Why the DOW keeps falling...

The Feds can't guarantee something they don't have the funds to guarantee. If the economic system completely collapses, your FDIC insurance is worthless. Being able to be self-sufficient on your farm is a good thing... until they seize your farm or force you to pay ridiculous property taxes you can't afford. Zero debt doesn't matter, as debt will be absorbed in the collapse. Gold in hand is good, providing you also have weapons, and know how to use them.

My investments are all in foreign countries. I don't even have a 401k here in the US. I do have a small amount in money market CD's, but I will be liquidating this soon, and moving it out of the country. I own no property or stocks in the market. If it's here---they can take it---and they will take it. Maybe you don't believe this... maybe you don't think it's going to get that bad... but maybe you are wrong. It indeed can get that bad, and if the market continues to nosedive, it may be sooner than anyone imagined.

That was a totally idiotic post. I can go tomorrow and pull all my money out of the banks it is in. Well not tomorrow most of them are closed.
You seem to be promoting a run on the banks....

Your money is in foreign banks ? they are hurting too and do you think they will worry about paying out to an american if they run short ?

Why do you hate america so much that you won't even invest in it ?
That was a totally idiotic post. I can go tomorrow and pull all my money out of the banks it is in. Well not tomorrow most of them are closed.
You seem to be promoting a run on the banks....

I am not 'promoting' anything. I am simply stating facts of life. Yes, tomorrow you can pull your money out, and I would venture to say, next week, and next month, you could pull your money out. But if, or should I say, when, the economic system totally collapses, you will not be able to pull your money out, it will not be there to pull out. You may be counting on FDIC to protect you, but that is the government, and the government is broke... in case you hadn't noticed. We've all 'put our money' in a Social Security fund for the past 70 years, with the government assurance it would be there when we retire.... look what happened to that. FDIC is really no different than SSI.

Your money is in foreign banks ? they are hurting too and do you think they will worry about paying out to an american if they run short ?

I don't think I said a word about "foreign banks." I am not about to disclose where my assets are, or how they are secured, but they are safe. I made certain of this a while back, when I started seeing China buy up American corporate enterprise, while we continued to run up debt. Now, I don't have the kind of wealth a lot of people do, but I believe this is exactly what you are seeing happen with the markets now, people are taking their money elsewhere, because they see the writing on the wall. It's not going to get better.

Why do you hate america so much that you won't even invest in it ?

HAHAHA! It has nothing to do with hating America, moron! Why aren't YOU invested in America? Because America is broke! Because American stock is worthless, and people are losing everything in it! Because, in a few months, we will be governed by an anti-capitalist Socialist administration, and even if some fucking miracle happens and McCain wins, we will still be governed by a quasi-conservative who feels compelled to cow-tow to Liberal Socialism to 'get along' and the economy will still go in the crapper. Investing in America right now, is a LOSE-LOSE proposition, I would be an absolute idiot to do that.

But hey... those of you who "love America" so much, have fun figuring out how to make your Socialist experiment work with no means to fund it! I suspect, in a few years, the last fucking thing on your minds will be how to give health insurance to every American, it will give way to; How the fuck do we survive now? And heaven forbid, one of our MANY enemies decides to jump on us while we are down... I don't know how you and Obama are going to handle that, but I guess it's something you should have thought about a little more, while you were having your Liberal Orgasms.
Not Obama's fault really, he is just a populist politician, telling 'the people' what they want to hear. It is Liberal Socialism, and this mentality that we have to stick it to 'the rich' in America. What you mush-brains have failed to realize is, it's not that easy to do. Rich people have no intentions of just sitting around on their piles of money, waiting for you to come take it from them. They didn't get to be rich, being stupid. There are any number of 'offshore' options available to them, and they are taking advantage of that now, while they still can. It's really as simple as that.

No right-wing pundit gave me this, I came up with it on my own. I am one of those kind of people who has to find an explanation for the unexplained. When the $700B Bailout plan didn't work to save the markets, I started rationalizing, why would this be? What would keep this from 'saving the day?' On paper, it seems like this would have at least slowed the hemorrhaging, but it didn't. The markets continue to plunge daily, and there is no end in sight. Must be a 'reason' for it, there has to be an 'explanation' for why.

I think it is REALITY. I think the 'wealthy' who own most all the stock in America, are starting to see the writing on the wall, and realize they can't 'ride this out' anymore. We are about to have at least 4 years of anti-capitalist policy coming out of the White House, and things are not going to get better for them. It's not partisan, really, I don't think they had much confidence in McCain's policies helping them out much either. They may have been more inclined to 'wait and see' with a McCain presidency, but that is looking more and more like a long-shot at this point, so it's time to bail.

Congrats Liberals! Looks like you've destroyed American Capitalism! I just hope your Socialism plans have taken this into consideration, and you have some way to pay for all the shit you've promised us. The 'wealthy' people you planned to bilk, have checked out. Now what?

If wall street and washington weren't fascists, socialism wouldn't be so appealling. If you demand collectivism, it has to be for everyone.
If wall street and washington weren't fascists, socialism wouldn't be so appealling. If you demand collectivism, it has to be for everyone.

Fascism was an ideology employed by Mussolini in 1930's Italy. It has little to do with any policy in play today, but is similar in some respects to Liberalism. It is mostly a term used by nit-wits, who don't really understand the concept, and falsely apply it to populist ideas they disagree with. It's kind of like the words "nazi" and "racist" it has lost it's true meaning, and is falsely applied to things that have absolutely nothing to do with the original meaning of the term.

You tend to really overuse the word, and that is unfortunate. You remain ignorant of knowledge and understanding, because you are too caught up in labels. For instance, it is somewhat 'fascist' to appoint judges who determine law from the bench, rather than allowing it to be legislated. It is not 'fascist' to implement populist ideas, because that is what 'the populous' demands. In an odd ironic sort of way, you are 'fascist' because you want the world to operate by your iron-fisted standard, and all other ideas squelched.

We live in a 'democracy' and the democratic process is poised to deliver a Socialist administration to the White House. The result is, a market that is tanking because 'the wealthy' fear a socialist regime taking their wealth. It's one of the pitfalls of biting the hand that feeds you. Socialism will not work in America, and the first lesson of that, is about to be realized by the left. All of these grand liberal ideals of how to redistribute the wealth, are not going to go as planned, because 'the wealthy' don't intend to allow it to happen. What we will ultimately end up with, is a country worth far less than the left ever imagined, and crippling inflation. The loss of jobs is going to be unprecedented, and nothing is likely to 'save' us this time. But keep on ranting about 'fascists' and type your little fingers off as long as you have an internet connection and computer to type on, we deserve to hear your words of wisdom as the final violin concerto plays.
Fascism was an ideology employed by Mussolini in 1930's Italy.
And here and now.
It has little to do with any policy in play today, but is similar in some respects to Liberalism.
And the corporatism and "running the country like a business" ideology of conservatives.
It is mostly a term used by nit-wits, who don't really understand the concept, and falsely apply it to populist ideas they disagree with. It's kind of like the words "nazi" and "racist" it has lost it's true meaning, and is falsely applied to things that have absolutely nothing to do with the original meaning of the term.
It does have a meaning. You just don't like it referenced because it so accurately describes your party.
You tend to really overuse the word, and that is unfortunate.
Actually. I use the correct amount. I use it when it applies.
You remain ignorant of knowledge and understanding, because you are too caught up in labels. For instance, it is somewhat 'fascist' to appoint judges who determine law from the bench, rather than allowing it to be legislated.
I agree.
It is not 'fascist' to implement populist ideas, because that is what 'the populous' demands. In an odd ironic sort of way, you are 'fascist' because you want the world to operate by your iron-fisted standard, and all other ideas squelched.
Populism is merely NOT elitism. And rejects the various tools of totalitarianism.
We live in a 'democracy' and the democratic process is poised to deliver a Socialist administration to the White House. The result is, a market that is tanking because 'the wealthy' fear a socialist regime taking their wealth. It's one of the pitfalls of biting the hand that feeds you.
But they're raping us, not feeding us.
Socialism will not work in America, and the first lesson of that, is about to be realized by the left. All of these grand liberal ideals of how to redistribute the wealth, are not going to go as planned, because 'the wealthy' don't intend to allow it to happen. What we will ultimately end up with, is a country worth far less than the left ever imagined, and crippling inflation. The loss of jobs is going to be unprecedented, and nothing is likely to 'save' us this time. But keep on ranting about 'fascists' and type your little fingers off as long as you have an internet connection and computer to type on, we deserve to hear your words of wisdom as the final violin concerto plays.

I also do no want socialism. But when you insist on fascism and refuse to recognize how our money system creates an elite military industrial complex class which insists on collectivism and control, socialism will be the backlash.

You play into this sick dynamic with your own extremism.
So the jist of all this is:

The election of Obama is the precipitating event for Complete US Socialism? The sky is falling, the gubmint is going to take USC's farm from him?
So the jist of all this is:

The election of Obama is the precipitating event for Complete US Socialism? The sky is falling, the gubmint is going to take USC's farm from him?

Dixie's losing it; he was saying something yesterday about how I had no idea what was coming, but that he's ready because he had a bunch of guns, and he hoped it would be 'quick & painless' for me.

It turns out that Dixie hates America & democracy; kind of ironic...
Off the OP title, could it be someone/group is manipulating the markets? 12 days in a row, DOW tanks in the final hour?
I am set for the rest of my life I do not need to invest anything else.
I took care of this during last years insane market highs.

I do however have concerns for suffering of others.

I'm set too and I also am very mad and sad for all the less fortunates of society. I am hoping that true socialism will take care of that. Unfortunately, there will not be enough money the next 4 years to implement all the necesary programs that actually help people, because Obama (or Biden in case of assassination), will be cleaning up the 8 disastorous years of Bushco.
So the jist of all this is:

The election of Obama is the precipitating event for Complete US Socialism? The sky is falling, the gubmint is going to take USC's farm from him?

Dixie is bouncing around like a pinball.

Been out working Cattle today. Beautiful day here.
I'm set too and I also am very mad and sad for all the less fortunates of society. I am hoping that true socialism will take care of that. Unfortunately, there will not be enough money the next 4 years to implement all the necesary programs that actually help people, because Obama (or Biden in case of assassination), will be cleaning up the 8 disastorous years of Bushco.

Actually loonger than 8 years. for the last 10-15 years most of our economic grwoth has been mostly leverage and credit. Not real growth.
I do say most.
Dixie must take stupid pills. Clinton enacted the same tax increases and guess what? I'm not sure why anyone argues with Dixie, I think it is because his posts represent a sort of stupidly so deep that others feel obligated to comment as I am. A sane person has to fear for their country if everyone thought like Dixie.

Economics is irrational or should we say governed by psychology rather than a real sense of business. There is no fundamental reason this slide could not reverse in a few weeks but the loss of jobs and the drop in stock values create a kind of avalanche. Hopefully reason will win but Dixie is off his rocker as always. But to paraphrase Joe, 'God knows we love him even though he is totally mad.'

dix is so pathetically partisan it si not even funny.
he has been a good indicator for me though. whichever direction he points I go the other way. It has worked wonderfully for years now.

I know what you mean. I come from a small farming town of about 4,000 people in west central Ohio. There mostly descendants of southern German catholic immigrants. I can remember supporting Reagan back when they were militantly pro-union democrats. Now they are all pro-life Republicans who think Bush is a national hero despite that most of the factories in the area have closed down.

I know when they support a candidate, the country is heading in the wrong direction.
Dixie must take stupid pills. Clinton enacted the same tax increases and guess what? I'm not sure why anyone argues with Dixie, I think it is because his posts represent a sort of stupidly so deep that others feel obligated to comment as I am. A sane person has to fear for their country if everyone thought like Dixie.

Economics is irrational or should we say governed by psychology rather than a real sense of business. There is no fundamental reason this slide could not reverse in a few weeks but the loss of jobs and the drop in stock values create a kind of avalanche. Hopefully reason will win but Dixie is off his rocker as always. But to paraphrase Joe, 'God knows we love him even though he is totally mad.'


Translation: Dixie makes points so great, no Liberal can ever counter them, so the best thing to do is, keep perpetrating this myth that he is stupid and dumb, and doesn't know what he's talking about.

It's interesting how Midcan makes this 'association' with Clinton and Obama policy. Clinton was a populist president. Most (if not all) his political viewpoints, came from an amalgamation of ideas from the most popular democrats AND republicans. They even coined a word to describe what Clinton did... Triangulation.

For 8 years, conservatives warned you that Clinton's great prosperity was the result of two major things, his adopting of republican initiatives (welfare reform) and the 'smoke and mirrors' of using the Social Security Trust Fund to "balance the budget" when it was never actually close to being balanced. Coupled with the fact of over-hyping the Dot-com boom, and allowing corporate cooking of books left and right, and it appeared we had it made in the shade. Once he left office, the wheels began to fall off... the Dot-com bubble popped... corporate fraud was revealed... SS discovered it was broke... and it all got spun into the fabric of the noose around Bush's neck.

Clinton was the ultimate used car salesman! He said and did whatever he had to, in order to prop up his image and make it seem he was wise beyond his years, and we should all be grateful to have been graced with his leadership as president. Obama is a different political animal entirely. He is a left-wing radical socialist, completely disinterested in 'triangulation' or doing anything to cater to the populist views of any mainstream group, except liberals. His presidency will certainly reflect this, and there is simply no way to connect him to Clinton with any credibility at all.
Even after an unprecedented $700 billion bailout package, and supplementary mini-bailout packages, the free-fall in the markets continue. Nothing is working, and nothing is going to work. The reason is fairly simple, REALITY!

People who have millions of dollars invested in the markets, are by-and-large, 'wealthy' people. The same 'wealthy' who know and understand a President Obama thoroughly plans to rape them in the ass with new taxation, come 2009. The same 'wealthy' people who are starting to see the writing on the wall, and understand we are heading for an anti-capitalist administration in January.

It's time to cut and run. They would be fools to hold firm in their current investments, to try and 'ride it out' now, because it is only going to get worse under an Obama administration, and they know it. As the polls have shifted more and more into Obama's favor, and it becomes more clear that, barring some unforeseen event, Obama will win in November, the 'wealthy' investors are cashing it in, moving assets to somewhere safe. No amount of government socialist takeover of capitalism, is going to shore up this situation. It simply is what it is.

What can change this? I am afraid, nothing can change it at this point. Even a McCain miracle win, would not restore the confidence needed to return the markets to pre-panic levels. This is mainly due to another contributing factor, confidence. The 'wealthy' investors have no confidence in McCain or any of our current leadership, to solve the problems facing our financial situation. If anything, the giant pork-filled bailout, proved just that. We are seeing the death of capitalism in America, the free market capitalism which brought us prosperity the past 30 years, is on its way out, and socialist reforms are on the way in. The 'wealthy' investors know this and understand it, better than you and I, better than liberal mush-brain Obamamaniacs, and even better than John McCain and Sarah Palin.

THEY said the same thing about Bill Clinton and his tax plans....until of course, they got even richer under his plans, even with the higher taxes...

THEY said the same thing about Bill Clinton and his tax plans....until of course, they got even richer under his plans, even with the higher taxes...


Clinton was pro-business, he created jobs by implementing capitalist policies which helped business, Obama proposes the opposite. To make some lame-brain assumption that Clinton and Obama are alike because they have a (D) beside their name, or because they have somewhat the same Liberal social agenda, is foolish. The two are nothing alike in the realm of fiscal policy or understanding of the economy and business.
Dixie is right about the FDIC. They can't actually insure your accounts, because they don't have real money to back it up. They can only print more money out of thin air; the treasury does not have this money. The newly printed money is backed only by the government's ability to tax, essentially. All of these massive new debts can only be offset by increasing taxes, cutting spending, or a combination thereof - neither of which is popular in the current socialist zeitgeist.

McBama (and Bush for that matter) is completely fucking us all right now. The only ones to benefit from this latest depredation are the first ones to eat at the government trough, which would be Citigroup (or perhaps Wells Fargo), Goldman-Sachs, and JP Morgan Chase. Stocks continue to show furious volatility (this happened in the '20s as well) and the value of the dollar is rapidly depreciating (don't fool yourself by comparing it to devalued European fiat currencies).

Fractional reserve banking is fraudulent by its very nature, and I fear we may see how bad it can get before too long.