

We get a fair amount of fairly unbiased news from the US and a sprinkling of current affairs shows. We also get the Beeb, Aus N and Al Jazeera as well as the local stations which tend to take 'crappy' to a new level. So we see your strangely named contenders for the plastic crown, we see Noot and Mitt and the other gink and we hear the various commentators and we come out of it all none the wiser.
Your political system, like ours consists of basically left and right of the political spectrum and I can say that both the Labour Party and the Conservative Party in the UK issue well considered, usually well thought out, manifestos and, again usually, quite intelligent critiques of the opposite party's performance.
Now the question.
Apart from what we saw of Mississippi and apart from the byte sized nonsense written here what exactly do your republicans stand for? We hear 'smaller government'. OK then how? And if, as seems likely, some of the functions of government are 'privatised' where will the savings be? Or perhaps republicans aren't interested in savings. If republicans want to scrap Obama's medical scheme what will happen to the millions who suffered under previous governments. If Mr. Gingrich wants to be president what, precisely, will he do to make the US better? Same the the cardboard cut-out Mr. Romney.
Has anyone on the right issued a manifesto? A policy document that actually addresses their form of government?
I see nothing. I see abso-bloody-lutely nothing that would make me, should I be an undecided American, vote for them.
We do hear comments such as 'The Republican Party is in disarray. Can any of the contenders improve the lot of Americans?
So enough of the No Obama chants. Enough of the smart arse remarks. Enough of the ten second whooping sound bytes.
Can anyone tell me why anyone should vote Republican?
all the candidates have....go to their campaign websites and read them.....

Well their PR must be crap because very little gets onto the news or current affairs progs. And I would hazard a guess that most people are too... er lazy/busy to bother searching the info out so only the politically minded are likely to check out a campaign website.
We get a fair amount of fairly unbiased news from the US and a sprinkling of current affairs shows. We also get the Beeb, Aus N and Al Jazeera as well as the local stations which tend to take 'crappy' to a new level. So we see your strangely named contenders for the plastic crown, we see Noot and Mitt and the other gink and we hear the various commentators and we come out of it all none the wiser.
Your political system, like ours consists of basically left and right of the political spectrum and I can say that both the Labour Party and the Conservative Party in the UK issue well considered, usually well thought out, manifestos and, again usually, quite intelligent critiques of the opposite party's performance.
Now the question.
Apart from what we saw of Mississippi and apart from the byte sized nonsense written here what exactly do your republicans stand for? We hear 'smaller government'. OK then how? And if, as seems likely, some of the functions of government are 'privatised' where will the savings be? Or perhaps republicans aren't interested in savings. If republicans want to scrap Obama's medical scheme what will happen to the millions who suffered under previous governments. If Mr. Gingrich wants to be president what, precisely, will he do to make the US better? Same the the cardboard cut-out Mr. Romney.
Has anyone on the right issued a manifesto? A policy document that actually addresses their form of government?
I see nothing. I see abso-bloody-lutely nothing that would make me, should I be an undecided American, vote for them.
We do hear comments such as 'The Republican Party is in disarray. Can any of the contenders improve the lot of Americans?
So enough of the No Obama chants. Enough of the smart arse remarks. Enough of the ten second whooping sound bytes.
Can anyone tell me why anyone should vote Republican?

I just figured out the reason for this the other day. It is shockingly simple, over 60% of the population of the US is too stupid to believe in evolution.
Therefore they are stupid enough to believe things told them by the likes of Rush Limbaug, Glen Beck, and Sean Hannity, as well as that paragon of honesty, Bill Reily. These sheep are so easily lead they routinely vote against their own best interests, simply because some blowhard tells them to.
Well their PR must be crap because very little gets onto the news or current affairs progs. And I would hazard a guess that most people are too... er lazy/busy to bother searching the info out so only the politically minded are likely to check out a campaign website.

No way our news shows are that incompetent.
No way our news shows are that incompetent.

I agree. However they do tend to rely on cliche driven sound bytes as far as I can see. That might be because that is all they can get from the parties or it might be that, in their determination to change all output to entertainment, they edit and sex up what they are given.
The question remains though. How can an ordinary American with a 'passing interest' it his country receive these messages that, to those who would overthrow the present regime (whichever that is) consider matters of life and death?
Silly arsed comments like 'One term president' and'We want an American, not a muslim' etc attract the kind of person that you wouldn't put in charge of a wheelbarrow let alone a nation.
This is a political discussion site (amongst other things) yet there is almost nothing that fits the description of political discussion as far as I can see. Non Americans like me, love to poke fun at Americans (it is so easy) but we are also interested in the development of the nation and the dangers or otherwise its decisions might bring to us all.
Well their PR must be crap because very little gets onto the news or current affairs progs. And I would hazard a guess that most people are too... er lazy/busy to bother searching the info out so only the politically minded are likely to check out a campaign website.

apparently you aren't watching the right news.....
apparently you aren't watching the right news.....

Should it be the responsibility of the electorate to search the channels? Do the candidates have secret agendas? What would happen if the American advertising industry simply announced that in future there would be no advertising but people can search the web for anything and everything they wish to buy?
My question, sir, was a serious one and did not call for your smart arse comments. If that's all you have then I guess the hypothesis that republicans tend to be among the least intelligent Americans holds true.
An interesting counter argument would be suppose each candidate were honest and forthright? Imagine each saying they are unsure whether this policy would work, but we will try it? Or imagine if to pay down the debt, they said they would raise taxes as FDR did for three years running to solve that particular issue? Or imagine (in America) an atheist running and being upfront about their disbelief? I could go on but the point is vagueness is essential to politics for this allows the voter to fill in the meaning of each empty phrase. Politics is not about reality it is about rhetorical flourish based on the perceptions of the unperceptive. "Voters do you agree with me that X is a screw-up?" "We sure do." ;)
Should it be the responsibility of the electorate to search the channels?

depends.....does the electorate want to be informed or are they content being Democrats?.....my answer may have appeared to be smart assed to you.....if so, it's only because you questioned what I think everyone should naturally understand.....the information is there, it can be found.....apparently neither you or the network news is smart enough to find it......that seems strange to me......and I expect it isn't a matter of inability, but willfulness.....
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Or imagine if to pay down the debt, they said they would raise taxes as FDR did for three years running to solve that particular issue?

imagine if, after WW2 left the country with a massive debt, FDR raised taxes AND spent twice as much as WW2 cost so that instead of the deficit going down, it went up........
Politics is not about reality it is about rhetorical flourish based on the perceptions of the unperceptive. "Voters do you agree with me that X is a screw-up?" "We sure do." ;)

except, of course, when the perceptive recognize that X really IS a screw up.....
I guess I will have to repeat my question.
Can anyone tell me why anyone should vote Republican?

If you are in the top 1% and don't want to pay taxes and want a govt that benefits you instead of the 99%, vote Republicon. That's the main purpose of the right, protect the multi-national rich.

Otherwise the power of conservative propaganda is very convincing and thru the repetition of hate speech, half truths and outright lies the uninformed/scared/racists vote against your own self interests.
If you are in the top 1% and don't want to pay taxes and want a govt that benefits you instead of the 99%, vote Republicon. That's the main purpose of the right, protect the multi-national rich.

Otherwise the power of conservative propaganda is very convincing and thru the repetition of hate speech, half truths and outright lies the uninformed/scared/racists vote against your own self interests.

if you aren't stupid enough to believe the above, vote Republican......
if you aren't stupid enough to believe the above, vote Republican......

for once, take 5 min out of your busy day waiting for your dividend check and adjusting all your irons in the fire and learn something, its so simple even you can understand it... maybe

second thought, probably not
The GOP wants small government when it comes to cutting anything that benefits most Americans, but draws the line when government spending flows into the bulging pockets of the rich....:palm:
for once, take 5 min out of your busy day waiting for your dividend check and adjusting all your irons in the fire and learn something, its so simple even you can understand it... maybe

lol....you want me to "learn something" from a Bill Mahr monologue........you're hopeless....