Why Sarah Palin Won't Go Away!

I make no assumption except that Republicans have a growing number of young conservative minded potential voters. The statement I made, was in response to your absurd assertion that "there aren't enough of those kind of republicans left to win elections!" Now, Lummox comes along and tries to twist my statement into something he can bash and refute, but I didn't make the statement he wants to attribute to me. Just as I am not making the assumption you now want to attribute to me.

For the record, two of my children voted for McCain and one for Obama.

The problem is, I think there is plenty of evidence that there are aren't enough of those kind of republicans left to win an election. You can look at the voting records, the new voter registrations, and the general lack of enthusiasm in the post-Bush era.

But there is nothing showing me that there are more republican voters coming. At least nothing that shows them in large numbers, like the dems managed to mobilize.

I think its time the Libertarians usurped some of the "moderate" republicans that you seem to despise. We will take the fiscal conservatives and you can keep the social conservatives. Lets see who makes a better run then?
I'll go with my common sense and ability to think for myself. Statistical "facts" can be made to show virtually any result you seek to find, if you look hard enough. A wise man once said; "Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see."

Well, voter registration has certainly trended heavily toward Democrats. I'm not sure how you can extrapolate anything from your hunch about people who are 17 & under, and who happen to have Republican parents.

You liberal pinheads, with your fancy, high fallutin' statistics & facts! You'll all see!
"have fun storming the castle"

I read that Rob Reiner had to leave the set when Billy Crystal was doing his part. He claimed he laughed so hard he would feel nauseated.

Now that is a compliment for a comedian.
He makes me laugh that hard! It is a big compliment, especially from Reinert!
One of the funniest things I have EVER seen was Billy Crystal, Robin Williams and Whoopi Goldberg on the Oprah show.

Oprah and Whoopi didn't say much. But the other two were running at 90 mph on pure adlib. It was great.
The problem is, I think there is plenty of evidence that there are aren't enough of those kind of republicans left to win an election. You can look at the voting records, the new voter registrations, and the general lack of enthusiasm in the post-Bush era.

But there is nothing showing me that there are more republican voters coming. At least nothing that shows them in large numbers, like the dems managed to mobilize.

I think its time the Libertarians usurped some of the "moderate" republicans that you seem to despise. We will take the fiscal conservatives and you can keep the social conservatives. Lets see who makes a better run then?

I think you are just all over the board with what you think I have said and what I actually believe. You are constantly either trying to put words in my mouth, or twist my arguments into absurdities. I have explained to you with the facts of previous elections, dating back to the days of Nixon, how core conservatives have 'stayed home' and not supported some republicans running for president. The Republican party didn't drop off the face of the earth in this time, they are still alive and kicking.

I think it's time you shut the fuck up and stop pretending to be trying to 'help' us find our way. I think we will keep both fiscal and social conservatives, and find a candidate who has principled conviction in those core conservative beliefs. I think we we will find ways to utilize 21st century technologies and reach younger generations with a timeless conservative message to counter liberal socialism. I think, if we listen to you, we will cease to exist as a viable political party in America within the next 10 years. But, it's a nice effort, Sol! It's really brilliant for you to attempt to push us over the cliff like that! It doesn't speak very well for your desire to live in a democratic society, where different views are allowed and debated, but for a koolaid-drenched liberal socialist, what else can we really expect?
Well, voter registration has certainly trended heavily toward Democrats. I'm not sure how you can extrapolate anything from your hunch about people who are 17 & under, and who happen to have Republican parents.

You liberal pinheads, with your fancy, high fallutin' statistics & facts! You'll all see!

Lummox, I think you will find, on average, liberals are younger and conservatives are older. There are a lot of people who are conservative, who started out as liberals when they were young. This is because, when you are young and stupid, you tend to be a dreamer... to imagine all these impossible platitudes of liberalism... to believe in some utopian idea of helping everyone and fixing all the problems... fighting the stuffy old farts who are the establishment. As you get older and wiser, you realize conservative principles are well-grounded and pragmatic. You see the potential of capitalism and free enterprise, lower taxation and less government.

I doubt you could find a time in American political history, where the youngest voters were more conservative than liberal. Yet, that is precisely what you want to twist my single innocuous sentence into, by taking it completely out of context. What I said, and what you want to think I said, are two entirely different things. I fully understand, liberals will always and forever have an advantage over conservatives in the youth voting bloc. However, some young people do not support liberal philosophies, they are more mature and pragmatic, perhaps they listen to their parents... perhaps they just grow up faster than their counterparts, but they do exist, believe it or not.

That said... 66% of my children voted for McCain, the OLDEST voted for Obama! Go figure?
I think you are just all over the board with what you think I have said and what I actually believe. You are constantly either trying to put words in my mouth, or twist my arguments into absurdities. I have explained to you with the facts of previous elections, dating back to the days of Nixon, how core conservatives have 'stayed home' and not supported some republicans running for president. The Republican party didn't drop off the face of the earth in this time, they are still alive and kicking.

I think it's time you shut the fuck up and stop pretending to be trying to 'help' us find our way. I think we will keep both fiscal and social conservatives, and find a candidate who has principled conviction in those core conservative beliefs. I think we we will find ways to utilize 21st century technologies and reach younger generations with a timeless conservative message to counter liberal socialism. I think, if we listen to you, we will cease to exist as a viable political party in America within the next 10 years. But, it's a nice effort, Sol! It's really brilliant for you to attempt to push us over the cliff like that! It doesn't speak very well for your desire to live in a democratic society, where different views are allowed and debated, but for a koolaid-drenched liberal socialist, what else can we really expect?

I am not trying to push ALL of you over the edge. Just a select few.

I want to see a strict adherence to the US Constitution. I want smaller government. I want serious tax reform.

But as long as the loudest voices for conservatives are those with social axes to grind, screaming about pornography, abortion and gay marriages, they won't have my support. In fact, they will have me working against them.
You've got it Sol. As long as enough people can be snookered enough to focus on the items that do not really matter we are screwed.

Heck with the economy weh have to preserve the sancity of marriage.

Who care about rights as long as some of the more outspoken of us feel safer ?

Who cares about the long term prospects of America as long as we do ok today ?
I am not trying to push ALL of you over the edge. Just a select few.

I want to see a strict adherence to the US Constitution. I want smaller government. I want serious tax reform.

But as long as the loudest voices for conservatives are those with social axes to grind, screaming about pornography, abortion and gay marriages, they won't have my support. In fact, they will have me working against them.

Good, you keep working against us, because Conservatism needs to prevail in our party. We don't need your input, advice, or support. Keep the fuck away from the Republican party, and stay in your liberal socialist Atheistic corner of politics.

It's a shame you don't understand the role social conservatism plays in fiscal conservative principles and conservative values in general. It's a shame you've allowed yourself to be brainwashed by Atheists into thinking those with strong faith-based beliefs are stupid 'knuckledraggers' without a point or place in our government. A government founded on the principle that all men are created equal and endowed their rights by that creator. It's a shame you don't understand that is the fundamental cornerstone of our democracy, and without it, we crumble and fall as a society.
Good, you keep working against us, because Conservatism needs to prevail in our party. We don't need your input, advice, or support. Keep the fuck away from the Republican party, and stay in your liberal socialist Atheistic corner of politics.

It's a shame you don't understand the role social conservatism plays in fiscal conservative principles and conservative values in general. It's a shame you've allowed yourself to be brainwashed by Atheists into thinking those with strong faith-based beliefs are stupid 'knuckledraggers' without a point or place in our government. A government founded on the principle that all men are created equal and endowed their rights by that creator. It's a shame you don't understand that is the fundamental cornerstone of our democracy, and without it, we crumble and fall as a society.

No, its a shame that you think some higher power is the reason we created what we created. Its a shame that you think some mystical power gives us our freedom, our rights and our nation.

God didn't march in Valley Forge, starving and freezing, to fight a well equipped and well fed army, men did.

God didn't stand in defiance of tyranny, men did.

God didn't face the fire hoses and dogs in the streets of Birmingham, or march from Selma to Montgomery.

God didn't split and then reunite a nation.

God didn't march to gain the vote for women.

God didn't die drowning or burning in Pearl Harbor.

God didn't stand up to the US Government saying we will not tolerate a war.

Everything this nation is, has been and will be is in the hands of its citizens. If those citizens gain strength from their faith, I applaud that. But don't sit there and try to tell me it came from god.

Otherwise, please explain why he waited 4,000 years to tell people that we are all created equal?

I have not been brainwashed by ANYONE. I stand and think for myself. I stand firmly behind the US Constitution. I know that the 2nd amendment means we all have the right to be armed, to defend ourselves against our own government. I stand firmly in favor of THE PEOPLE. I don't favor any political party. I favor the people. Remember them? Not neocons, socialists, christians, muslims, jews or gays. But ALL of the people.

Perhaps the phrase "of the people, by the people and for the people" ring any bells?

I believe that those of us who can make our voices heard have a RESPONSIBILITY and a DUTY to speak for those who cannot find their voice, or who's voices have been denigrated and pushed away.

You want to demean everyone who believes differently than you. I will demean those who wish to rule over other by their faith, their money or their politics.

If you cannot see a profound difference, you have nothing left to offer.

You think you get the say for conservatives, and tell me to stay away from it. Dixie, I will fight whatever battles I see as right and just. YOUR party doesn't concern me at all. But I will continue to speak for conservative values that I hold dear. They have nothing to do with religious views, wanting control over others, or with protecting the wealthy at the expense of those who are not. They have everything to do with independence, self-reliance, smaller government (that means not discriminating), lower taxes, and following the US Constitution.

So you can dismiss me as a socialist. That is labelling me by a handful of my personal views. But I am as conservative in many ways as anyone is.

And I will make sure that true conservatism keeps going, and does not get swept out with the trash of ignorance of social conservatism.
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No, its a shame that you think some higher power is the reason we created what we created. Its a shame that you think some mystical power gives us our freedom, our rights and our nation.

He did.

God didn't march in Valley Forge, starving and freezing, to fight a well equipped and well fed army, men did.

He was with them, they couldn't have done so without Him.

God didn't stand in defiance of tyranny, men did.

God was with them.

God didn't face the fire hoses and dogs in the streets of Birmingham, or march from Selma to Montgomery.

...and God was with them too, along with the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. espousing the principle that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!

God didn't split and then reunite a nation.

God was with them.

God didn't march to gain the vote for women.

God was with them.

God didn't die drowning or burning in Pearl Harbor.

God was with them. Along with a courageous Democrat president who invoked the Will of God to vow our vengeance.

God didn't stand up to the US Government saying we will not tolerate a war.

God was with them.

Everything this nation is, has been and will be is in the hands of its citizens. If those citizens gain strength from their faith, I applaud that. But don't sit there and try to tell me it came from god.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

...'nuff said!
He did.

He was with them, they couldn't have done so without Him.

God was with them.

...and God was with them too, along with the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. espousing the principle that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!

God was with them.

God was with them.

God was with them. Along with a courageous Democrat president who invoked the Will of God to vow our vengeance.

God was with them.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

...'nuff said!


If that is the case, then PLEASE tell us all why God waited 4,000 years to tell us we are all equal and should be free?

Why did God stand by and let all those centuries of oppression and degradation happen?

No dixie, not "'nuff said!". That same god would have been with the slave traders when they shoved humans into the holds of ships and sailed to the new world.

That same god would have been with the crusaders as they slaughtered tens of thousands in the name of love? And destroyed and burned a thousand years worth of learning and wisdom.

That same god would have been with bull connor when he turned on the hoses and dogs on those freedom marchers.

That same god would have been with Robert Chambliss, Herman Cash, Thomas Blanton and Bobby Cherry 1963 when they set the bomb outisde the church and killed 4 little girls.

That same god would have been with Jim Jones when he poured cups of koolaid for the children in his group.

If all that we are has been accomplished by god's power, then he could have stopped untold suffering, oppression, and degradation with the tiniest effort, and it would have had to look like a miracle.

Giving god the credit takes away from the bravery, honor and accomplishment of those who went before us.

No dixie, to credit god and not the heros that got us here is copping out.

Its no different than that Ted Haggard blaming a demon for his homosexual affairs.

If god exists, and I am not getting into a theological discussion, he is not "leading this nation". He is not favoring the United States, despite what Rush Limbaugh may be whispering in your ear.

You claim I am brainwashed, and yet you give the credit for the formation of our nation, the freeing of the slaves, the freedom we love, the rights we enjoy to an invisible force that cannot be seen or even understood?

You claim that he was there with every milestone, and yet no one has seen him since moses came down off the mountains.

You claim he GIVES us our liberty and equality, and yet he does not do so for everyone.
So now you have turned the thread into a philosophical debate on the existence of God?

Nice work Satan--errr... Solitary! I'm not biting.

Let's get the thread back on topic, or start another one to debate your disbelief in God.
So now you have turned the thread into a philosophical debate on the existence of God?

Nice work Satan--errr... Solitary! I'm not biting.

Let's get the thread back on topic, or start another one to debate your disbelief in God.

No I have not. I have KEPT the debate going about whether or not god helped to make this nation what it is, gave us our freedoms and is necessary for the continued function of the conservatives in this country.

In other words, I am answering your charges that social conservatism goes hand in hand with fiscal conservatism. I am answering your charges that I have been brainwashed.

I do not doubt the existence of God. I do, however, completely disbelieve this nonsense that God loves the USA and is behind all our successes.
No I have not. I have KEPT the debate going about whether or not god helped to make this nation what it is, gave us our freedoms and is necessary for the continued function of the conservatives in this country.

In other words, I am answering your charges that social conservatism goes hand in hand with fiscal conservatism. I am answering your charges that I have been brainwashed.

I do not doubt the existence of God. I do, however, completely disbelieve this nonsense that God loves the USA and is behind all our successes.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Please explain what THAT means, then? To me, it means we are endowed by a Creator (note capitalization) certain rights, and these can't be granted or taken away by men. It also means that this Creator made us all equal in His eyes, which is where we get off establishing laws on this basis. If you remove that concept, we have no Creator, we aren't endowed a goddamn thing, we are only allowed what the government deems we have, and our equality is only in the eye of the one in charge.

I think you need to take a step back from your Atheism a moment, and let that soak in. You have little or no understanding as to how and why America is great, and why we enjoy the freedom and prosperity of this great nation.
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America"

That is the preamble to our Constitution, which is the binding that hold our nation together. Our rights and freedoms come from that document. And it says "We the people... ...do ordain and establish..." Not God, but the PEOPLE.

That the men who wrote the declaration of independence bowed to the pressures of religious men is not an issue. The main forefathers were deists at best, and much more likely agnostics.

You keep trying to say that I am an atheist. I am most certainly not an atheist. I do indeed believe in God.

I do not, however, believe that God is the reason we are free. I do not believe that God is the reason we have our rights. Because if I believe that, then I would be forced to believe that God is also cruel for not bestowing those gifts on all of mankind.

God wants for us to live our lives by his rules. And we should do so because we love God and celebrate the love we feel. God is not interferring in anything as trivial as politics.

"You have little or no understanding as to how and why America is great, and why we enjoy the freedom and prosperity of this great nation."

Are you telling me that the US is great BECAUSE of God?
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And also, while you are answer the question of whether you believe it is God that makes the USA great, would you mind answering another question?

If all our rights, freedoms, and equalities come from God, WHICH God is it that bestows these gift on us?


Because most of the religions claim that their God is the only God or the most powerful God.
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

These words came many years before the Constitution. In fact, these are the very first words articulated in the concept of our independent nation and it's founding principle. Without these words, the Constitution is meaningless. Yes, the Constitution does indicate THE PEOPLE ordain and establish the Constitution, because they are endowed by our Creator to do so!

I bet if our Founding Fathers could return today and see this silly and ridiculous argument from the Atheist Eurotrash SCUM who want to destroy America by removing any semblance of faith in a higher power from our foundation, they would certainly regret not putting it clearly and boldly into the very first paragraph of the Constitution! I think they assumed people were smart enough to understand the principles of foundation which lead to the writing of the Constitution and made all of it possible!