Will ObamaCare be repealed this year?

Will ObamaCare be repealed this year?

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I voted yes, because it will technically be repealed by the House. Will that be upheld by the Senate, and would the President sign the repeal into law? You didn't ask those questions. But, yes, you can fully expect an overwhelming House vote for repeal.
I do not see it happening. First, the Senate will be a gigantic, probably insurmountable barrier. And, even if by some miracle of democratic senators jumping lines, I do not see Obama signing a bill that undoes his "legacy" legislation. So even if a repeal makes it through the Senate, it will be vetoed. And when vetoed, there is simply no way there are the votes to override.

What I do see as a possibility (small, but real) is funding for many of the mandates of the law remaining unfunded, which would force Obama and other democratic leadership to come to the table with compromises to those parts the republicans refuse to fund. IF both sides play the scene with any intelligence, we could end up with an improvement to the current bill.

Then again, I don't see anything intelligent coming out of the U.S. congress. The more likely scene is republicans sitting on their House majority and refusing to budge like a bunch of hippies at a sit-in, and the democrats screaming about it at the top of their lungs while also refusing to budge from their position. Result: nothing gets done, health care reform gets so fucked by those parts that don't need funding taking effect while the ones that do need funding fail. It will be a smell of a hess, and our health care system will suffer badly as will those dependent on it. (ie: all of us at one time or another)
No, it's here to stay... at least parts of it. For example, allowing deadbeat losers to stay on their daddy's insurance until they're 26 isn't going anywhere.
No, it's here to stay... at least parts of it. For example, allowing deadbeat losers to stay on their daddy's insurance until they're 26 isn't going anywhere.
That and the requirement that there be no end to the insurance expenditures.

However, what I see happening is a reworking of the parts that suck the most while calling it "repeal"...
I keep hearing the so-called "experts" say, it has no chance of passing the Senate, and it has no chance of overriding a veto... but I'm not so sure... this thing has begun to really stink, and even the people who lauded it the most, have avoided it like the plague, refused to campaign on it... A bunch of people who voted for it, are no longer in Congress, and have been replaced by people who have vowed to repeal it. Keep in mind, Nancy used her big gavel and arm-twisting abilities, to get this thing done in the 11th hour, it wasn't a piece of cake. If the president vetoes what both houses of Congress voted to repeal, what kind of political ramifications could that have for him in 2012? I mean, maybe he doesn't care, maybe he isn't planning on running for re-election... but I would think something like this would certainly not help his chances.

I'm just not convinced that this is a given, that it can't and won't be repealed... I think stranger things have happened in Congress, and there is certainly the possibility enough Congressmen got the message on Nov. 2nd... and this thing is done. I do think a viable strategy for the left at this point, is to continue insisting this is ridiculous and a waste of time, that it will never happen... basically, what you guys are lamenting here... but I am not convinced, I think we'll have to wait and see what develops, and I think it's not out of the realm of possibility at all, that this thing could be completely shot down by Congress, as well as the Supreme Court, where it is certainly headed.
I voted yes, because it will technically be repealed by the House. Will that be upheld by the Senate, and would the President sign the repeal into law? You didn't ask those questions. But, yes, you can fully expect an overwhelming House vote for repeal.
at best you would see only a slim partisan majority and you might not even get that. Health Care Reform is here to stay. We cannot, literally, afford to go back. You've only seen the beginning Dixie, once the reforms are in place they will become very popular and then those who have opposed them so strongly will have a big political problem, particularly if Obama gets re-elected, and right now that's looking pretty good as it looks like Republican are bound and determined to give some far right wing nut the nomination. If Repubs can't find a right of center moderate their chances of winning in 2012 are slim to none.
ObamaCare will not be repealed this year!

poll on total repeal is down to 40%, not happening.

I'd say that has more to do with the fix is on the news. It's all about Palin and what she has or hasn't caused. When the conversation focuses back on that $14T debt, the inflation in food and gas, the rise of the yuan, the problems rising in Europe, then get back to me.
poll on total repeal is down to 40%, not happening.
It will be even lower then that once it's become fully implemented. My guess is that its popularity will grow and galvanize support for further reforms and create a political back lash for those who opposed reforms.
I'm hugely in favor of repeal, repeal Obama as well.
The mandated purchase for young people is the dumbest political move I've seen in decades.
I'm hugely in favor of repeal, repeal Obama as well.
The mandated purchase for young people is the dumbest political move I've seen in decades.

Then why do all the other wealthy industrialized nations require all citizens to carry some sort of health insurance and why is their national health care cost, on average, about half of what ours is?
Then why do all the other wealthy industrialized nations require all citizens to carry some sort of health insurance and why is their national health care cost, on average, about half of what ours is?

why don't I believe you and why do we need millions of guns and England doesn't?