "may God be with you", you are either lying or completely ignorant.

Try this little gem

In it she says our leaders are sending them out on a lask that is "from god". Now maybe in your backwards, Palin worshipping world that is the same as saying "God be with you", but it reality it is a statement that Palin thinks the war is a mission from god.
"When you can't address the points"

What points? That the mean-spirited bumpkin who can't name the countries in NAFTA and whose popularity declines with every public appearance is really a mad political genius, ready to lead the Republican Party back to the majority with the force of her intellect & skill?

You're right - keep right on truckin' with that one, because I can't address it...
Palin is no Gulliani. I even said Rudy had no chance at winning the nomination, he had too much of a liberal record. Palin is a very charismatic and pragmatic governor, who is cut from the cloth of Ronald Reagan, and has the ability to articulate the core conservative message. The reason you see pinheads attacking her relentlessly AFTER THE ELECTION, is because you all KNOW how politically dangerous she is. You're not fooling anyone with this 'talking her down' approach, even though, that has worked so well for you in the past. You 'talked down' Bush and Cheney, hell, you even 'talked down' your most favored Republican, McCain... You've 'talked down' people in your own party, like Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller, but you aren't going to 'talk down' a true conservative who believes in what she says. It will backfire on you, and leave you scratching your stupid little pinheads in the end.

I know how dangerous to America she would be. As for a political danger, not so much.
Imagine a baboon with a keyboard, typing out "BWENTERFRE?!NEWBRINGfklaspleinpoije;lkajdsfkjoie palin great!", and that's all it knew of the English language. Now, imagine this baboon having learned by memory to say things like ":lmao: just because your theories have been debunked you PINHEADS go out and begin your juvenile cavortin!" when responded to negatively on internet forums.

That is a rough description of dixie's psyche.
The Africa comment was debunked by whom? I haven't seen it. Perhaps you can provide links about her knowing that Africa is a continent or who was in NAFTA??

As for your claim that she just said "may God be with you", you are either lying or completely ignorant.

Try this little gem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H-btXPfhGs&feature=related

In it she says our leaders are sending them out on a lask that is "from god". Now maybe in your backwards, Palin worshipping world that is the same as saying "God be with you", but it reality it is a statement that Palin thinks the war is a mission from god.

The way this works is, you have to provide evidence of a charge, I am not obligated to prove Palin's innocence, you should prove her guilt, or shut the fuck up about it. No link needed.

In her video, she says essentially the same thing Washington said to his soldiers before going into battle against the Brits... the same as Lincoln said to his soldiers going into battle against the Confederates... the same as FDR said to his soldiers going into battle against Hitler and Japan. To pretend she said something that was not appropriate, or intended something these others didn't, is evidence of your intellectual dishonesty.
The way this works is, you have to provide evidence of a charge, I am not obligated to prove Palin's innocence, you should prove her guilt, or shut the fuck up about it. No link needed.

In her video, she says essentially the same thing Washington said to his soldiers before going into battle against the Brits... the same as Lincoln said to his soldiers going into battle against the Confederates... the same as FDR said to his soldiers going into battle against Hitler and Japan. To pretend she said something that was not appropriate, or intended something these others didn't, is evidence of your intellectual dishonesty.

I am quoting sources that worked with her on the campaign. THEY are the ones that told us that she thought Africa was a country and that she didn't know who was in NAFTA. You claimed these were debunked. I should just accept that they were debunked because you said so?

In the video, her exact words were "Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from god".

Now you can call it appropriate if you want. But claiming that a war is "...a task from god" is showing EXACTLY what I said she said.

To call what she said the same as saying "god be with you", is flat lying.
I am quoting sources that worked with her on the campaign. THEY are the ones that told us that she thought Africa was a country and that she didn't know who was in NAFTA. You claimed these were debunked. I should just accept that they were debunked because you said so?

In the video, her exact words were "Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from god".

Now you can call it appropriate if you want. But claiming that a war is "...a task from god" is showing EXACTLY what I said she said.

To call what she said the same as saying "god be with you", is flat lying.

You are quoting hearsay from sources inside the campaign who wanted to smear her, and intentionally put this garbage out to do so. Palin herself (who was accused) debunked them. If you have sworn testimony or recorded evidence, now would be the time to present that. Otherwise, people are innocent until proven guilty in America. She explained what happened, what was said, and the context it was said in, and these people with an axe to grind, were debunked soundly. IF you want to be utterly foolish and believe a governor is dumb enough not to know Africa is a continent, that is up to you... I think it proves how ignorant you can make yourself be, to accept and believe lies and misconceptions of the most bizarre nature. Is it any wonder that some people think Dick Cheney is a Reptilian?

As for her comments to the troops, I will say again, it is not really any different than the speeches given by Washington, Lincoln and FDR, under similar circumstances, so again, if you want to infer some hidden meaning into what she said, that only illustrates your ignorance and gullible willingness to believe virtually anything, to support your political ideology.

Fundamentally, bestowing freedom and liberty which we believe as Americans, to be endowed to us by our creator, is indeed "a task from God" and in the context of how it was presented, is entirely appropriate and not unlike the sentiments expressed by other leaders in our past. If you wish to construe it differently, that is entirely up to you, but as we have demonstrated, you are going to believe the most outrageous things to support your political philosophy, so what you believe is completely irrelevant.
You are quoting hearsay from sources inside the campaign who wanted to smear her, and intentionally put this garbage out to do so. Palin herself (who was accused) debunked them. If you have sworn testimony or recorded evidence, now would be the time to present that. Otherwise, people are innocent until proven guilty in America. She explained what happened, what was said, and the context it was said in, and these people with an axe to grind, were debunked soundly. IF you want to be utterly foolish and believe a governor is dumb enough not to know Africa is a continent, that is up to you... I think it proves how ignorant you can make yourself be, to accept and believe lies and misconceptions of the most bizarre nature. Is it any wonder that some people think Dick Cheney is a Reptilian?

As for her comments to the troops, I will say again, it is not really any different than the speeches given by Washington, Lincoln and FDR, under similar circumstances, so again, if you want to infer some hidden meaning into what she said, that only illustrates your ignorance and gullible willingness to believe virtually anything, to support your political ideology.

Fundamentally, bestowing freedom and liberty which we believe as Americans, to be endowed to us by our creator, is indeed "a task from God" and in the context of how it was presented, is entirely appropriate and not unlike the sentiments expressed by other leaders in our past. If you wish to construe it differently, that is entirely up to you, but as we have demonstrated, you are going to believe the most outrageous things to support your political philosophy, so what you believe is completely irrelevant.

:lmao: :lolup:

Dumbass. :cof1:
I think those of good sense and intelligence hope Palin stays the prime example of republican conservatism, it will keep the republicans dead as a party of ideas and progress for a long long long time.