Why should anyone vote for a Democrat?

Just wondering.

I'm confident that the only answers we'll see will be demands to know why anyone should vote Republican, with plenty of ad hominem attacks thrown in.

"Bush" will probably be mentioned, too.
I don't know.

Most of them are indistinguishable from the other lot. I imagine a lot of people just toss a coin or vote for the candidate who looks nicest.
Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
Congress has the lowest approval rating on record: 9%.

52% say that Congress is doing a "poor" job.

The previous low was 18 percent the last time Democrats were in power.
Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?

Why should anyone vote Democrat. Here's a couple of reasons that are probably don't mean much to a mouth breathing fanatic like irreputable.

#1. Effective Governance. Democrats have proven more effective driving the ship of government while Republicans have proven to be ideological incompetents.

#2. Morality. Though Republicans hide behind a christian facade there are many people who hold moral values for our social contract, helping those less fortunate, conserving our natural resources and preserving nature. Democrats represent those people better.

#3. Economics. A rising tide lifts all ships. A lesson Republicans have frustratingly lost sight of time and time again. Republican economic and moral values can be succinctly summed up by the erroneous philosophy, propagated by Republicans, of "What's good for us is what's good for you." A few more years of Republican fiscal mismanagement of our government and we should be bankrupt. This is probably the most compelling reason to vote for Democrats.

#4. Foreign policy. Democrats promote a forward looking policy of engagement while Republicans petulantly promote a reactionary imperial and isolationist foreign policy.

#5. Extremism. The ruling clique of the Republican party are a group of extremist reactionaries who are dangerously out of touch with not only the public but with reality. If a public policy apparatus based on reason and fact instead of fanatical ideology is important to you, then you had damned well better vote Democrat.

and those are just a few reasons.

Now Irreputable, and I address this question to you and you only. Why should I vote for an inept, incompetent and extremist Republican party?
Why should anyone vote Democrat(ic)?

Because republicans do not believe in government.

"One thing should be obvious by now: Republicans cannot govern. They do not believe in effective government; in fact, they are the new anarchists.

As we look around, we see their repeated failures: the occupation of Iraq, the housing crisis, Katrina, the failing healthcare system, increasing fuel and food prices, the failing airline industry, increasing unemployment and massive loss of jobs overseas.

These are no accidents of the market or failures of the imagination; they are the direct result of conservative economic ideology...
Why should anyone vote Democrat. Here's a couple of reasons that are probably don't mean much to a mouth breathing fanatic like irreputable.

#1. Effective Governance. Democrats have proven more effective driving the ship of government while Republicans have proven to be ideological incompetents.

#2. Morality. Though Republicans hide behind a christian facade there are many people who hold moral values for our social contract, helping those less fortunate, conserving our natural resources and preserving nature. Democrats represent those people better.

#3. Economics. A rising tide lifts all ships. A lesson Republicans have frustratingly lost sight of time and time again. Republican economic and moral values can be succinctly summed up by the erroneous philosophy, propagated by Republicans, of "What's good for us is what's good for you." A few more years of Republican fiscal mismanagement of our government and we should be bankrupt. This is probably the most compelling reason to vote for Democrats.

#4. Foreign policy. Democrats promote a forward looking policy of engagement while Republicans petulantly promote a reactionary imperial and isolationist foreign policy.

#5. Extremism. The ruling clique of the Republican party are a group of extremist reactionaries who are dangerously out of touch with not only the public but with reality. If a public policy apparatus based on reason and fact instead of fanatical ideology is important to you, then you had damned well better vote Democrat.

and those are just a few reasons.

Now Irreputable, and I address this question to you and you only. Why should I vote for an inept, incompetent and extremist Republican party?

Imperialist isolationists? THat's a conundrum.
people should vote for the democratic candidate because they believe in the ideals stressed in the democratic national platform.