Why should anyone vote for a Democrat?

When I lived in DC I noticed that people seemed to have a real penchant for "clever" bumper stickers. One said "Vote Republican -- It's Easier than Thinking"

Some things just don't change.
Looks like we ran Indepukeable off.

Irreputable is a mental epileptic. He has two functional brains cells. Every once in a while they collide and he has an original thought which promptly over loads his system and shuts him down.

In other words. I've seen rock gardens that are more intelligent than him.
you are 1/2 correct about why should anyone vote for a rep, but i say why should anyone vote for a dem or a rep

"One thing should be obvious by now: Republicans cannot govern. ... we see their repeated failures: .....Katrina, the failing healthcare system, increasing fuel and food prices, ....

1. The governor must give permission for the National Guard to act in her state, and that permission was asked for, but not granted: fact. Wasn't the governor of LA a Democrat?
2. Isn't the US health care system on of the best in the world?
3. Fact: rising food prices are caused by the subsidizing of corn to use as ethanol: fact. Wasn't this a Democrat sponsored program?
4. Fuel cost have risen because the supply has not kept up with demand: fact. What party has consistently dragged its feet on restricting drilling for new supplies?
1. I have no idea if that's true but judging from the other retarded points you made, it's probably only got a little bit of truth and a lot of falsehood.

2. The US healthcare system is the worst in the industrialized world. Comparing us to Nigeria is pointless.

3. Dude, rising food prices aren't due to corn. Thats fucking retarded. We have such an excess of corn in this country it's absurd. Subsidies didn't cause food to rise. In fact, subsidies keep prices low. FACT. Opposed or supported by Republicans?

4. Fuel costs haven't risen because of supply has outstripped demand - FACT. You are retarded. Domestically, oil supply outstrips demand. Drilling would do zilch because of this. You are retarded. It was worth saying twice.
1. I have no idea if that's true but judging from the other retarded points you made, it's probably only got a little bit of truth and a lot of falsehood.

2. The US healthcare system is the worst in the industrialized world. Comparing us to Nigeria is pointless.

3. Dude, rising food prices aren't due to corn. Thats fucking retarded. We have such an excess of corn in this country it's absurd. Subsidies didn't cause food to rise. In fact, subsidies keep prices low. FACT. Opposed or supported by Republicans?

4. Fuel costs haven't risen because of supply has outstripped demand - FACT. You are retarded. Domestically, oil supply outstrips demand. Drilling would do zilch because of this. You are retarded. It was worth saying twice.

1. Nice that you admit your ignorance. And... score one for me due to your insult.
2. Compare it to Canada and Great Britain.
3. Too bad you can’t back that up. And…score two for me due to your insult.
4. Congrats on your complete ignorance of economics. And… Score a total of four for me from your repeated insults.
1. The governor must give permission for the National Guard to act in her state, and that permission was asked for, but not granted: fact. Wasn't the governor of LA a Democrat?
2. Isn't the US health care system on of the best in the world?
3. Fact: rising food prices are caused by the subsidizing of corn to use as ethanol: fact. Wasn't this a Democrat sponsored program?
4. Fuel cost have risen because the supply has not kept up with demand: fact. What party has consistently dragged its feet on restricting drilling for new supplies?

#1. You're spinning and the Federal response to Katrina was inept, incompetent and imoral and Bush has to take responsibility for it. The buck stops at the top.

#2. No, US health care is not the best in the world. Our Technology is the best but it's only available to those who can afford it. We rate well behind much of the developed world in health care delivery.

#3. You don't know what your talking about. The increase in the cost of food is almost purely related to the cost of fuel. Corn based ethanol production has had little impact.

#4. Again you don't know what your talking about. The dramatic rise in oil is not just driven by supply and demand, much of it is driven by speculators. Even if the US was drilling and deliviring on all known domestic reserves, #1. It would not meet all demand. #2. There's nothing to prevent the oil companies from exporting it where demand and profits would be higher and #3 It ignores the impact of speculation of the current price.
#1. You're spinning and the Federal response to Katrina was inept, incompetent and imoral and Bush has to take responsibility for it. The buck stops at the top.

#2. No, US health care is not the best in the world. Our Technology is the best but it's only available to those who can afford it. We rate well behind much of the developed world in health care delivery.

#3. You don't know what your talking about. The increase in the cost of food is almost purely related to the cost of fuel. Corn based ethanol production has had little impact.

#4. Again you don't know what your talking about. The dramatic rise in oil is not just driven by supply and demand, much of it is driven by speculators. Even if the US was drilling and deliviring on all known domestic reserves, #1. It would not meet all demand. #2. There's nothing to prevent the oil companies from exporting it where demand and profits would be higher and #3 It ignores the impact of speculation of the current price.

Actually my fellow Ohioan you are attempting to spin on number one. What southern gentleman said is correct. Now that is not to dismiss the terrible job Bush and the federal government did but it was an overall government failure at the state and local level as well.
#1. You're spinning and the Federal response to Katrina was inept, incompetent and imoral and Bush has to take responsibility for it. The buck stops at the top.

#2. No, US health care is not the best in the world. Our Technology is the best but it's only available to those who can afford it. We rate well behind much of the developed world in health care delivery.

#3. You don't know what your talking about. The increase in the cost of food is almost purely related to the cost of fuel. Corn based ethanol production has had little impact.

#4. Again you don't know what your talking about. The dramatic rise in oil is not just driven by supply and demand, much of it is driven by speculators. Even if the US was drilling and deliviring on all known domestic reserves, #1. It would not meet all demand. #2. There's nothing to prevent the oil companies from exporting it where demand and profits would be higher and #3 It ignores the impact of speculation of the current price.
1. Addressed by cawacko below (Hat’s off to you).
2. “Med•i•caid: A program in the United States, jointly funded by the states and the federal government, that reimburses hospitals and physicians for providing care to qualifying people who cannot finance their own medical expenses.”
3. Wrong-o. Food prices rose long before the current oil price rise: “Rising incomes in Asia and ethanol subsidies in America have put an end to a long era of falling food prices” http://www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=10250420
4. Speculators rely on supply and demand.