Why the "Far Right" is Rising in Europe and the U.S.

You are fucking sick!

Anyway, we may re-elect Trump in November. There are enough shit hole states with way too much power in the Electoral College...and it may happen. (My guess is that it will not happen.)


People who think that are sick...nuts.

Which explains my first sentence.

Talk about sick, my goodness, give me one example of Trump being anti American? Under Trump, not only did we have the most secure America, but with Trump we virtually had peace throughout the entire world, we were energy independent, our economy was booming up and till the Chinese COVID came into play, he had our foreign enemies all but silenced, and he put those radical Mid-East terrorists to sleep, and he unified Israel like no other president, and you might have noticed that there were ZERO wars under Trump. Now tell us oh wise one, give me some examples of biden's accomplishments? LOL!
[inability to respond omitted]
Leftists are thoroughly confused. They regularly refer dismissively to the negative elements and negative ramifications of their leftist Marxism as "far right" in an effort to achieve complete self-delusion.

Leftists are forever referring to their political opponents as "Nazis," but Nazis were socialists (leftists). Mussolini was also a fascist, which means a Marxist socialist marketed under heavy nationalism.

Leftists are greatly confused, and I think everybody knows this. If you are aware of someone who doesn't know this, hand him a copy of the memo.
We'll see if America has enough devolved, worthless mutants to choose a pigfucking orangutan as POTUS a second time.
If so, that will, without question, finish us for good as a republic.
Just the opposite, without Trump in office come Jan 2025, our Constitutional Republic as we know it will dissolve rather quickly with whomever the dems put in the potus position (including that useless, feckless demented biden). Our Republic is going down the tubes right now in a rather quick time period of say, the last 3 1/2 years.
Yup! And they don't even realize the danger that POS presents.
This is where you post what that danger is. Thus far, there is no danger that you have expressed. One more time: zero danger.

When Donald Trump was President, how did he somehow fall short in the performance of his official duties as President such that he was not the US' best President ever? No leftist has yet been able to express any sort of answer to this. To the best of understanding, no leftist is able to think of any manner in which Donald Trump wasn't the best President ever, considering only his official duties. If you eliminate dispersions cast at him concerning tweets, campaign ads, personal affairs, etc ... no leftist has anything.
Just the opposite, without Trump in office come Jan 2025, our Constitutional Republic as we know it will dissolve rather quickly with whomever the dems put in the potus position (including that useless, feckless demented biden). Our Republic is going down the tubes right now in a rather quick time period of say, the last 3 1/2 years.
Actually, a reasonable argument can be made that any republic functioning as insanely as ours needs to be replaced with something more efficient and effective.
Actually, a reasonable argument can be made that any republic functioning as insanely as ours needs to be replaced with something more efficient and effective.
Nope. That is the classic unreasonable argument, i.e. "we should throw the baby out with the bathwater." We need to reelect Trump and to eliminate the deep state ... as a start. We should fix what is broken, not install some tyrannical Marxist oligarchy.
Talk about sick, my goodness, give me one example of Trump being anti American? Under Trump, not only did we have the most secure America, but with Trump we virtually had peace throughout the entire world, we were energy independent, our economy was booming up and till the Chinese COVID came into play, he had our foreign enemies all but silenced, and he put those radical Mid-East terrorists to sleep, and he unified Israel like no other president, and you might have noticed that there were ZERO wars under Trump. Now tell us oh wise one, give me some examples of biden's accomplishments? LOL!
You wouldn't understand a list of either, because you are a MAGA moron.

Don't fret over it. In our society, at least for now, ignorant people are not discriminated against.
Liberals have flooded millions of 3rd World immigrants into 1st World countries trying to erase White people.

Liberals have canonized the worst dregs of society and favor special privileges for all those destroying our nations.

Liberals tried to indoctrinate our kids in an effort to turn them into gay/trans communists.

Liberals have forced us to fund endless wars.

Liberals ruined the lives of millions of people by forcing them to choose between their careers or taking an experimental vaccine.

Liberals have destroyed our economies.

Liberals have ruined the NFL, the Boy Scouts, the NBA, Hollywood, the Girl Scouts, Restrooms, women's sports, and at least 9 states.

Liberals/Leftists are we we can't have NICE THINGS ANYMORE.
When a crazy thread is required, you will supply. read up on PNAC. How do you survive with so much hate and anger?

How far-right parties seduced young voters across Europe​

So has Europe’s youth turned reactionary? Let us not rush to this conclusion just yet. The left’s promises for inclusive prosperity aren’t so convincing when weighed against the social cost of the green transition. The moderate right’s promises for fulfilling lives of professional achievement and economic comfort are less believable when weighed against a job market of insecure employment.

It is the populism of the political centre, with its facile and implausible answers, that may be fuelling the rightful rage of the young.


How far-right parties seduced young voters across Europe​

So has Europe’s youth turned reactionary? Let us not rush to this conclusion just yet. The left’s promises for inclusive prosperity aren’t so convincing when weighed against the social cost of the green transition. The moderate right’s promises for fulfilling lives of professional achievement and economic comfort are less believable when weighed against a job market of insecure employment.

It is the populism of the political centre, with its facile and implausible answers, that may be fuelling the rightful rage of the young.

what are the non-populist answers to the rightful rage of the youth, which I agree is rightful?
Talk about sick, my goodness, give me one example of Trump being anti American? Under Trump, not only did we have the most secure America, but with Trump we virtually had peace throughout the entire world, we were energy independent, our economy was booming up and till the Chinese COVID came into play, he had our foreign enemies all but silenced, and he put those radical Mid-East terrorists to sleep, and he unified Israel like no other president, and you might have noticed that there were ZERO wars under Trump. Now tell us oh wise one, give me some examples of biden's accomplishments? LOL!
Trump inherited a vibrant economy from Obama who fixed the Bush near depression. By the time Trump was done the economy was a disaster. He added 8 trillion to the debt by a huge tax break whicj was 83 percent for the top 1 percent.
The border was the same as it is now. The difference was that Covid froze everyone in place. We had fewer immigrants.
Trump inherited a vibrant economy from Obama
Congress has sole control over the economy, not the President. It's always a Democrat-controlled Congress that butchers the economy, and leftists look for the closest Republican to afix the blame.

who fixed the Bush near depression.
At the end of Bush's second term, the Democrat-controlled overspending had already sent the economy into a tail-spin, sending us into an economic depression that would cost Americans $Trillions and cause countless Americans to lose their homes.

By the time Trump was done the economy was a disaster.
Let's see. During Trump's tenure, black unemployment dropped to historic lows, as well as hispanic unemployment as well. Trump eliminated the red tape driving domestic petroleum production through the roof. The price of gasoline dropped from $3.50/gallon to $1.90/gallon (in my area) and then when Biden's handlers took control of the country, the price of gasoline returned to $3.50/gallon

If that is a disaster then I want to bring back Trump and that economic disaster.

He added 8 trillion to the debt by a huge tax break
You still haven't learned the difference between Congress and the Presidency. I think it's about time you hang it up.

The border was the same as it is now.
You can't blame Trump for trying. You must blame Congress for thwarting his efforts.

The difference was that Covid froze everyone in place. We had fewer immigrants.
Nope. We had/have a tyrannical government that HATES Trump and that HATES We the People.