
If you are in the top 1% and don't want to pay taxes and want a govt that benefits you instead of the 99%, vote Republicon. That's the main purpose of the right, protect the multi-national rich.

Otherwise the power of conservative propaganda is very convincing and thru the repetition of hate speech, half truths and outright lies the uninformed/scared/racists vote against your own self interests.

Your second sentence is precisely what I am talking about. That is all we hear. Where are the policies? Where are the workable plans for governing America? What will the republicans do about the economy, home affairs, education, foreign affairs. Seriously 40% or whatever percentage of Americans, surely, cant make important decisions with no information apart from smart arse comments. I refuse to believe that Americans are THAT stupid.
Is there a single Republican politician who has shown hard and fast economic policies for improving the lot of the average familiy, that have been debated and shown to be feasible?
Tell me all you Republicans. Please tell a poor non American. You are so cock sure about everything you say why can't you answer my straightforward question?
Can anyone tell me why anyone should vote Republican?
"I refuse to believe that Americans are THAT stupid."

Believe it. Pimp is a prime example.

The bottom line here is Republicons no longer believe in 'society'. They see this country as a cash cow to privatize (profitize)and plunder. Cheap labor is at the core of their ideology.

"Keep the workforce poor, or on the brink of poverty, and limit their economic mobility so they’ll remain willing to work cheaply and enrich the wealthy with their labor. That’s pretty much it. If they pretend to embrace “family values,” or fundamentalist religion, or patriotism, it’s only for purposes of marketing. If they object to the work of the mainstream scientific community, or to people’s exercise of civil liberties, or to government transparency, those positions can all be traced back to cheap labor. If it promotes cheap labor, they’re for it. If not, they’re against it."

To these ends they will lie, cheat, steal, and spend billions on propaganda to influence people like Pimp to vote against their own best interests. They also realize that it's a generational plan, they can't drive this country into 3rd world status all at once, the people would revolt, but if they do it a little at a time its like the lobster in the pot.

"Is there a single Republican politician who has shown hard and fast economic policies for improving the lot of the average familiy, that have been debated and shown to be feasible?"
No. They are here to protect the rich.
They all continue to spout the same failed rhetoric of don't tax the 'job creators' and 'corporations are people'. They speak in generalities and half truths. Its funny how the red states are generally rural and poor and have Faux 'news' as their only source of political news. These states vote against their own self interest continually.
PiMP pwned again...only the super-rich have a real reason to vote GOP.
Massive PiMP pwnge...at least he didn't lie this time and claim he posted a valid refutation in another thread somewhere.
Every time I see the title of this thread I remember Logic class...

Our final consisted of the single word question, "Why?"

I sat for probably 5 minutes watching other students furiously scribbling what seemed to be tomes of words on the subject. My answer was, "Why not?" and I left soon after finishing.

I got an "A"... I have no idea what the rest of the people got.
I guess I will have to repeat my question.
Can anyone tell me why anyone should vote Republican?

Well Mr. Low IQ if you have not noticed the tag liberal in the states is almost a complete opposite of what you Britts consider a liberal to be. So we vote Republican/Conservative/

We know that most european countries have been taken over by a socialist agenda and we don't want to be like you.

The next time Germany invades you Britts give us a shout and we will be glad to kick their asses again for you.
Every time I see the title of this thread I remember Logic class...

Our final consisted of the single word question, "Why?"

I sat for probably 5 minutes watching other students furiously scribbling what seemed to be tomes of words on the subject. My answer was, "Why not?" and I left soon after finishing.

I got an "A"... I have no idea what the rest of the people got.

Similar situation during my final test in my High School Senior English class.
All semester long; the teacher always said "Read all the questions and then go back and answer them".

Sometimes you would find the answer to a particular hard question, that was at the front of test.

This test was HARD. Had all the questions that most of us had missed throughout the semester and had some thrown in that were mind boggling.
This time though; when you got to the end of the test, it said "Put your name at the top to the test, wait 10 minutes, and then you can go".
2 other students and myself were the only ones who left at the 10 minute mark.
Last test of the day and we were gone.
Got a good laugh out of the ones that were still sitting there, writing like crazy or scratching their heads.
Every time I see the title of this thread I remember Logic class...Our final consisted of the single word question, "Why?" I sat for probably 5 minutes watching other students furiously scribbling what seemed to be tomes of words on the subject. My answer was, "Why not?" and I left soon after finishing. I got an "A"... I have no idea what the rest of the people got.

Why not?
IMO. The answer to this question all depends on your stage in life. You were young when you answered so 'Why Not' is a good answer because at that time anything goes in your life. When I answered it I had 2 young kids so I answered 'Because I Said So'.
IMO. The answer to this question all depends on your stage in life. You were young when you answered so 'Why Not' is a good answer because at that time anything goes in your life. When I answered it I had 2 young kids so I answered 'Because I Said So'.

Ahahaha, so true!
I just figured out the reason for this the other day. It is shockingly simple, over 60% of the population of the US is too stupid to believe in evolution.
Therefore they are stupid enough to believe things told them by the likes of Rush Limbaug, Glen Beck, and Sean Hannity, as well as that paragon of honesty, Bill Reily. These sheep are so easily lead they routinely vote against their own best interests, simply because some blowhard tells them to.

60% ?????

If that were true, Obama wouldn't be President and the Senate of the United States wouldn't have a Democrat majority.....

so its quite obvious, you're wrong, incorrect, ignorant, and full of crap......and have your figures reversed.....

Over 60% of the population are to stupid and partisan to listen to Rush, Beck and Hannity and don't listen to fair or balanced news on Fox....these sheep are gullible in the extreme and believe the lies Obama told them in 2008 and witnessed the worse government in modern history, bringing our country to the brink of disaster....and are still to ignorant to see the light, clinging to hope and change and not realizing that change is exactly what they got.....
I agree. However they do tend to rely on cliche driven sound bytes as far as I can see. That might be because that is all they can get from the parties or it might be that, in their determination to change all output to entertainment, they edit and sex up what they are given.
The question remains though. How can an ordinary American with a 'passing interest' it his country receive these messages that, to those who would overthrow the present regime (whichever that is) consider matters of life and death?
Silly arsed comments like 'One term president' and'We want an American, not a muslim' etc attract the kind of person that you wouldn't put in charge of a wheelbarrow let alone a nation.
This is a political discussion site (amongst other things) yet there is almost nothing that fits the description of political discussion as far as I can see. Non Americans like me, love to poke fun at Americans (it is so easy) but we are also interested in the development of the nation and the dangers or otherwise its decisions might bring to us all.

I have to actually agree.....it could and should be better than it is.............


at least WE have choices, WE make our own mistakes, WE govern ourselves.....and even with the confusion, thats better.
60% ?????

If that were true, Obama wouldn't be President and the Senate of the United States wouldn't have a Democrat majority.....

so its quite obvious, you're wrong, incorrect, ignorant, and full of crap......and have your figures reversed.....

Over 60% of the population are to stupid and partisan to listen to Rush, Beck and Hannity and don't listen to fair or balanced news on Fox....these sheep are gullible in the extreme and believe the lies Obama told them in 2008 and witnessed the worse government in modern history, bringing our country to the brink of disaster....and are still to ignorant to see the light, clinging to hope and change and not realizing that change is exactly what they got.....

It is true, moron, and you are the proof. If it wasn't true there wouldn't be a GOP, since 1% of the population could hardly keep a party alive by itself.
Thanks for responding to my post by the way.